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Everything posted by aikim

  1. It's Official that Clay will be on The Talk! Posted in the News Section of the OFC and also on Twitter and Facebook Kim
  2. rom Rodney Ho An Idol BLog QUOTEClay Aiken guest stars July 24 on ‘Drop Dead Diva’ 4:27 pm July 8, 2011, by Rodney Ho “Drop Dead Diva” in a mere three seasons has become a guest star mecca, mostly of the gay-friendly variety. Liza Minnelli. Paula Abdul. Rosie O’Donnell. Tim Gunn. Wendy Williams. Kathy Griffin is coming up soon. In an upcoming July 24th episode featuring a lesbian high school couple fighting to be part of a high school prom, the Lifetime show throws in its first former “American Idol” contestants: Clay Aiken. Aiken did a spot on “Scrubs” a few years back but hasn’t done too much acting over the years. In this case, he plays a marketing executive who marries a mail-order bride. He is a witness in a case involving one of the recurrent characters on the show. There is no singing. I just screened it. He did a perfectly fine job. Deliberately, the producers (including a fellow Class of 1991 Princetonian Josh Berman) added other well-known openly gay actors. Wanda Sykes is hilarious as a sardonic judge. Lance Bass plays a commercial director. Amanda Bearse (”Married…With Children”) is another judge. The main storyline about the prom is based on a real life story of Constance McMillan, who was denied access to her prom because she was gay. Berman, in a note to press, said he was at the GLAAD Awards last year where Sykes gave a speech praising Constance. Berman was so inspired, he wrote the episode to pay homage to Constance, who plays a bailiffin a courtroom scene. “Drop Dead Diva” is shot primarily in Peachtree City, not far from the official “Idol” blog moderator
  3. Or maybe he is the bride...could be Hank didn't get what he was expecting..Clay could still be a witness..I think is going to be a real hoot! Kim
  4. 9 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 10 Days until Clay is on The Talk! 16 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. From TV Guide Episode Detail: Prom - Drop Dead Diva Jane represents a lesbian couple suing for the right to attend their prom. Elsewhere, Jane learns her relationship with Dr. Kendal is not exclusive; Kim and Grayson take on Hank the bailiff's suit against his mail-order bride; and Stacy is jealous when Fred is offered a commercial gig. Clay Aiken Actor Season 3, Episode 5 Prom Sun, Jul 24, 2011
  6. 10 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 11 Days until Clay is on The Talk! 17 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. This has been a good day all around. My hubby retired the end of March and we have been fighting with his benefits center since April because they had changed his monthly pension to much less than what we were told it was going to be. Have spent the last two months talking with customer service and all they kept telling us was that they were working on it. Last week we called again and told them that if they did not get this straightened out we would be contacting a lawyer..low and behold today we get a call saying that they corrected the mistake, we will be getting not only the back money they owe us, but his monthly pension will also be higher than what they originally had told us back in February when we started all this. I am so relieved. It was getting so frustrating...so now we will be able to get our living room finished! Kim
  8. New Clay Appearance! According to a poster at the CB, Clay will be on The Talk on July 18th and there are tickets available. This poster is apparently a staffer on the show and joined the CB yesterday. Possible promotion for DDD! Kim
  9. I love remodeling too; so nice to see everything come together; we are still working on our living room, but lack of funds right now has put a temporary halt on any more remodeling. So in the meantime we are cleaning...i.e. decluttering. I have cleaned my bookshelves and taken two bags of books to the library and now we are working on the living room closet which has become a catch-all when you don't where to put something. 11 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 18 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. 12 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 19 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Happy 4th of July! Fear We live in a mobile home so have very little yard space so all of my gardening is done in raised beds. You do have to replace the soil often and add fertilizer. I try to rotate the crops in my beds every year so I am not planting the same thing in the same spot. Biggest key with raised beds is to water often..they dry out pretty quick. I usually plant marigolds around the perimeter of my beds, because they do deter bugs and critters because of their smell and they do look pretty. Only problem I have been having this year is with rabbits eating my lettuce. But I figure they have to eat too, so we share, LOL. 13 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 20 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Caro That comment sounds like it came from the fan that I posted about. Very touching! Kim
  13. Don't you just love summer time..I love being able to go out into the garden and pick fresh greens for supper...can't wait until I have some beans to pick. Tomatoes are coming in and I have been picking basil like crazy! Kim
  14. Hope everyone is having a nice relaxing day! Hubby has been working on his truck today..he has a 1970 Chevy pick-up truck and that is his baby...nothing he likes better than tinkering with it! Fear You might want to scroll through the next part..might not be good for your diet! Just took a fresh blueberry pie out of the oven. Went to the Farmer's Market this morning and the blueberries were just calling to be made into a pie. I love making fruit pies in the summer. Hint for any of you pie makers..I always had a problem with my pies being runny..the filling just never seemed to thicken up no matter how much corn starch or flour I used..I decided to try cooking the filling ahead of time and that did the trick. I put the blueberries, sugar, lemon juice and a little water in a pan and cook until bubbly and then add my corn starch to thicken. Let it cool and then put in a piecrust..end up with a very thick filling and no soggy bottom crust. Have done this with apple pie filling too and filling for rhubarb/strawberry pie. My Happy Homemaker tip of the day! Kim
  15. 14 Days (two weeks!) until the DDD Discussion Panel! 21 Days (3 weeks) until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. 15 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 22 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. 16 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 23 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Decided to clean my book shelves today..could not believe all the dust and cat hair, since the cat likes to sit up there and nose around. I also weeded out a bunch of books, so now they don't look so crammed and I had room to put some knick-knacks. When we re-did the living room, we added built in bookshelves on either side of the window seat. I rearranged the plants on the window seat and added a few things like an old teapot and some of my Wizard of Oz collection and it looks really nice now. Now I need to clean the shelf below where I store all my photo albums. I've decided for Christmas this year to go through all of them and make individual albums for my kids...going to be a project, but a nice gift that they won't expect. Okay, back to cleaning. Kim
  19. 17 Days until The Discussion Panel on DDD! 24 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. 18 Days until The DDD Discussion Panel! 25 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. 19 Days until The DDD Panel Discussion! 26 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Austin's mama just came to get him and Nana is exhausted...5 month olds are a lot of work..limited attention span, LOL! We went to the Library today for a visit and he was a good boy and pooped before we left so he was happy and smiley and let all the ladies hold him. He does not like naps! He takes these little 15 minute catnaps and then he is done. We watched spongebob today and read books and he loves to look at himself in the mirror. It was actually a lot of fun..but nice to give him back to Mama until the next time. Sun is just coming out..has been cloudy and overcast all day. I am too tired to even make dinner..looks like the family will have to fend for themselves! Kim
  23. 27 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. A very tired "aikim" says your welcome. I have Austin and he is teething and cranky and has not slept much all day..he is finally down and I hope for the night. He is getting really cute though, he can sit in the bouncy chair I have for him and today Nana gave him mashed up banana in his formula. My daughter has still not started him on solid food and this baby is hungry. He watches everyone eat and makes gumming motions with his mouth. I think I will be stocking up on baby cereal. They have been in Florida the past week, got home this morning and drove back and forth straight through. She called me the minute they walked in the door to come get him..I think she needs a baby break! Tomorrow we are going to visit the Library. Kim
  25. 28 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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