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Everything posted by claytonic

  1. If anyone is planning to scan those articles for posterity, can ya post them on here?
  2. Found this pic at Jesse's MySpace site. Jesse had captioned it "On stage with a singin' fool" !!! Haven't seen this pic before - I love the expression on Clay's face. CAPTIONED: "Jesse Vargas doing his thang and Quiana teaching Clay how to vogue" Never heard the term "vogue" used as a verb before....!!
  3. You are a South African bush pilot working for Blue Sky Aviation. You fly in some critical medical supplies, enjoy a quick lunch at the hospital. It's a stifling 100 degrees in the shade and you're eager to get back aloft to the cooler upper atmosphere. On the way back to your aircraft, you discover that the only bit of shade within 1 mile has become very popular. You start estimating the distance to the aircraft door and wonder... 'Do I feel lucky today?'
  4. MTO WORLD EXCLUSIVE: OBAMA OFFERS JENNIFER HUDSON THE CHANCE TO SING AT INAUGURATION .... IF SHE'S UP TO IT!!! Hope this is true especially since Beyonce was (apparently) dropping hints that she would make herself available to sing at the inauguration!!! I am becoming a bigger and bigger fan of Obama... I;ve never really been a fan of any President of the USA except for Jimmy Carter, but that was AFTER he was no longer president and I got to learn a few things about him that blew me away. Well, actually, I did like Bill Clinton a lot too. ETA: OK, I guess that makes sense, it is a little early. Anyway, I hope it BECOMES true and if not then ANYONE other than Beyonce because I wasn't a fan of hers anyway. When she was interviewed by an Australian journalist for 60 Minutes here, she considered herself a "legend in the making". It was precisely then that I decided I didn't like her, and now, I like her even less.
  5. GREAT pic, how old is it? He looks very young, almost like 2003. wandacleo, looks like so far, you're the only other INTJ that I have noticed... My Account: Results of Multiple Intelligences Test Here are your results for the Multiple Intelligences test. Click the links below for more information. Verbal/Linguistic 95% Logical/Mathematical 75% Musical 65% Naturalist 60% Intrapersonal 60% Bodily/Kinesthetic 60% Visual/Spatial 50% Interpersonal 30%
  6. Gibby Many thanks for those two Obama speeches. He is an incredibly talented communicator ... that "skinny kid with the funny name" is pure magic.
  7. FromClaygary (via the last thread) I think this is a GREAT idea - in fact, it could just be a matter of Clay himself writing your first name on a sheet of paper, be it a plain white A4 size or on Spamalot stationery. It is something could be incorporated into his own schedule (away from the Theatre), and who wouldn't want their name in Clay's handwriting in a pic of him holding it? The pic could then be simply emailed. No shipping costs. Clay could take orders, paid in advance, for the current BC fundraising. In any case, I've seen some great ideas mentioned that could be documented and submitted to Clay for future fundraising events. With Clay being Clay, there will always be fundraising events that his fans are involved in.
  8. Obama Win Causes Obsessed Backers To See How Empty Lives Are :cryingwlaughter: Is anyone from this board missing in action? Obama's sister, talking about their mother This won't have you laughing, but it will have you smiling. Barack Obama is truly a special person, and the only sad thing is that his mother isn't here to see that it wasn't what she couldn't give him but what she did give him that has made such a difference to his life, and now to ours.
  9. Do the key actors have items to be auctioned on ebay for Spam fans, which would include their own fans, regardless of Spam, i.e. Clay etc? Some of them could offer (on ebay) a 30 minute phone call, including a song sung to the winning bidder a capella over the phone. I'd find this more exciting than a photograph with them!
