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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Just reported at CV that Clay will be on Access Hollywood tomorrow...promo aired of him talking about Rush Limbaugh and Elton John...should be interesting! Back from Eye Doctor...2 hours spent there...first the usual tests; then they had to redo the glaucoma test because the first one came out high...all is well. Then they had to dilate my eyes so they could look further. I have a pencil point hole in the retina of my left eye they are watching. Another half hour or so picking out new glasses. I love trying on frames when I can"t see anyway without my glasses and then my eyes are dilated to boot. And when did glasses get so expensive? Upgrading to no line bifocals and with my prescription $300 per lenses. I almost choked when I saw the bill and then they were trying to talk me into getting a second pair for computer use! Get done with that and the Doctor decides he needs to take more pictures of my left eye...talk about a comedy of errors. It took two girls and about 6 pictures on the one eye. They couldn't see the spot he was looking for...I am sitting there with my chin in the chin rest while they are conferring...looking back and forth...first picture was too blurry, try again...get all set where they want me...oops your hair is in the way...re-arrange my hair...spend 10 minutes looking up and down and to the left and to thr right while they try to zero in on the spot. Go get the doctor to clarify. Take another picture...found the spot but it is not clear...delete that one and try again. Another few minutes while they have me looking all over the place trying to get the right spot. By this time my eyes are drying out; I am tired of not blinking and trying to stay still and I have to pee. Finally they get a decent picture and I can go. So two hours at the eye doctor...I am $680 poorer (and that is with insurance); he tells me my corneas are dry and I have to use drops three times a day; thank God the day was cloudy so it wasn't too bad driving home with my dilated eyes. But in 7-10 days I will have my spiffy new glasses. I have never had bifocals before...I am a teensy bit scared. Kim
  2. Misty - One of my favorites...the low notes get me everytime. He doesn't change it at all from the Johnny Mathis version, but why mess with perfection? This song was made for Clay to sing. Kim
  3. Looking forward to hearing all about Clay's Canada AM appearance! Hope there is a download! Eye doctor appointment after work tonight. The glasses I have now are about 2 years old so time a new pair...just in time to see Clay better this summer. The only thing I don't like is when they dilate my eyes. 2 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 11 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 28 Days until Clay is addressing The Key Club Convention 43 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. It's Only Make Believe...truthfully not one of my favorites on the CD...don't like the jazzy arrangement and doesn't seem like Clay sings this song as effortlessly as the other songs on the CD. Kim
  5. Clay made the Billboard top 10: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/idolchatter/post/2010/06/tried-and-true-clay-aiken-debuts-in-the-top-10/1
  6. I thought the Chelsea show went very well; the Clay segment at least...could without the rest of the show. He looked good and held his own with her and she was very respectful..I liked it. Oh and Clay was the one who nixed the Sonny and Cher outfits...said it would be redundant for him to dress as Cher, LOL. 3 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 12 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home To NC! 30 Days until He is Addressing The Key Club Convention! 45 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Got my Hammond tickets today...so pretty...been a long time since I've seen a Clay Aiken ticket, LOL! Also...Clay is going to be in the studio for the PBS Special...so we get to see him during pledge breaks...I am so excited! I will try and post as much as I can and take notes! Kim
  8. "What Kind of Fool Am I"...a fool that is crazy in love with how Clay sings this song...I can remember Anthony Newley's version and Sammy Davis, Jr.'s...Clay's is even better and I can so imagine him standing on a Broadway stage..a single spotlight on him...belting this song out. Kim
  9. Don't forget...Chelsea Handler show tonight! 1 Day until Clay is on Canada AM! 4 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 13 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 30 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 45 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to those celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. I agree its a great song to start the CD off with...if I am being honest, it wasn't one of my favorite's in the beginning but it has grown on me...this might sound weird but I love Clay's diction/pronunciation in this song...his phrasing is impeccable and I love how he sings "offa" instead of "off of"...okay probably just contradicted myself there, LOL! And I love how long he holds the "you" at the end. And it goes without saying that no one sings "baby" like he does. This is pure Clay Aiken. Kim
  11. Hi all, Yay for another appearance on Wednesday! Listened to the interview again before I went to work this morning and it just put a huge smile on my face. Forgot we were doing CTMEOOY today...will give it a listen and get back. ETA love the DVD cover! Kim
