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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Regarding CV...the board is down and the admins are getting in touch with Jpellet who handles server issues to see what the problem is...she was going to be doing some maintenance on the board due to issues with virus alerts when using IE. I will let you know if I hear anything more. I am going to be in an out today as the Bridal Shower (bites nails!) is tomorrow and I have lots to do today...haven't even bought gifts yet; have to do the decorations and favors for the tables; pick up the cake...I am just glad the heat broke and it is only supposed to be in the 70's today and tomorrow...will make all the running around much easier to deal with. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to Scarlett Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, 71 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, 72 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Hi all, So, I see we had a possible sighting...I have been checking in off and on all day and the speculatiion is a riot around the boards...God help us if we actually do get a picture of Clay in a tank top! Day from hell at work; I should know better than to take a vacation...everything is topsy turvy because of the painting; can't find things and the power went out when I was in the basement working in the book sale room...I hightailed it out there so fast, let me tell you! Then the power came, but only half strength so we had turn off the computers; no AC...it was hotter than heck...I am so glad to be home! Kim
  5. Good Morning All, 72 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. I don't look at the early days as a pinnacle for Clay either; it was a fun time; just after AI so he was very much in the public eye and I look at it as a learning experience for Clay...I think he enjoyed it and it probably was a real ego booster, but then I think the reality of what his life could be hit him and what the music business is really like and then he made the decision to pull back, head back to Raleigh and take his life back. Personally, I think he had to do a lot of soul searching and thinking about what he really wanted out of this business versus his humanitarian activities...He has done a lot of growing up in the last few years and has and I think will continue to make decisions regarding his career that will satisfy him career-wise and yet allow him to have the personal life that he wants. It probably won't be what many fans want for him or wish for him and some may move on; but I think there will always be new fans on the horizon and I do believe the best is yet to come. Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, I have an unexpected day off of work today due to some painting they are doing in the library; guess they don't want to subject us to the fumes. Lots of nasty weather in the area last night and this morning; so I am kind of glad I don't have to go out...we just got rain, thunder and lightening...but some areas north of us had high winds and even a couple of tornados touched down. All quiet now. 74 Days until The BAF Gala! "waves to Scarlett" Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Well, actually, the baby news, ITT makes everything make sense to me...get the CD out, do what promotion you can...prepare for a UNICEF trip and take the trip in order to be home for the final two months of the pregnancy...just seemed logical to me. Perhaps it doesn't make sense with regards to the CD, but maybe there are other things planned for the rest of year and there wasn't any other time available for the CD. Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Late to the conversation as usual; but yes I expected him to take the whole summer off; I always have a problem when people start talking "drought" because I never considered Clay's time away from the limelight as a "drought"...just a necessary part of any celebrity's career...there are times when you are promoting something and times when you are not. Just has never been that big of a deal to me and I will be honest and say, I have a hard time relating to those who seem to have a problem everytime he is not in the public eye for any length of time. Missing a celebrity and getting anxious or depressed about it just seems a little too intense to me. 75 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. It is hot here today, so I did my yardwork this morning...got that out of the way so I could watch my Cubbies on TV. Had some peaches and nectarines in the fridge so I made a pie and cooking up some pasta for a salad for dinner...too hot to cook anything else. So that has been my day...I figure about 7:00 I will be nodding off on the couch! Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, 76 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. I have always enjoyed the chemistry between Angela and Clay...I definately think Angela and have Quiana have different roles on stage...Angela is the fun, party girl and Quiana is more like Clay's sister, friend...I remember during one WDC performance Clay tried doing some of his "Angela moves" on Quiana and it just didn't work...I just don't think Quiana is comfortable in that kind of role. So, I think Clay gets the best of both worlds when on stage...he has Angela to get tosexy with and Quiana to kind of reel him in and be sort of the moral center of the group. And yet, all three of them together really work...it is wonderful to see how much love there is between them and I really think Clay would lost on stage if either one of them left. Kim
  13. Glad to know I am not alone, I was almost hesitant to say anything; but you know, one of my favorite pieces of Angela singing is Black Velvet from the JBT...maybe because she was just more controlled on that...sometimes she comes across as screechy to me. Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, Believe it or not, I have never heard Angela's version of Listen; not a huge fan of her voice so I never did download it or really listen to it on a cellcert...first time I ever heard the song was in Sterling Heights when Clay and Quiana did it. It was a magical moment and I am glad I was there. I really love Quiana's voice; WTLGD just blew me away! Kyrie...The entrance was cool and unexpected, but not really a big fan of the song itself. 77 Days until The BAF GALA! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Picture of Clay from the 8/11/08 issue of OK Magazine: Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, Happy Birthday Annabear! 78 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Thank you for the screencaps Cotton; I cannot wait to see Clay on my TV again! Kim
  18. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Have been cleaning out my file cabinet and now I have tons of shredding to do! I know there is tons of clack I haven't seen, but I never have time to download stuff and since we only have one computer in the family (and a finicky one at that...the computer, not the family), I have to be pretty selective. Number one on my to do list when we get some extra money is to get a laptop for me so I can Clay to my hearts content! Off to the shredder! Kim
  19. Good Morning Everyone, 79 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Back from lunch; it went very well although we were both pretty nervous; my napkin was in shreds by the time I left. But, we got all the shower details figured out and hopefully we will get more comfortable with each as things progress. I wasn't too concerned about Clay not being on Paula Deen in August; I figure probably September...what's interesting to me is what comes after. If the Paula Deen show is the start of the second wave of promotion for OMWH, than there are bound to be other appearances after that. Unless of course that was the thought at the time he taped Paula's show and then things changed, but I am going to look on the bright side and think more appearances...I just cannot believe that we would not see or hear from him before the Gala. Kim
  21. Rat lover here too "waves to Luckiest1"...actually my kids are the rat lovers, we have had several as pets. Off to have lunch with Emily's future MIL to discuss the Shower. We have talked on the phone several times, but this will be our first meeting. I am a little nervous but also looking forward to meeting her. Of course, it didn't help that Emily just called me to give me a list of do's and don't's to talk about with her...previous boyfriends are off limits and do not mention that Emily occasionally spends the night at Mike's house...like I would bring those subjects up anyway! Kim
  22. Good Morning Everyone, 80 Days until the BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. This reminds me of when we were kids and would stand outside on the sidewalk and yell for our friends...the name always ended in that "eeeeeeeeee" sound. My older sister's name is Joan and that worked well..."Hey Joanieeeeeeeee, can you come out and play!" Didn't work so well for my friend Beth, LOL! Kim
  24. Glad to hear you are okay Perma; I was visiting relatives in California back in 1981 when a quake hit...really scary when you've never experienced one before! Kim
  25. Love the new banner! Cindilu You are a Banner Goddess! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kim
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