  10. Not to argue the point but the theatre can remain open for so long after the show. They are paying and maybe paying overtime for those that have to wait to clean, usher people out, turn off the lights and lock the doors. Clay asked us what things we were interested in purchasing and not how much we could pay in his blog. I look at it this way, when I go to a store and see something I really like, I pay what is on the price tag. Most stores won't deal with a customer. If Clay offers something I can't afford I just don't buy it as i would do anyplace. His objective is to raise the most money he can in the time that they allow him. Maybe it's just me but Clay doesn't owe me anything other than to do his very best in a show or concert for which I have purchased a ticket. Too many fans demand things from him for which he has never made any promises to deliver. Oy! After Wicked was over we left the theatre without expecting anything else. ETA; So happy to hear that you all had a great time last night. That's what it's all about. I totally understand your point and in most cases, I would concede to it because my eyes are wide open to the realities of life which is that those who have the most money, get access to the latest gadget, best education/best health care, etc etc etc. I'd just like to see a more inclusive situation whereby those who love Clay as much as the next person gets an equal opportunity to grab some meaningful momento of him/with him as they may not have another chance. That's all. Those who have money to throw away and want to help Clay achieve his goal can throw it to BC and still have many more opportunities to see Clay again and again and get those pics with him. I guess I tend to lean towards Obama-ism. But I also realise it is easier said than done because at the end of the day, reality BITES! That's just my view and I totally realise it's not a popular view but as Clay would say "I'm fine with it!!!" Fingers crossed that Spamalot raises the most money but the important thing is that the money is for a serious cause, and I am sure Clay would agree to that, he is way too compassionate to only care about the "winning" in this instance. But with his luck, Spamalot will probably come 2nd... Oh and I agree, Clay doesn't owe me anything. On the contrary, I owe him for what I've gained personally from him being who he is. His voice is a major bonus.
  11. Thanks for the recaps, scarlett et al, I really enjoy them. I can't believe how many times you guys keep going to Spamalot. It is so interesting to hear the subtle and not to subtle changes in each show and how the script changes to reflect what's current in the world of showbiz and politics - which are both the same thing, right? LOL ialreadyam ... LOVE your avi!!!
  12. Whatever the case with regards to the $50 or $100 pic with Clay, I feel that 'time saving' isn't a good reason to reduce the number of people who can afford to pay for the pic. It's the value of Clay's time being donated, and he is the one who asked for his fans to support the cause. So it's a two-way street for this charity and I always feel that those who are making the biggest sacrifice (i.e. for whom $50 is a lot of money) shouldn't be excluded. I wonder why they don't do more raffle ticket items... that would bring in a lot of small amounts, and the winner could be someone who just could never have afforded the full value of the item.
  13. HAHA I missed that, but still I think it's a fix..... ETA: Actually, I didn't really miss it, I do recall that I DID see you informing Couchie but it didn't register properly.... Stage Door: Is Clay not doing the SD much now? I still try to check on YouTube to see what he looks like "today" but the last one seems to be on Nov 1st.
  14. Hi claytonic! These are available on AT&T FOR $1.99. They don't have "Scarlett" in there but they sound great! AT&T Answer Tones Transcripts: "Hey what's up? This is Clay Aiken. We're a little busy right now but hold on and we'll be right here with ya." "Hey this is Clay Aiken. Don't hang up. Just be patient. We'll be right there." I did wonder if those were available but I kinda thought having Clay SAY YOUR NAME would be worth paying a lot more for it, especially since we all went gaga over hearing Clay say ldyjocelyn's name in the Broadway Q&A. I am sure it's of paramount importance that the voting is done with the highest level of honesty and integrity, so I must point out that one of the title thread suggestions has two entries, as evidenced above.. I am sure it was deliberate which is why I am pointing it out. I mean, it is so rare that the title thread that I choose "wins" the vote that I just KNEW there was something untoward happening. I am shocked that it is this blatant!!!! . This is for Cat Deeley (SYTYCD) fans... http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=fzkTKnRPS7s she was the host for a "talent" show called Britain's Got the Pop Factor... a spoof on popular talent competions such as Britain's Got Talent, Pop Idol, The X Factor. Don't miss Cat between 2:29 and 2.39 of this Winner's single, which entered the UK single's chart at #2. Oh, and apparently "The winner of the show was Geraldine. She collapsed on stage during the last lines of her version of "The Winner's Song" from choking on a piece of glitter confetti."
