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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, Glad the price or prices of the pictures have been cleared up; I would love to have a picture of Clay, Tom and Rick even without me in it...I bet those would really sell if they were offered to those who cannot make the show. 21 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 56 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 78 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. From Deemerat CV: Hi!!!! Back from my trek to the matinee of spamalot. I need to go back and see what you've heard in red so far, but I wanted to bolt ahead and share three stories about Rick Holmes (Lancelot) from today's matinee, hopefully you haven't heard yet: 1. When the knights who say Ni asked for the shrubbery and then Rick said "and now we gooo", he didn't actually leave right away. King Arthur said why don't you go then... When they returned and he said they were no longer called the Knights who say Ni they were now called....patang patang biscuit barrel...Africa is my favorite country -- no one laughed!! Rick then said, "somebody needs to watch CNN !!" then everybody laughed. He went on but was clearly out of sorts since his joke hadn't worked and he said "maybe we should stop spamalot and have a study session". And when they went through the part about doing a play on broadway and he usually leaves by saying "let's get tickets online" (or "let's go put lipstick on a pig") instead he said "let's get the hell out of here!!" LOL, he was clearly upset by the joke being over our heads. I guess since the election is over, us regular folks in the audience been taking a break from so much news.... 2. When he did the French Taunter, he was getting ready to do the traveling rasberry along the wall and he must have slipped. He said outloud as part of the taunt "And I nearly fell down the stairs" and then did the rasberry but was somewhat laughing I think. Clay had a big smile on his face during the taunting, but in an earlier part so I don't know what he was laughing at, but he wasn't really laughing just smiling and had his back to the audience. But since I had a seat up front over on the side I could see his big smile. When Clay tapped on King Arthur's shoulder to say "they are making rude gestures" he tapped for quite a while before he talked. I don't know if he was playing this up for laughs or just getting his composure since this was just after his big smile. He had gotten a hold of himself by the wooden rabbit part. 3. After the show they were doing pictures with Rick Holmes (Lancelot), Tom Deckman (Prince Herbert), and Clay Aiken (our BF) for Broadway Cares for $50 donation each(!!). Just as I was getting farther up in line and there was only one lady ahead of me, Jerome ushered Clay and the other two off stage. He came back and was upset. He told us ladies to put our purses on the other side where we were exiting (last run they did this, they had David Hibbard helping with the purse flow, but not this time). But that wasn't really what he was upset about. He said there had been squeezing and he was not not happy at all. I had seen one lady come up, put her arms around Clay's neck for a hug, but I don't know if there had been other "squeezing" events but apparently there were ( shame shame, ladies! He's not a toy! ). Anyhow, I was worried he was going to stop it but they did come back and let us continue. The person in front of me got her picture without incident. Then I went up and I said to Clay "I love you but I won't squeeze" and he said "You know Rick here likes to be squeezed". Of course, at that point I should have turned to Rick and winked but, alas, I was in the OMGClayis talkingtoME stupor, and I think I just said "oh". My motor skills were sufficiently engaged at this point to pose next to BF in the picture, but I am sorry to say I didn't even look at Rick. I had given a shout out to Rick and Tom before Clay came out and said "you guys were fabulous" and they smiled before so I hope they didn't mind that I completely ignored them when Clay was within 3 feet of me...
  3. I actually went over to the OFC and requested that the original clarify where the information came from that the price had been changed. I know that we often get wrong information and I wanted some sort of attribution...haven't heard anything yet. I was just passing along the information; don't kill the messenger. Kim
  4. Unbelievable! (never used this emotie, but I thought it was appropriate)
  5. Final call today from Claysbridge: Lots of cheering for Clay's parts. Especially when he said "Jews" and during his first dance and as he approached the piano. She said all the actors were really on fire. When the King announced the pictures for the Broadway Cares, Clay held up something (Aiken fog here) to illustrate. The pictures are only $50 this time and come with an autographed frame. They are taken with Clay, Rick, and Tom all together. Jerome told everyone in line, about 60 fans, there was to be no pinching of the butt-cheeks!
  6. Good Morning Everyone, 22 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 57 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 79 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, 23 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 58 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 80 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. I am not sure where you are seeing nasty...a little over the topness by some of the usual suspects, but not nasty that I have seen. Kim
  9. I like that some are suggesting that he do something that all the fans can participate in; not just those lucky enough to get to Spamalot...course I have no ideas myself...must put my thinking cap on! Kim
  10. Good Morning All: 24 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 59 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 81 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, I know I am in the minority here, but I just cannot be happy about the election results...I know many had concerns about Bush for the last 8 years, but I have many more concerns about Obama than I ever had about Bush. Yes he gives good speeches, but it remains to be seen if he can really do anything he has been promising once he is in the White House. He didn't do much for Illinois as a Senator here and his lack of experience is real concern among other things. 1 Day until Clay "Comes Clean" on ET! 25 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 60 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 82 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Good for you ldyj!. For the record, the Kimberly that asked a question wasn't me! Had a heck of a time watching the video; it kept starting and stopping for me...hope it is vaulted soon. Kim
  13. According to Jess at the OFC, Clay is not performing tonight...per the Shubert Staff, he has laryngitis. Kim
  14. Clay attends Spring Awakening; love how re recycles his clothes, LOL! http://www.filmmagic.com/ItemListing.aspx?...420&evntI=0
  15. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay "Comes Clean" on ET! 26 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 61 Days until the Closing Night of Spamalot! 83 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, 3 Days until Clay is "Coming Clean" on ET! 27 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 62 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 84 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. From what I have been reading it was not FBM and crew at the matinee causing the disturbance, they weren't there today. Kim
  18. Liney We got it at an antique shop in a little town just south of us...it was a beautiful day and we decided to hit the antique shops on the spur of the moment and this was first one we stopped at...I spotted it right away and it took me of all two seconds to decide I wanted it. Kim
  19. WOW!!! Very nice! It looks like it's in great condition... Pretty good, but some scratches and nicks...but my hubby is pretty handy and he should be able to fix them...although, I don't know, they always say on the Antique Roadshow not repair things..so maybe I should just leave it. Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, 4 Days until Clay is "Coming Clean" on ET! 28 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 63 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 85 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Hubby and I made an impromptu jaunt to an antique store today and I got an early Christmas gift...a Secretary/Desk...it needs a little work, scratches and a few nicks..but it was the right price and fits the space I had it mind for it perfectly! Whoever had it previously, must have owned it for a while because when I pulled down the secretary to check out all the little cubbies...there are imprints of the items they had it there...in one little cubby is a perfect imprint of a key! Can't wait to start filling it up! Kim
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