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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Sun is shining; front door is open..been cleaning like mad for Austin's visit..I swear I didn't clean this much when my kids were small..at that point, I was lucky I got dressed most days, LOL. But my daughter has turned into a clean freak...and the house really did need it...enough dog and cat hair for another small animal! Kim
  2. Austin will be here around 2:30 so I have lots of cleaning to do; going to be a fun week-end. Looks to be a nice day too although rain coming in again this evening. FOD Video Premier in May! 85 Days until Clay is in DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Did not get up for the wedding but am watching now; what a beautiful couple! FOD Video Premier in May! 86 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to those celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Glad your dog is okay luckiest1; our dog does the same thing. Not sure what they are thinking...I thought for a while maybe he sees the cars as a threat and is just trying to protect my daughter. She usually cuts the walk short when he does that and brings him right home. Kim
  5. Wow pretty quiet here yesterday..did I scare everyone away? Well, it is not raining and I see some blue sky out there..nice for a change! Hope any FCA'ers in the south are doing okay..nasty storms down there. FOD Video Premier in May! 87 Days until Clay is on DDD! From a blog by the writer of Drop Dead Diva's "Prom" episode: Last week we filmed my episode with a stunning list of guest stars: Wanda Sykes, Clay Aiken, Lance Bass and Michael Gross (the dad from TVs Family Ties) The dailies look great and I'm so proud of this episode, I think you guys will be too as it addresses a very important issue. Gay prom! Which is interesting since I was never invited to prom and never went to a prom, dab those tears away… My episode should air sometime in July. I'll keep you guys updated. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. So we are having a "Staff Appreciating Staff Day" today...translation..while the cat (library Director) is away, the mice are having a party..waiting for the pizza to get here. You know, I like to read around other boards too, just to get differing opinions, but I am beginning to think that this fandom is now happy unless they are worrying about something...so now I am reading that Clay must be depressed because he is being so quiet. I don't know, the pictures I saw of him on DDD and with Tori Spelling he looked pretty happy. Actually think there is some projection going on. I figure if Clay has something to say to us he will. Kim
  7. There was an article posted yesterday that DDD Season Premier has been pushed back to June 19, which means Clay's episode will not be shown until July 24th..pooh. FOD Video Premier in May! 88 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Clay memorabilia...I have my stash tucked away in a cupboard in my room..probably not as much as others have..mostly DVD's of all the shows I have been too, Rolling Stone and TV Guides, playbill from Spamalot and I still have about a dozen videos of all his early appearances. I keep thinking I should get rid of them because I never watch them anymore. In the beginning I taped everything, now I pretty much download what I want. My OFC shirts are put away in a drawer, I have never worn them, just not the type to wear a t-shirt with a celebrity's face on them. But my favorite piece of Clay memorabilia is my signed copy of the post he responded to at the OFC that I got this summer thanks to my dear friend Fear. FOD Video Premier in May! 75 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Nice to see you! Yep.. it is great to have a safe haven where you can come and just celebrate Clay (and vent now and then, LOL!) Kim
  10. Clay mention in this article about gay Dads...nice to see! http://www.yourtango...ity-dads/page/2
  11. Would it really mean as much if Clay blogged just because people were demanding he do so? I don't think so and you know sure as shit, if he did blog, the same people who are complaining about him not blogging, would then have complaints about the content. He didn't give us career news; why does he only blog to ask for money or help, I don't want a blog about book or theater or TV recommendations, yada, yada, yada. It truly does get tiring after a while. Clay has said several times that he isn't always at liberty to tell us career news until the persons involved are ready to make an announcement..I figure when the time is right, we will hear whatever there is to hear. Hope he had a really nice Easter with Parker and his family. "looks out the window; more rain..sigh" Kim
