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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, 81 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. In an hour. WOW. Wonder how many there were? Nice to see the fandom hasn't lost its touch! Kim
  3. Congrats to all who are getting tickets for the Gala...looking forward to living vicariously through all of you! Kim
  4. Since the baby will be well-cared for; I hope if people do feel the need to "gift"; perhaps it would be more beneficial to make a gift to a local hospital, charity, etc.... Kim
  5. Yep, thought we were close enough now to start counting down and hopefully, before long, I will have more to add to it! I really do believe we will be seeing Clay before October! Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone; Not quite awake yet as the cat woke me at 5:00; not sure why, she had food, so maybe she was just bored and wanted company. But of course, as soon as I got up and laid down on the couch in the front room with her, she quieted down and went to sleep...I now have a crick in my neck from sleeping on the couch. 82 Days until the BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Thanks everyone for your kind words on my cancelled vacation; its been a tough day. I cleaned my bedroom and bath all the while thinking I could be on vacation instead of scrubbing the toilet and cleaning out the dust bunnies from under the sink. But yeah, it needed cleaning badly and probably good idea to give the house a good once over before the wedding. We could use some rain too...my garden good use it and the grass is starting to look a little brown. I did however pick some carrots and green onions from the garden; made a carrot cake yesterday, turned out very good. The broccoli is ready to pick and my tomatoes are starting to ripen. I planted green beans a couple of weeks ago and they are starting to come up. I love picking fresh veggies from the garden. Oh and good news, our gas is down to $4.15...never thought I would ever say that! We will see how long it lasts. FromClaygary The jewery looks lovely; I am not a big jewelry wearer myself; just my wedding rings and earrings. I don't even wear a watch. Kim
  8. From CV: Q ETA: Hubby works for Frito-Lay so we only eat Cheetos here! Kim
  9. Happy Birthday to those celebrating today! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Gibby Not sure about fun things this week, probably a lot of cleaning...the most fun thing I'll get to do is sit out in the yard and get some sun...not a bad thing; with the wedding coming up a nice tan will look nice and I can always pretend I went somewhere fun instead of my backyard! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, We were supposed to be leaving on vacation this morning; but due to some RL stuff we had to cancel it; really bummed me out because I was looking forward to getting away with hubby for a few days...so instead I will be home probably cleaning my house which really needs it. Such is life; I start feeling sorry for myself and then think about the things Clay has seen on his UNICEF trips and that really snaps me out of it...in the great scheme of things a missed vacation is not really a big deal. The wedding invitations have gone out; I am looking forward to getting mine in the mail since I have not seen them yet. The only thing I know is that the parents' names are not on them...apparently this is a new thing to do, which kind of disappointed me. The cat is clamoring for her breakfast and I need to get my butt moving and get outside for my walk. Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Where would one find this...I checked the CV vault under SRHP Houston and did not see it? Kim
  12. Best wishes to the mom and baby, Merrieee. HeidiHo; I agree with you, I don't see anything wrong in hoping its true; I am truly excited at the possibility of Clay being a Dad and I really don't care who the mother is...although I am betting if it were some 50 year-old Jane Doe that we had never seen before, there wouldn't be half the angst in the fandom right now. I believe open discussion is healthy, but there seems to be a contigent in the fandom who are in total denial, do not want to talk about and do not want Clay to talk about...probably because they are afraid of what they might hear. Although I have to admit I am hoping that Clay does make some kind of statement just to end the speculation so we can all move on...even though I know this is his private life and he doesn't need to tell us anything. Kim
  13. I'm back! Computer decided to have a nervous breakdown for a bit! Kim
  14. I don't watch the news anymore at all; I find it all rather depressing...even the newspapers are not really newsworthy...I have read the Chicago Sun-Times for years and it has become increasingly more tabloidish. I honestly cannot think of one newsperson that I trust. Makes me very sad actually. I very rarely watch network TV because I cannot stand the reality shows and there really isn't anything of much interest, although I do like the comedy line-up on CBS on Monday; Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Two and A Half Men. I usually watch The Food Network and TCM; sometimes HGTV and we have a local station that shows all the old shows from the 60's and 70's. Sometimes a rerun of The Dick Van Dyke Show is a good thing; sometimes we need that escape to a simpler time (although in reality, the 60's were not that simple) Kim
  15. Paula Deen's Party...The Food Network. The season premiere is August 2, but so far Clay is not listed for any shows in August, but we know he taped a segment...so maybe in September? Kim
  16. Thanks Scarlett, I could use one! Speaking of babies, they did a promo for Insider tonight and showed a picture of a baby and the promo was "Can you guess which pop star this baby belongs to?"...I am ashamed to admit Clay actually crossed my mind, but the baby looked a little older than a newborn, but was a cutie! Kim
  17. Hey Couchie; Thanks for asking...a little stressed right now...the Bridal Shower is in two weeks...still a lot to do...it is to be a joint Shower with Emily's MIL to be...haven't met her yet, just talking on the phone...so I am a little nervous about the whole thing. I tell you how stressed I am...I gave Emily the wedding list from our side of the family and she calls me tonight to tell me I forgot to put my husband's parents on the list! Can you imagine! Thank God she noticed it before the invitations went out. Is that Freudian or what? I will be so glad when this wedding is over; but then I have 3 other daughters...maybe I can talk them into eloping, LOL! Kim
  18. Good Morning All, The heat and humidity have finally broken here, it is so great having the windows open again! Just hasn't been a good month for cars in our family; daughter no. 2's car died last night and had to be towed...not sure what is wrong, but hubby did say she had not checked her coolant and it was pretty much non-existant...he did put coolant in, but no luck...hoping no extensive damage. As usual thanks for all the pretty pictures; the only one I have saved is my avatar; I do have a photobucket account, but have never been into saving pictures...I am truly amazed at the archives some fans have! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Hi all! Haven't really traveled much to see Clay; the farthest points being Indianapolis and Grand Rapids...I have seen him the most at the Holiday Star Theater in Merrillville, so I guess that would be the one...hoping we have another date this Christmas! Haven't been to other fan boards; I have never been star struck as it were and Clay is the only celebrity I really follow. Correction...I have been to Stephen King's Message Board, but not very much as every post has to go through a mod before it is posted which kind of puts a damper on real conversation. Kim
  20. Good Morning All, Love the new banner! Safe travels to all who are heading out today! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. So, if she rewrites it and makes is sealed clear liquid, are you all going to bring in vodka bottles and put them on the tables? What a great idea! Somehow I don't think she would see the humor in that! I imagine she will be much more specific with the re-write. Kim
  22. I've been keeping an eye on the Paula's Party page on foodnetwork.com, and nothing with Clay has been announced yet (although I haven't checked today. *g*) I'll keep on keeping on with the search, though.... ETA: just checked, and nothing yet... Actually, I was watching Food Network today, and Emeril was on. I don't normally watch him (actually, he's one I usually turn OFF), but for some reason, I left it on this afternoon. And where did he go visit? Juniors. As in Junior's Cheesecake. Which reminded me of Spamalot and Clay. *sigh* aikim, sorry to hear about the....the....person. :thbighug-1: IIRC you are a Library Director? She is about the 5th one we have had in the 12 years I have been there and probably the worst I have to work with...she did not start out being a librarian...she was actually a teacher believe it or not, just not very professional and her people skills are pretty non-existant...can't imagine her teaching children. Kim
  23. Watching the Food Network and they just had a crawl on the bottom of the screen that the new season of Paula's Party starts August 2...possibly Clay? Kim
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