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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Hi 00lsee! Loved your post. I will be enjoying the Merrillville CITH, but I have to remove & re-install my download mgr., so thanks in advance to you both! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I actually think I need to take my computer in for service because it's acting a bit weird, but I don't have time to be without it. That's an argument for a laptop. But that's an argument for money... blech... College? I had enough scholarship money to cover my books freshman year. My mom helped me out a bit, but I worked and had my own loans. Ultimately, no matter where I went it was just too expensive for me to keep racking up debt when I had no clue what I wanted to do, so I quit and went to work full-time. Actually, I did have an idea what I wanted to do back then, but I listened to people (guidance counselors, relatives, etc.) who I naively thought knew better than I. Fast forward 12 years and I'm finally back in school, paying for all of it myself, but also making the decisions for and by myself.
  2. As with couchie's question about January, my checking account again says NO... You are me, ldyj. I think Parker looks like a mini-version of Clay. :kirtsun_05: Off to find some lunch & more caffeine before the afternoon meetings start up. Friday can't come fast enough!
  3. My checking account says [screams] NO. Glad you enjoyed getting Spammed last night, Kareneh! Thanks for the Clack! Aww, it is Parker's 2 month b-day, isn't it? *insert ICBG here* Hope he's healthy & happy! :bb18: ETA: I'm running off to a meeting, so short on time, but check the FCA Glossary at the top of the page, clayzy. I'm pretty sure Claytonic has 'anomaly' listed. Sweet dreams, Scarlett! *makes mental note to make voodoo doll of anyone who ever tries to schedule a 3 am meeting*
  4. Hee! I love our fashion challenged guy! Stage door report from tonight's Spam: :Kolobok_Laie_haha:
  5. Awwww! Me too! Yep, it's got to be an IPG. Or an ICBG - Involuntary Clay Baby Grin.
  6. I wonder if they're referring to that New York magazine interview from earlier this year?
  7. Hee! I *love* this idea, Scarlett! Ah yes, the well meaning friends who "accidentally" invite single guys to lunch/dinner. Why do people assume that they'd be better at finding you a match than you would be yourself? Yet another reason I love my mom: she does not meddle in my personal life. Or current lack thereof... heh. I always - ALWAYS - thought I'd be married with children by now. Surprise! I spent a long time in a bad relationship that I now describe as "semi-engaged". We were engaged, but I say "semi" because I think I knew all along that it was never going to culminate in getting married. He has many great qualities, but he's stuck thinking that he is his father's (abusive, alcoholic, deadbeat) son and that's all he'll ever be. I'm beyond passionate in rooting for Clay to succeed in his life because he didn't subscribe to that thinking (original DS interview where he talked about making the choice to not be like Vernon). While unconventional his path may be, I think he's going to be just fine. And so will we. Hugs {{{FCA}}} and all its many varied & wonderful members.
  8. Another for you, Cotton, and more assurances that 33 is a good age and that there are still some nice girls out here looking for nice guys! A for you too, luckiest. Hope your day gets better! Off to the first of several looooooooong meetings...
  9. From butterflyshine at the OFC, probably in relation to Trick or Treat for UNICEF.
  10. Sarah Palin Debate Flow Chart :lmaosmiley-1:
  11. No no no! I believe she's "mad4clay", or something similar. I've seen her posting & she's fine, not going anywhere.
  12. I remember driving around NC for the NAT concerts in Oct. 2004 with a CD that had just POYB and MDYK burned on it. We listened to it over and over and over. And then again.
  13. That? Is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever read on a message board. I'm surprised lightning didn't strike or the hand of God didn't have a mechanical mishap and fall on her head. I immediately thought about Jerome last night when I was reading her pity party posts. It's a good and bad thing Clay has him. Good because I think they're definitely not just employer/employee, but true family. Bad because, well, because some people are just plain NUTS and neither of them should have to put up with their CRAP.
  14. Quite clear. Apparently. Maybe she should beseech God to give her a hand with the clue thing. D101. Evidently, no rainbows.
  15. Yes. Really, how many other singers can any of us say we know or care enough about to even remotely be able to relate songs to their life? And then there are the personal filters. The lyrics and melody may mean one thing to one person and another to another. Just like art (and lately, interviews, apparently - heh) it's subjective. Yep. I couldn't sleep last night. I'm dragging this morning. I sooooooo want to be back home in bed. Coffee. I need more coffee. Maybe an IV drip...
  16. Tonight's stage door courtesy butterflyshine - profile & stubble lovers, rejoice!!!
  17. OMG - the combover comment made me LOL so loud I probably could have woken the neighbors! Would serve 'em right! :Kolobok_Laie_haha: Absolutely! There was story in the news, I think last Christmas, about a service man back from Iraq who had met a little orphan boy with a disability while he was serving over there and decided to try to adopt him. Long story short, he & his wife did adopt the little boy and they talked about how he would sing that song all the time because he loved the movie it was from - Charlotte's Web, maybe? Anyway, the story made me think about Clay and TBAF and UNICEF and yeah, him singing that song! <- - - My new avi... G'night all!
  18. Pssst...there is an extra Gala ticket, and if I'm not mistaken, it's a seat at our table. Spur of the moment trips can be fabulous...just sayin.' 'Spur of the moment trips' have been the norm for me over the past 5 years and yes, they can be wonderful. Thank you! I've had an offer :F_05BL17blowkiss: that I can't refuse, only sadly, I did have to refuse... It stinks to have to do the responsible thing sometimes. *stomps feet & pouts* peanut butter! is there any other kind? Chocolate chip!!!
  19. Stage door pics from tonight via dancermom2 and a recap from the CB:
  20. Absolutely. I was devastated when I lost my last kitty in 2005. I'd had her since high school, through college and jobs and moves and happy and crappy times. She never said a word about my weight or my grades or the dust bunnies. *g* Hell, I like my pets better than some people... I'll let my mom know that she's got some pending adoptions in the Clay Nation! As for space in my new place, justclay12? I'll have a huge living room, sleeping bags, a comfy couch, an aerobed, and a futon... next time Clay tours (prays for spring/summer 2009) and has a stop in Ohio, y'all are invited!
  21. Yes, I really do still love Clay Aiken even though he didn't pick my Spama-bio entry as the winner... But congrats to Claybella! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Perhaps I went a wee bit overboard with the Spam-isms... Any other FCA'ers willing to share their entries?
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