  15. The above is the MySpace blog for someone called Superstar James, who has the #1 position on Jennifer Hudson's MySpace. The main reason for posting this (since I know I am one of the few on this board who is a J HUD fan) is to show further proof of how unreliable the media is, especially on the net. However, I do have a whole new perspective on Beyonce now as I cannot imagine that SSJames would lie or even mislead about something like this on MySpace.
  16. Can I hear a clip? Don't send me to Clack Unlimited. I cannot access those files from this PC, something just not compatible. I have to go elsewhere to do that.
  17. What about a recorded voice message to answer your phone when you are not able to take a call? "This is Clay Aiken. Unfortunately, Scarlett is unable to take your call right now, but leave a message and she will call you back as soon as she's finished listening to my CD"...
  18. OMG :cryingwlaughter: that is just brilliant..... right down to the lipstick and moose on piano! ETA: cagney1950 I will send it to some friends, I've personally clicked on it numerous times. (There also a montage of SAU dedicated to Clay and Jaymes) http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=RPYMaF2vAmg&...feature=related An OBAMA "Love Story" montage, Something About Us sung by Clay
  19. liney23 Thanks for answering my question. See... I didn't know that because I didn't pay much attention at that time because I had made up my mind that the whole thing was fixed to ensure he retained the presidency. Hopefully, more and more THINKING people (as opposed to brainwashed people) will pay attention and continue to vote for an important election or referendum rather than being complacent. I can remember a time when I, too, didn't know or care about politics but when I realized how I could make a difference, I started to become better informed. Voting is compulsory in my country so I didn't want to waste my vote. Making an informed vote is so important... I always think about how Hitler came into power and I never want to be part of an ignorant majority that simply allows a corrupt power to control their life.
  20. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=JV_IphAIGPg For anyone who missed this prank, played on Sarah Palin by a couple of comedians at a radio station in Montreal. The prankster pretends to be Nicolas Sarkozy, the French President, and Palin fell for it hook, line and sinker, truly believing the French President had called her to offer his support. I loved the prank, particularly since I just do not like the woman and what she stands for. Ironically, I actually like John McCain very much, I like his personality and I loved how gracious he was when he conceded defeat. I also feel a certain level of compassion for GW because I have always sensed that he never wanted to be President and knew he wasn't qualified for it, but that he was pressured into it. It's a classic example of how nepotism can result in disaster. He is considered by many as the worst-ever President of the USA. What I would love to know is HOW come he was re-elected in 2004? How did this happen? I am hoping that Hillary will be working closely with Obama, she has so much experience and credibility to offer. I still have a lot of respect for her despite the disappointment I felt when I discovered she had endorsed the attack on Iraq. It was a huge blow to me. The next four years are going to be very interesting and hopefully Obama can make a big enough difference to bring about a shift in attitudes from some of the more die-hard conservatives who tend to see things in black and white. I have had a number of people tell me that they don't have a problem with a black man as President, they just didn't want THAT one. Yet I can't think of anyone more qualified than Obama, since he is identified as black yet he was raised in a white environment. He has been exposed to several religious traditions so he is able to see the view from so many angles.
  21. Some interesting facts: Obama's sister is half white-American, half Indonesian, and a Buddhist. She is married to a Chinese Canadian. OH, and her name is Maya, yup, named after Maya Angelou ....Oprah's mentor. Fascinating, huh? Obama's tiny family covers so many cultures and religious traditions. ETA : http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,...1729524,00.html Check out this link about Obama's mother. Don't miss the series of family tree pics. HE had an amazing mother.
  22. Congratulations to Barack Obama and everyone who contributed to his victory. I just hope that no one expects miracles. He's human, and getting a massive nation out of a quagmire isn't going to be an overnight task. May the universe keep him safe and strong.
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