  12. Awe, I love you...just great minds you know..we all seem to be on the same wavelength. Kim
  13. AP Interview: http://cbs4denver.com/wireapentertainment/Clay.Aiken.finds.2.1736584.html Kim
  14. 1 Day until Clay is on The Chelsea Lately Show! 5 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 14 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 32 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention! 47 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. We can only hope, but...you just know this summer if he does any kind of requests at the end of the show...someone will ask...unfortunately, no matter how many times Clay says something...there will be those who don't believe him...there are still fans who are hoping now that he got this CD "out of his system" he will make a CD of original music. Kim
  16. I hope everyone gets to listen to this when it gets vaulted...absolutely wonderful! Kim
  17. Just listened to the Sirius radio interview with Clay and Larry Flick..a whole hour! CV was streaming and it should be vaulted! Great interview...talked about the CD and played 3 songs! He talked about RCA and how they didn't know what to do with him and that he should have done this CD coming off of Idol because this is what he sang on the show. Talked about how much fun it was making this CD..recorded 15 songs in 3 days. Asked how he decides on song..he said he sings them in the shower and the garage and if they sound good in the garage, they will sound good in the studio. Talked about when he first knew he was gay...said can remembering watching wrestling in 2nd grade and it wasn't for the athletics. Talked about guys he knew in high school and how he always thought he wanted to be like them, but then realized he wanted to be with them. Didn't realize he embrace being gay until he was on Idol. Only knew 2 people in NC who were gay and wasn't sure if he was gay or bisexual and really thought that he would marry and make it work. Once he got on AI he saw how normal and accepted being gay was; met someone he was attracted to and that was it..."once you go; there is no going back." Tabloids...Things are being said and written to get a reaction...he was not going to respond to the stuff even though it bothered him..sometimes he didn't feel like going on the house. Coming out...he was always out to people he worked with, didn't really feel like he was in the closet. Doesn't think there needs to be an announcement and never felt pushed to make an announcement. Told his grandmother before the People magazine was on the stand. Took Brett with him for support. Granny just said..."well, I love you anyway". Mom and Granny are doing the best with it...just realizing it is who he is, he was born that way and he is not going to change. Talked about Religion/Christianity...Those who talk the loudest and are the most bigoted are not the majority. Showed him a picture of Parker..DJ said he was beautiful. Will not show pictures of Parker on TV. Said he much more patience with kids when he was teaching...got hit, things thrown at him...but it is different when it is your own...says it is hard when they get the crocodile tears and pout...but he tries to remain tough. Asked if he was in love...kind of hedged on that, but then said he is not looking right now. DJ totally loved him...said he could talk to him for hours and voted for him on Idol...called him "babydoll" at one point, LOL. It was a great interview...download it as soon as it is available. Best interview Clay has ever done! Kim
  18. 2 Days until Clay is on the Chelsea Lately Show! 6 Days until The PBS Special is airing in Chicago! 15 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 32 Days until Clay is Addressing The Key Club Convention! 47 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Backstage video: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=6551788n
  20. Another Clay appearance: http://www.eonline.com/on/shows/chelsea/theshow/index.jsp Kim
  21. Apparently Clay wasn't feeling too well this morning.. QUOTE (bigappleforclay @ Jun 5 2010, 09:00 AM) jc4aiken saw Clay arrive (5:30 am) and leave the Early Show this morning. She said he was "limping" from his car to the entrance and held on to his handlers. He sat on a stool during the entire sound check, and yawned often. No one knows for sure if there was something physically wrong with him, but he did not appear to be his usual self. She asked me to post her cell phone photos (possibly the only ones today since no one else was taking photos):
  22. I would love for all the fans who are complaining and nit-picking this morning's performance to get up at the crack of dawn and see if they could sing half as well, probably not...I know I couldn't. Kim
  23. Damn...missed the backstage live...but it is supposed to be on the website later...I didn't realize it was online only. He looked gorgeous singing UM...loving the hair and stubble. Kim
  24. Can't wait to see Clay this morning! 7 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago! 16 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC! 33 Days until Clay addresses The Key Club Convention! 48 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09: Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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