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Everything posted by annabear

  1. muski :lmaosmiley-1: Um... yeah... Reed is definitely a cutie! But I still prefer Mr. Aiken... Aww, rehearsal pics... how CUTE! Thanks, ldyj! I read about this last night! LOVE it! Yay TBAF!!!
  2. I'm fine with you posting a pic in the 'members only' thread, preden! Speaking of photos... I've kinda missed these... And this smile is just too gorgeous not to see again...
  3. And isn't Jaymes' birthday in March? Last year it was her birthday party where she told the "insiders" like Eric Roberts. Has Eric Roberts confirmed this yet??
  4. liney, it was on one of the many different versions of the OMWH CDs. My memory fails me as to wheter it was on itunes, or WalMart or whatever but hopefully someone will get the answer to you. Actually, it was on the K-Mart extra of ATDW, and as someone has already pointed out, the QVC version of OMWH. That was If You Don't Know Me By Now. I'm loving all the talk of Australia, its history & culture. Something to investigate.
  5. Posted by BEEDAWN at CH regarding the "Fascinating Queers: Clay Aiken: Measuring the Man" article:
  6. Hmmm... I read it as a Reed word! Koalas, the reef, and kangaroos are musts! That it is! I'm glad you have today off, too, if it's anything like it has been here! I told my boss last night, as I left work in the middle of a pouring sleet storm, that I was NOT coming in today if we even just got another inch of snow overnight. Dumb ass that he is, drove into work this morning right in the middle of the blizzard (literally) that hit during rush hour and then sent all of us an email about how he hoped he could get home! Then the office finally sent out an email around 11:00 about understanding people's concerns about the weather, giving them permission to leave early... it stopped snowing around 12:00 and now the sun is trying to peek through the gray sky. Another thread title? Or we could use Clay's own quote:
  7. Snow/ice day here! Interesting choice of adjectives. *g* Thread title? I have to agree with that. Cheese? Good! Chinese food? Good! Together? Baaaaad! Which would be winter for us, right? I'm in for the trip to Australia!
  8. To me, that's part of the fun of a Clay Aiken concert! You're singing along and suddenly you're like, what is HE singing?
  9. Isn't that a bit of a leap, though? Supposedly one of his favorite songs on MCWL was MDYK -- which we all know was a major Aiken Random Lyric Generator moment for him in concert. I don't think I would assume that because he forgets the lyrics, he doesn't like the song. As for his song choices -- to me, it's almost always "hey! He's singing! Good enough for me!" It may be songs he's sung several times before, but he add subtle (my term, not Clay's *g*) differences to each and every version, and I revel in the voice. In the meantime -- heh. I watched TITM -- and honestly, will probably never watch it again. Much better than the old high school version, to be sure, but I just don't get that one. IDHTH, though -- OMG. This song has always been one of my favorites since it came out in the early 1990's, and I think Clay did a magical job with it. I'll be watching it over and over and over again. Strange but true story for me -- this is the second song Clay has covered that has a connection to an old boyfriend. The other one was ICMYLM. I suppose you could see how THAT whole relationship turned out. Heh. Aiken Random Lyric Generator? Also known as ARLG - the fandom's affectionate reference to Clay's occasional memory lapses in the middle of songs. *g* Is that one in the glossary, claytonic?
  10. Scarlett, dear, thank you sooooooo much for the Clack! Do you think you can send some FL weather with the next upload? PLEASE?!?! We woke up to about 2" of yesterday, 4" more of this morning and another 4"-6" are expected tonight, along with sleet and freezing rain. Oh GOODY! I wanted to work from home & took my laptop, but couldn't get into the network this morning. Unfortunately, our company culture is such that you're considered a slacker if you don't want to put your life in danger getting to the office, so after an hour on the road and several interesting near-incidents, where I got waaaay to cozy with some street signs and mailboxes, I'm here. Until it starts snowing/icing again this afternoon. I'm incredibly easy where Clay's concerned. It was just so damn good to hear him singing last night, I really don't think I would have noticed the roof caving in around me. I FLOVE his version of IDHTH. And POYB. And RHW. And TITM. Ok - ALL of 'em! I don't even like Mandy, but if it's Clay singing, I can deal.
  11. jazzgirl As much as I loved Spam & Sir Robin, I was thrilled to hear Clay singing again tonight. I honestly didn't even notice the piano. His voice is just pure magic.
  12. Thank you!!! It's going to take about 36 minutes to download, which should be just about the time I finish my paper. *muah*
  13. Now I must be off to write a 1500 word essay on the history of control of printed media! :glare:
  14. I Don't Have the Heart - James Ingram No songs from Spamalot! Coming up.... Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word
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