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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Please don't! I don't like too many female singers, but Linda and Karen are two of my favorites. I actually have an album...yes an actual vinyl album of Linda's that I bought off the TV many years ago. It is a greatest hits collection...two album set and I played that thing to death. Really ought to dig it out; we actually have a turntable to play it on now and I should probably transfer the songs to a CD. Kim
  2. Good Morning All, Our nice weather is coming to an end; have a heat wave for the next few days so its back to the AC...I hate having my house closed up. Wish I could bottle the weather we have had for the last two days and let it out on icky days. Day 2 without my car; the light for the battery is on and hubby won't let me drive it until he figures out what is wrong...bummer, I don't like having to depend on others to drive me places...in this case my daughters get to take turns driving me to work. Off to straighten up the kitchen before work. Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. The pages look wonderful Perma! Nice having a visual; makes a little more sense now! Kim
  4. Okay, I am confused...is/was that for last summer or is it current? Although since I don't live in Houston and I don't knit, I guess it lets me out anyway. Kim
  5. :7: That's great! Has this been talked about and I missed it or is info forthcoming, not that I am crafty or anything! Kim
  6. Best of luck tomorrow, ldj and happy birthday to jmh! So, hubby painted my utility room yesterday; moved the washer back in from my kitchen and in the process gouged the kitchen floor...yet another project to do...sigh. Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, Another beautiful day here; wish I didn't have to work, but two more weeks until vacation; I am so looking forward to it. We are going to take three days to go up to Oshkosh, Wi. for the airshow; hubby has been wanting to go for a while so we are going with his sister and her husband. Should be fun. The rest of the week will probably be spent getting ready for the Bridal Shower which is Aug. 9. Time is flying much too fast; the Wedding is going to be here before I know it. Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Clay as a dessert....hmmmm...Cheesecake...with cherries on top...creamy, tart and sweet all at the same time. Kim
  9. Good Morning All, Been gardening all morning; pruned the rose bushes, did some weeding; transplanted some irises and generally cleaned up...looks much better now. It is beautiful here today; low humidty, about 80 degrees with a nice refreshing breeze. I actually sat outside when I was done and fell asleep in the lawn chair...good thing I always put on my sun tan lotion before I go outside. So now, I am going to sit and watch the baseball game; Cubs/Giants. Klo....just never liked her. AI...haven't watched since season 2; so nothing to say about that. Clay...love the guy; we backed a winner. Kim
  10. Great ideas everyone! From Claygary I love the title "Our Six Cents" Have absolutely no computer skills but I would love to contribute something. I would rather we did not make this Clay-centric myself...I think the focus should be more on Somalia...would it be possible to use "Grace of God" as sort of a theme song or would their be copyright/royalty issues involved? Kim
  11. "waves madly", I thought the board was broken! Have fun at the game tonight Muski and Couchie! Kim
  12. I didn't think you meant Clay would be there; just wondering if the convention is for Delta Kamma Gamma members only and if so it would be inappropriate for Clay fans to "crash" it in order to get a CD. It isn't a Clay event and I don't want some fans to make it about him. Kim
  13. Is the convention open to the public: I would sure hate to see it turn into a Clay fan reunion...I know being cynical...but everytime something like this is announced...and event that is really not about Clay, I just get nervous thinking about fans going overboard to get some clack. Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, Back from my morning walk; did a mile this morning...probably doesn't seem like a lot but for someone for whom exercise is a dirty word...I feel pretty good. Crazy here with the two puppies and my daughter's dog...they seem to be getting along pretty well, except Trixie doesn't realize they are little and can't play as rough with her. What is interesting is to watch Trixie with them. The puppies like to wrestle and fight and she doesn't like that...as soon as she hears growling she will run over and get between them and keep them separated until they go off and play. She will also herd them when they start straying too far...she would have made a good mama. The cat however wants no part of any of them and has pretty much gone into hiding in my bedroom. We also had to move the cat's food from her regular place and she is not happy about that. Off to Target and the grocery store this morning; trying to do all my errands at one time so I don't have to make multiple trips and waste gas. Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Maybe you need to have one with revolving pictures since you can't decide. Kim
  16. I think I must be the only one in the fandom that has had the same avi for 5 years. As handsome as Clay is now; I still like to see him when it all started...when everything was new and exciting...still exciting now, but in a different way. And I always loved what Gladys Knight said to him...very prophetic and still happening. I just love Clay and :013085001176249046: Kim
  17. Happy Birthday Claygasm! I was in Sterling Heights also; wasn't really looking forward to the show because I was dealing with the same problem as Angie and I had bought two tickets for the show and both people that were supposed to sit with me cancelled out...Had a group of friends I went with, but they were sitting in another area...we all bought separate tickets...so I pretty much sat by myself; feeling sorry for myself and wishing I was anywhere else but there. Then I met some friends from CV and some very nice ladies sitting next to me who had never been to a Clay Aiken concert before. They were just having the best time; had not seen him since AI. So it turned out to be a fun night after all and to top it off; I got to hear Clay and Quiana sing "Listen". It really was a good show and when Clay was walking around and stop by the sound board; he was directly behind me; I was hoping he would walk down my aisle since I had an aisle seat but no such luck. So PMS and all, it turned out to be a great night! Kim
  18. Great story Danielle! I can't believe the color of Clay's car was "raisin" (guess that is better than "Prune" )...that would have been so cool to drive across country "raisin" money for the YMCA...I bet Clay would have gotten a kick out of that! And yay for meeting your soulmate...I hope you can tell Clay that story someday! Kim
  19. should have come with a clay with baby warning... Such a beautiful man! Kim
  20. Link for UNICEF Field Notes: http://fieldnotes.unicefusa.org/field_visit/ Kim
  21. How has my fandom evolved? It's always been a fun hobby for me; as someone who was never, ever starstruck it really took me off guard in the beginning especially when I found the boards and discovered there were many, many women out there enamored of Clay like I was. I was on Bolt for a very short time, don't think I ever posted there, but just read and then moved onto RHT...it was all very new to me, because this was when we had just gotten a computer and I was new to the whole computer world as well as the message board world. I have always found the message boards fascinating because of all the different personalities and opinions and one of the fun things for me is to just read the different boards to see the reactions to events in Clay world. I have always considered myself sort of on the outside of the fandom; I don't have this huge emotional investment in Clay and maybe that is why I can let things roll off...I tend to look at things logically and I have a really hard time with the constant over-reaction to things...I thought the whole gnats situation was totally overblown and would have died a natural death in about a month or so, if the fans had just let it go. So it is pretty easy for me to walk away at times when the drama gets to be too much. Although I admit I love a good debate and have probably gotten involved in things when I shouldn't have and my bluntness has not served me very well at times. Right now I am in a good place; I think FCA has contributed to that because before I found you all, I was seriously considering leaving the boards altogether because I just felt so out of place, but here, I can feel like I can be myself. So actually, my fandom really hasn't evolved, it has gotten more comfortable...it is just a part of my life but not my life. Kim
  22. I never give that kind of stuff much thought; actually think a lot of projection goes on in the fandom. i.e. because the fans think a certain way about someone or something than Clay must think it too. Kim I totally agree with the bolded part. I was just scrolling thru the emoticons looking for the yeahthat-which I didn't find- and found my new favorite one :21: I would love to have this on another board...... Love the new banner Cindilu! Kim
  23. I never give that kind of stuff much thought; actually think a lot of projection goes on in the fandom. i.e. because the fans think a certain way about someone or something than Clay must think it too. Kim
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