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Everything posted by annabear

  1. soooooooooooooooo... how long does it take you to make one of these bears And how much would one aforementioned bear cost......hmmmmmm? I don't have a clue on the pricing yet, unfortunately. I did go shopping after work tonight to pick up some fabrics swatches. Good to see you, jazzgirl. Thanks! Still entertaining suggestions for names.
  2. soooooooooooooooo... how long does it take you to make one of these bears It will depend on how on earth I figure out how to get the bead detail on the tux without spending the next year doing it by hand! It's bad because I'm a detail person & I like to make things as close as possible to the original. I'm also trying to make it a two-in-one bear, where it comes with the tabbard & tux outfits being interchangeable since time & hair are limited. I have to finish getting stuff unpacked & pictured for our auction and get my puppy (eeeeee!) stuff set up. Then I can focus on the bears.
  3. This is GREAT news! We were talking about it in our Fine Arts Fund fund raising kick-off meeting this morning. ....AND it was the top earner. :04: More GREAT news! :7: And :lmaosmiley-1: at Chris Seiber's offer! I *heart* Reed. And Creed. That is all. Back to studying! Me too! Much like Clay, he seems to be talented, smart, witty, and handsome. Oh! He seems very bendy too.... :26: ETA: I do have plans to make a similar bear, with proceeds going to TBAF or UNICEF or BC/EFA - maybe 'buyer's choice'. There will be more than one, but not too terribly many, mainly because of time, but also because I bought the last of the red wigs from my supplier and haven't been able to find anymore at a good price.
  4. I'm sorry... this isn't really funny, but yet it is! Good luck!!!
  5. I love this movie, too, luckiest. Thanks for the recommendation of The Secret Life of Bees. I'll have to check that one out - I remember someone mentioning that they really liked the book. I've got to agree with you on this, djs, but then there are those who seem to go overboard no matter what the topic du jour may be. Off to make some Snickerdoodle coffee, do homework & make a few trips to Goodwill. Hope everyone enjoys what's left of their weekend! ETA: Hi georgiesmybaby! Sorry you're still having a tough time with the family and finance issues. Glad to hear claylove made it back to California safely, but sad that she's now so far from you. Yes, I'm adopting a puppy..... This pic is from 2 weeks ago, I think. I went over to my friend's house to visit & play with him, his 2 brothers & 1 little sister this week. They're all so freaking cute! I'm trying to come up with a name. Should I stick with "G" names? My cats are Gabbie & Gidget, although that "G" thing wasn't planned with them. I was kinda maybe thinking of naming him Sir Robin.... Suggestions welcome! EATA: AMEN, aikim! AMEN! I said the exact same thing 6 months ago and I say it again today.
  6. Getting ready to head out to the grocery & then pricing puppy supplies. FCA
  7. I agree and I think some people could seriously benefit from professional help. Letting anger fester for this long over something and someone not affecting them persoanlly in any way is very unhealthy. I love the fact that I still get such a rush out of two little words: He blogged Oh, and the fact that he mentioned 2009 career news coming up? EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! If nothing else, that calls for some dancing produce! {{{Clay}}} Gentle hugs and hopes that his jaw heals & he's feeling better soon quickly.
  8. I'm not sure I posted on any boards in 2003, although I was online searching for more info about Mr. Aiken. Honestly, at first, the boards scared me! :o I found a nice little board and a few of us just hit it off. I drove to Columbus, met one of them - *waves* to lurker dediclaytion - hopped in her car & we drove to Cleveland to meet the other two. Then we all stayed at her place after we went to the Columbus IT, which was my first Clay concert. After that first concert was when I realized it was special, he was special. Very special. I've since hopped into other virtual stranger's cars, had virtual strangers hop into my car to travel half-way across the country, flown half-way across the country to room with virtual strangers - *waves* to couchie, cindilu & luckiest - made plans to meet up with virtual strangers in alleys in big cities - *waves* to ausdon! I've met some wonderful people via TBAF - *waves* to georgiesmybaby, who traveled half-way across the country to help me with a fund raiser. I've been blessed to work with How We Make A Difference and see, first-hand, the joy that a group of strangers donating tickets can bring to families that might not otherwise have been able to attend a big concert. Found this board around Christmas 2007. I was looking for someplace to have fun again. I've had opportunities to spend time with my mom, make new friends, travel & see new places. And of course see and hear Clay's talent. I don't and won't regret a minute or dollar spent. Ever. ETA: Ooooooh! Very pretty pinwheels, Scarlett! Some of those fabrics look awfully familiar - I'm sure I have a few of those prints in my stash!
  9. {{{{merryclay & family}}}} The amount of unemployment is very sad. I hope your DD's hubby finds something. Thanks, Scarlett! If I had any vacation time left, I'd be tempted to hop in the car & head to Houston this weekend to party with the eHP. Waltzing with Clay, 00lsee? :dan1: Sounds mucho-good to me! ETA: I know I professed my undying love for this banner when it first appeared, but I have to do so again - just seeing that CUTE man up there, smiling and being happy makes me happy!
  10. ducky wins! :bier: If you know where I can find a dragon for hire, let me know, mmmk bottle? Thx!
  11. Please do show us your quilting project when you get a chance, Scarlett! And I'd agree - spilling is better than fire! I bought Playdough valentines for work this evening! I was looking for candy, but saw this bag of pink, red & white mini-Playdough's with valentine's stickers and I couldn't resist! I figure it could be a good stress reliever. And calorie free!! Between school & work, I am wiiiiiiped out tonight. A little mindless net surfing & then off to bed early. *yaaaawn* I hope Clay is enjoying his time off. I can't believe little Parker is 6 months old already! I bet he's cuter than CUTE!
  12. OK. I'm going to try very hard to make myself stick to a schedule when I get home in the evenings this week, which includes getting some more of my unpacking tackled. I hope to have a list for you by next weekend.
  13. Oh YES, cagney! All I could think of during that part of the show was the Motown medley from the JBT and how I wish one Clay Aiken were up on that stage singing those songs tonight! ETA: {{{ausdon}}} My mom called me this morning and was asking if I'd heard anything about you & your family in the midst of the terrible fires. Glad you & claytonic are OK. Prayers and positive thoughts traveling down under.
  14. I just feel the need to say this while these particular acts are on stage - I don't get rap.
  15. I was working in the other room & thought, surely they don't really sound THAT bad, do they?? When I walked out to the living room, I got my answer: YES!!
  16. *Waves* to all the newbies, de-lurking lurkers, and posters we don't see very often. Nice to "see" all of you!
  17. He is...therefore I fan. Yesterday, now and forever. Clay is Wicked Awesome! Yes, he is.
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