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Everything posted by annabear

  1. The Beach Boys? I'm an 80s music girl myself, but I remember hearing most of these songs on my mom's stereo.
  2. What? If I give up sleeping in between work, work & school, I might be able to get one done by 2010....
  3. Hee! Already emailed myself & mamabear the blurb about the details of Sir Robin Bear's tux. Also already have a folder in my photos of Mr. Aiken in his tux - must study all the details, you know.....
  4. Oh, YUM, claytonic! You're right about the flavor you get in soups, stews, etc. when you use meat on the bone. I haven't made any soups this winter, with moving and all. I've missed them. Canned versions, no matter how supposedly healthy, blah, blah, blah, just don't cut it. Maybe I'll make some butternut squash soup this weekend...
  5. Gald to hear your daughter is feeling better, Caro. Hopefully that trend will continue throughout the rest of her pregnancy.
  6. Well then the people who are on Broadway must indeed be very special people! Hee! And then, I also remember reading in an interview with Clay that during a couple of points during YWSOB, when the chorus is singing along with him, that he's just mouthing along the lyrics -- in order to catch his breath! When he comes down off the piano!
  7. I've subbed yogurt for sour cream, and even buttermilk, lots of times with perfect results. Good luck with jury duty, Scarlett - at least it's not during a tour!! ETA: I brought work home from the office, prep for a meeting tomorrow morning, but I really don't feel like doing it!
  8. Hi annabear! I'm just a lurker who enjoys reading this board. It's the best one! I love frango mint candy - all kinds - and usually have one every night when I'm lurking. When I signed up for this board, I was probably munching on one. Sounds like the GFI was a lot of fun and I appreciate the all recaps and videos of that event as well as all the others. I saw Spamalot both in the Spring and Fall and hope Clay takes a role in another production sometime in the future. I thought it was a perfect introduction to Broadway for him and he was surrounded by such a great cast both times. I'm curious about what projects he has lined up.... Well I'm glad you de-lurked - jump in more often! I agree about Spam being a perfect intro to Broadway for Clay. He was able to sing & dance - often at the same time - be a big ham hunk of Spam and, hay hey, they even added a little more singing for him! I agree about the cast, too. Tom, Rick, David, and Hannah especially. Will this day never end??? I hate Mondays!!!
  9. So do we need to change the theme of the board to "where happy crazy fans of Clay come to play"?
  10. Thread title? Lots of good posts! No time to pull them all together, but I'll WORD Couchie & KAndre (although she would consider me crazy as well... ST:TNG all the way!) & Scarlett & someone else!
  11. I just have wave to frangomint lurking down there! I don't know you, but your screen name reminded me of a friend I've somewhat lost contact with over the last couple of years. Whenever she went to Chicago, she'd go to Marshall Fields and bring back Frango Mints - love 'em! ETA: Posted by propounder over at CH:
  12. You beat me to it.... that's the first time I have seen something that i immediately thought "thread title". HA there should be an emoticon of Clay, with someone fanning him.... Hee - sorry to take the thread OT, but how 'bout Clay fanning himself with a "Clay fan"?
  13. Superbowl, pooperbowl! I've got the Ghost Hunters marathon on for now and then will be watching the Puppybowl with the Kitty half-time show tonight! Haven't paid much attention to football since Joe Montana & Jerry Rice were leading the SF 49ers. I saw that message that Aron is now an admin for the TBAF Facebook page, Claygary. I agree that it could be a great tool!
  14. what time period was he on the show From Clay's first run in Jan. 08 thru sometime in April 08. He was still there when mamabear and I went April 18-22, but Steve Rosen (original) was Bedevere when we went for Clay's first finale in May.
  15. Right there with ya! It all adds up to 100% for me, no matter what the math. So does Reed have on a funky sweater? :-) Me too and yes, he does.... Heeee - think he borrowed it from Clay? I do think it's way cool they went to Brad's show. I think he was way underated in the show - none of the other Bedevere's held a candle to him, IMO. Didn't appreciate how good he was til he was gone. Maybe.... Or Clay will be borrowing it from him.... I completely agree, both that it's cool that they went to see Brad - such a Clay thing to do - and that Brad was my favorite Bedevere, too. Also thought he was the best Mrs. Galahad.
  16. Right there with ya! It all adds up to 100% for me, no matter what the math. So does Reed have on a funky sweater? :-) Me too and yes, he does....
  17. Clay Aiken=Me fan Squared to the nth degree for life!
  18. OK, I must be losing what's left of my mind because I've been seriously considering adopting a puppy.... the cats will be mighty thrilled pissed.... My friend just sent me his latest close-up: He and his 3 brothers are about 4 weeks old and are the products of an unplanned pregnancy that evidently (obviously!) happened just before they took the father in to be fixed....
  19. C.U.T.E. With a capital GAH! is right!! FLOVE the new banner! Nope, only frowns contribute to wrinkles. ICGs are good for ya!
  20. Good idea & good points made by Claygary & Fear. I agree that 10 items at a time would be too many. I think 3-5 at a time would be better. With school, work & work, I don't know how much I can keep track of, but I'll find some way to help. Oh yeah, I still need to finish unpacking , so I'll have plenty of stuff I can donate!
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