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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Nope, I think it's just waiting for someone to jump back in. Love the new 1st Spam pics!
  2. Sending out {{{safe thoughts}}} to all of you in the possible path of these storms. :F_05BL17blowkiss: We're getting remnants of Gustav here today. We need the rain, so it's a good thing for the grass, trees, animals, etc. Not so good for the sinuses. Aww, I can't believe the little man is a month old already. I hope they've all adjusted & are doing well. :Laie_6: :kirtsun_05:
  3. Between this and the odd fact that someone here at work just spontaniuously burst into the Jefferson's theme song, I'm :lmaosmiley-1: ! I wish, literally...
  4. Right now, it's both! I've let myself get stressed out lately and I tend to slip back into old, bad habits. It turns into a vicious cycle. I like this, ausdon!
  5. Grudgingly, guiltily peeks into thread... I have really got to get back on track, but I seem to be having trouble finding the track!
  6. Along with another tabard, pair of gloves and several rubber chickens!
  7. Aren't they going to have to have another one printed up in just about 2 weeks? Have fun, ausdon!
  8. ACK! I'll be looking for tix for those shows too, but I can't do anything about them yet. Hopefully I'll be able to find something last minute. Count me in for dinner at Carmine's - I LOVE that place!
  9. {{{muski and muski mom}}} I keep popping in, hoping we'll have heard a little something from the daddy who will soon be soiling his pants again on Broadway. Next time Parker's napping and you're not, could you find your laptop and blog a line or two, Clay? Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  10. I had a rather creepy experience last night... about 10:30, I was getting ready to head for bed & decided to sit down on the couch to watch TV for a few minutes. Why, I don't know 'cause there certainly wasn't anything on, but I digress... I'm flipping through channels and I hear what sounds like someone lightly tapping on my sliding glass door. Creepy enough at night, especially being a single gal, living alone. Even creepier because I live upstairs and the only way someone could be on my balcony would be if they scaled the building. I shrugged it off and continued flipping. Again, tap tap tap. This time the cats hear it, too. I go out to my kitchen to try and peek out the blinds at the pass-through window to see if I can see an animal or something. Nothing. A few more minutes and tap tap... rustle... tap tap. It really sounds like someone is right outside my sliding glass door and I'm starting to get freaked out. Finally, I turn on the balcony light and open the vertical blinds, with the phone in my hand, ready to call 911 if Jason or Freddie are out there! Nothing. Then I see something twitching on the balcony. It was a freaking HUGE - I'm talking a good 2 inches long - cicada!! YUCK!!! He was stuck on his back, kind of wedged in between the boards of the balcony floor, and then suddenly managed to flip himself back over - and run head first into my sliding glass door again... tap tap.
  11. {{{muski family}}} Sending good thoughts your way. Welcome back, Gibby! I don't have any gray to cover - yet! - but I do occasionally color with a shade darker than my natural color because it tends to get brassy, especially in the summer. The last time I had coupon for Clairol's 'Perfect 10' and really liked it. Now I'm really craving something sweet, but am trying to stay away from sugar!
  12. Shhhhh! I'm playing hooky from work today... for keepingfaith and mom Sorry about your iPod, luckiest. Hope the week gets better for all of you, preden. Some days, abso-freakin-lutely! Enjoy your day, muski. :14: Hmmm... all this talk of Twinkies... I don't have any pics of Twinkies in my photobucket... will these do?
  13. Welcome back & congrats on the 300 miles! *decides it would be a good idea to dust off the stationary bike and get moving again...*
  14. indeed!! You're welcome. Thanks for posting my thoughts. *sniffle* The thread title says it all for me: He simply makes me smile when I see him.
  15. Good luck, Play and hugs for {{{cha cha}}}'s computer woes. A schmoopie YouTube trip down Memory Lane: I'm off to work on bears for the SSS TBAF sale in Nov!
  16. Happy Labor Day! I'm trying hard to focus on this lovely day off I saw that thread, Play. Gee, I wonder if Mike Nichols and Eric Idle realize the mistake they made! :o Oh, wait... For those who don't enjoy Sir Robin for what he is, may the rabbit with great big pointy teeth nibble their bums! What a dinner, Wanda! Let us know a little sooner next time so we can all show up on time! I love Indian food, but only moderately spicy. There are some really good frozen options, as luckiest said. That's what I do 'cause I'm not about to spend all the time & money just cooking for me - I don't think the cats would care to join me! My favorite spicy food is Thai. OMG - we had the BEST Thai food ever last time I was in CA. It was this little hole in the wall place in San Francisco. You'd never have known from the outside that it was a great restaurant. I've been trying to find Thai that good ever since, but nothing has compared. We also had some really good Spanish food in Long Beach - chicken and vegetables coated in a spice paste (not hot spicy) and baked in a clay (hee!) pot. There was a Thai place just down from our hotel in NYC that I wanted to try, but the only time were in that area when they were open was the first night we got into town and we were headed up to the Shubert to meet ausdon & family. We did have a lovely (and LARGE) plate of Chicken Parmigiana, a wonderful glass of wine & a cute waiter at Carmine's! YUM! Welcome BettyJean, LA, Hippo and woo! Lovely blends, Betty. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Another southern Californian (born in Orange County) here, transplanted to Ohio. For now! Still sending out safe vibes to all in the storm's path. So glad to see our world travelers made it home safely. And still in disbelief that this: didn't work!!
  17. :26: Busy weekend with school work, house hunting and company! Not caught up from the end of the last thread yet, but checking in quickly to see what's happening. Safe travels back to the US, Scarlett & KAndre. Can't wait to hear more about your trip! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Sending out safe vibes to all in the Gulf Coast area.
  18. BettyJean and AIluvsClay!
  19. So am I - whether I can manage to get there or not! Clay will be back in a place and a role where he seemed to have fun and was respected and successful beyond anyone's wildest dreams and he'll be dressing up and dancing and talking about coconuts and swallows and soiling his pants and singing about lovely Spam, wonderful Spam and how they won't succeed on Broadway without any Jews and instructing King Arthur on the proper use of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch and we'll have recaps and stories and stage door pics and videos and pre and post show cellcerts and friends meeting up for the 1st time and the 100th time and every time in between! What's not to be happy about? :8:
  20. BINGO! I've seen this happen way too many times, especially recently.
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