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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Welcome to FCA, clayzycoffin! :arg-dancing-welcome-whitebg-url
  2. Wishing you a verra :bday: liney! I was so happy when I read his blog this morning. And surprised! I almost wondered if Clay was hanging out a Cracker Barrel just outside of Cincinnati yesterday afternoon! :o My mom came down to volunteer with the vision screenings and we stopped for lunch after leaving the school. I swear the conversation we had was part of his blog. She's not online, but when I visit her or she visits me she reads some of what's going on in the Clay Nation. She read a post somewhere that was saying Clay "should" have adopted or had a surrogate mother if he wanted a child so badly. She was completely perplexed by that statement, among others. She said she would have replied, "No, he could have done those things. He should have done what he wanted to do, which is what he did. Not being a close personal friend or family member, you should mind your own damn business." I love my mom!
  3. I think I must be even more tired than I thought... Clay in a thong? Well, I guess this is appropriate then? :lmaosmiley-1: Long day. Been on the go since 5:30 this morning when I had to leave to drive out to the boonies to some middle school to do our annual volunteer vision screenings. I usually take a school with the younger kids 'cause they're cute and not mouthy. Was a bit concerned about dealing with the 7th graders this year, but they were actually all really good. But it's been a long day and my eyes are crossing, so I think I'm going to call it an early night.
  4. I'm just waiting for his tiny little socks to stop matching. hee! Yes! :connie_42:
  5. I hope today is going better, {{{ldyj}}}. That's it in a nutshell, isn't it.? Oooooooooh... that's baaaaaad... Me too. It's always interesting to me to listen to old Clay songs. There are words or notes that I'd forgotten how much I loved and then there are words or notes that I hear in a new way. I could never abandon his voice. Never. Period. End of story. Last night's stage door pic? Bwah! Bwahahaha! Gawd, I love him!! As for the OFC, really & truly, you hit the nail square on the head for me, JennaZ. I've seen too many posts where people are just not willing to take any responsibility at all for the "mess" they find themselves in now. It's all Clay's fault. BULL.SHIT. The man did not hold a gun to their heads. I'll be the first to admit that, yes, I am an over-invested fan, but good God almighty, some of these people need to wake up!! And speaking of God, not everyone at odds with the religious aspect is hateful/hurtful/vengeful. There are some very good-hearted people who are seriously trying to work out their feelings vs. their beliefs. Then there are some who are not only throwing Clay under the bus, but all the rest of us heathens (*waves to wanda*) too. Now everybody, *sing*.... :00000462: And the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round... Infinitum!
  6. Geesh! Y'all were chatty last night! I've been in meetings all morning *yawn* and now have to run out to the dentist, so I'm not caught up, but had to pull this out: My mileage doesn't vary at all!
  7. I'm there with ya, although I wanted to bang some other people's heads on the keyboard. Just a little. Absolutely, you will. Yay! ETA: Good rant, Couchie!
  8. :nature-smiley-013: Me, too! Clay needs to be on this show. :nature-smiley-014: Oh YES!
  9. Hi FCA! And :F_05BL17blowkiss: to georgiesmybaby lurking down there! Hope your day wasn't bad enough to actually make you throw up, ldyj. Off to watch the season premiere of Pushing Daisies - love that show!
  10. As long as he's entertaining me, I'll be happy. I'm just along for the joyride.
  11. Clay content? That would sure give new meaning to PANTS... :clay:
  12. I had a similar experience when my mom & I were there in April. Friday night, we were front row center, so I was pretty much oblivious to anything going on behind us - the theatre could have been on fire and I wouldn't have known! Or cared... Saturday there were plenty of fans, too. We hadn't planned to go again on Sunday, but when we just happened by the Shubert and saw that both Hannah & Rick were back, well, my credit card hopped right out of my purse and onto the ticket counter. It was on the "Idol of my age" line that people realized who he was. Around lunch time, I mosied over to the OFC, Cotton. The mood has lightened considerably in the big thread and some people seem to actually be interested in talking with each other now. Good posts above, Jenna, luckiest & bottle. ETA: I had the same conversation with someone this weekend, merrieeee. It's maddening. I actually had a co-owrker on Fri. say that to me. We were just sitting at our desks and out of the blue she just asked me, "Well who didn't know Clay Aiken was gay?" I think it's just that it was perpetuated for so long by the media, people who otherwise "knew" nothing else about the man, thought that much must be true. Nevermind his talent. Grrrrrrrr.....
  13. BWAH bottle!!! Other than that, I'm still here, not going anywhere anytime soon. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  14. He was wearing the Asheville DCAT shirt. I read at the OFC that someone did get pics & video tonight as well, but I don't think they've surfaced yet.
  15. Oh my word, wanda! Is it bad that I wish you would post that at the OFC just to see if it would get some people to stop and think about something else for a few, brief moments?
  16. He must resemble a pinball machine. Oh, I love that!....and completely agree! I know he's taught me more than I would ever have dreamed, and this episode is only reinforcing the teachings. I actually did get into a bit of discussion (in a good way) with a poster at the OFC about this the other day. It has only been a few days, right? It only feels like it's been years? Unfortunately, we were stoned and run out of town by some "truly" Christians. I absolutely believe that God brings people into our lives for a reason and if some could get past the entitlement (sorry - Jaymes was right!) and take responsibility for their own part in their feeling the way they do, they might actually learn something. While still a lot of bickering over at the OFC this morning, there are some who really seem to understand and appreciate Clay's reasoning for the threads and are posting like rational human beings. Awww, Bookwhore, that is one CUTE puppy! What breed?
  17. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Clay Cotton, I was going to try and help you out with that one over there tonight, but I thought my head might explode. Even my crapped up sinuses aren't full of that much CRAP.
  18. Yes, it does give new meaning to the 'journey' theme, doesn't it? As for the OFC, I'm stubborn, but my patience is just about gone. There is a difference between venting about confusion, hurt, anger, etc. and just being a miserable bitch. Some have crossed a line and need to be thrown back over it.
  19. something new? can you post the number please? Here you go, ansa: OMG! He's still CUTE! And totally clueless about cooking!
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