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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Tomorrow he's going to talk about Jaymes and their decision to have Parker. Speaking of, People.com now has an interview with Jaymes posted:
  2. I aim to please. Now I'm off to still undecided as to whether my *cough*cold*cough* will be acting up in the morning. I have a feeling I'll end up and will look like crap going in to work. Ah, but I guess that could reinforce the 'not feeling well' call-in. Hmmm... ETA: I read the same post, merrieeee. Some people just leave me speechless. And wishing they actually were.
  3. Argh. While you may have wondered or suspected that he was gay, you didn't know. No one knows but the person coming out (or any of their sexual partners). Sorry, just had to get that out of my system. *gets down off soap box* I have to agree with you. I am also irked by the know it all comments. Surprisingly, I only heard about this at work today from one person and he himself happens to be gay. He made a joke of the whole story and I told him I was already aware and point-blank asked him why it mattered so much. That caught him completely off guard. He stammered that it didn't. I asked him if calling everyone out on their lifestyle choices was the "in thing" to do, then why haven't I seen an article about his orientation on the company intranet in the employee news section. Heh.
  4. If Clay felt the time was right, then yes, the time was right.
  5. I'm Christian and the first time I heard this argument from another Christian was in regards to a mutual friend who is Jewish, and was also present at the time of this conversation. I was absolutely, flat-out astounded that someone could think that way. Still am. I evidently missed the addendum to the Bible where God gave handed judgment over to us.
  6. {{{For those struggling with this news.}}} I said last night that it was great to be over at the OFC and see so much love and support for Clay. One thing that seems to be a pretty common theme for is the mention of processing and confusion, but that people still feel for Clay in their hearts like they always have. IMO, that speaks volumes more than any article or interview or post on a message board... If your heart is saying that he's still the guy with the voice you love like no other, the guy whose philanthropic efforts you admire, the guy with the sense of humor that makes you laugh, the guy who brought you together with friends you would otherwise have never met... then it's simple - listen to your heart.
  7. I've been in meetings all morning and hadn't had a chance to see the scans, so thanks :F_05BL17blowkiss: to ldyj for sending them to me. That is all.
  8. People article is up. eta: :F_05BL17blowkiss: No leaving, no hating, just some sniffling.
  9. Promo in Photobucket from butterflyshine via Gerwishp: ETA: And the Today Show just mentioned this story.
  10. Clay just posted in the thread at the OFC. Here if you're logged in...
  11. That big headline on the cover of People is just meant to throw the rest of us off. It's all about souper sekrit messages, don't ya know?
  12. Think People.com has had a few hits this evening? Parker is a cutie and is the spitting image of Clay. I love the contrast of Clay's big ol' hand with Parker's little tiny ones...
  13. I was thinking the same thing tonight about seeing the Lance Bass issue of People in the grocery store. WHY is that anyone's business?
  14. I am getting nothing done tonight. I keep finding my way back to that picture. Parker looks sooooo much like his daddy.
  15. Bwah! I don't think that's quite the second round of promo most of us were expecting... I'm truly surprised at how supportive the posts are, for the most part, at the OFC. And glad. It appears Clay is popping in to read over there when he's not on stage.
  16. This is me. It has nothing to do with his voice and his heart. As for asshats like PH, TMZ and such, who live to deliver stories like these as if they own the rights to people's personal lives? Their day will come.
  17. Hee! My mom just left me a voicemail, all excited, while I was in a meeting saying that she called her home phone from work a bit ago and didn't get the "your call did not go through..." recording, but her answering machine picked up! That means she finally has electricity again!
  18. I agree. Per the part I bolded, IMO, the biggest difference it makes is to YOU*. I think some people have completely forgotten that this is supposed to be fun. *Disclaimer - that's a general 'YOU', not pointing fingers at Gibby, or anyone else for that matter.
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