  12. Hard time getting out of bed this morning; such a long day yesterday. FOD Video Premiers in May! 76 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to those celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. They're not worth giving yourself a headache over...but I really can't believe how rude some people can be. Austin really is a good baby...he just loves to be held and doesn't mind who is doing it. Kim
  14. Back from the In-laws..thought about you LDYJ when we hit I-74 and I saw the sign for Peoria! Had a great time..been a long time since the whole family was together and I did not tell them Emily and Mike were coming with the baby so that was a nice surprise! Took lots of picture..the generation one with In-Laws, Hubby, Emily and Austin and just general family ones. Baby was passed around, but he is such a laid back little guy..didn't fuss at all. Finally fell asleep right before they left. Came home with lots of leftovers, so time for a ham sandwich and some salads. And next week-end Austin is coming to Nana's house for his first sleepover! Kim
  15. Happy Easter FCA! It's not raining...we've been so used to it that days when it is not are cause for celebration! FOD Video Premiers in May! 77 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. "Big hug to treenuts" I believe the best is yet to come also. Just saw some tweets that the PBS special is playing in Miami and people are really loving it! More good news...Emily called and they will be joining us for Easter after all..going down to my In-Laws who have not seen Austin yet. I wasn't sure if they were going to join us or not..so I am a very happy Nana right now. Back to watching The Ten Commandments...cheesy, but it is a family tradition! Kim
  17. How cute! I love the age my grandson is now, but I can't wait until he is actually walking and talking. Yeah, this fandom is pretty fickle at times...this is pretty much a pattern with Clay so I am not sure why it is always such a surprise and people get so bent out of shape. Kim
  18. Sun is out here too! Bread is in the oven..it is an Italian tradition...bread with hard-boiled eggs inside..you actually form the dough around the unshelled egg...My Great-Grandma always made baskets for us kids. A nice treat to eat on Easter Morning. Kim
  19. Busy day before Easter; have baking to do and still have to finish my Easter shopping..hope there are still some chocolate bunnies out there! Clay: He is who he is and if people can't accept him and his quirks, foibles and faults after 8 years and haven't figured out that he is not going to be who they want him to be...then they never will. I love him just the way he is. FOD Video Premiere in May! 78 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Can I change my vote? Seems much higher on the sensory scale than a pack of cards, LOL! Kim
  21. Seems to be a theme "out there" of Clay needs to interactive with the fans more..well lets take a look at how much interacting Clay did between March of 2010 and March of 2011 PBS Special New CD Tour with Ruben Special Concert in Chicago Gala TnT Tour Not to mention on the TNT tour he did enough M&G's for 6 tours..PBS, OFC, Charity...sometimes meeting the same people more than once...several venues he came out after the concert to greet fans at the bus. I know he appreciates his fans, but yourself in his shoes...can you imagine some of those M&G when there were 75 people or more and he had to say, hello, sign autographs, take a picture and all before he had to go out and do a two hour show. Yes, it is part of his job..but still...I think he gave more of himself on that tour than ever before. I think he damn well deserves to take some time off away from us..get back to his real life...we know he has been busy filming DDD and making a video and who knows what else. I believe there are some good things coming down the road and I am here for the duration. I love when he blogs, but that is not why I am here..I am here for two reasons..his voice and my admiration of him as a man and how he lives his life. As long as those two constants remain, I am good to go. Kim
  22. Probably don't say it enough, but I really do appreciate this place...I just want to celebrate Clay and enjoy being a fan and I am so grateful to have a place to come to where there are people who feel the same way. Hugs to all FCA'ers! Kim
  23. Got my e-mail! I voted for the deck of cards...I don't need anymore water bottles. So wonder what is on the deck of cards...52 different pictures of Clay? He probably has had that many hairstyles over the last 8 years...I think it would be fun! Ldyj I will join you in building that ark...have to go grocery shopping after work and I am dreading it! Kim
  24. Back to the rain..sun was nice while it lasted. I am so tired of this weather. I keep waiting for a nice week-end so I can get out and get my garden planted and I don't think that is ever going to happen..so depressing. FOD Video premiere in May! 79 Days until Clay is on DDD! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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