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Everything posted by annabear

  1. That's the million $$ question, CG. It's beyond me. Yes, I'm still procrastinating... ...
  2. I'm with you 110%, Ansa! I think know I've missed his bantering as much as I've missed his singing. I love, love, love his little smirk during EID when he sang the "Well, well/Well, now" and the audience reaction. I think on the CV cellcert someone was saying something about asking him at the stage door which it is... He's not gonna tell, the little shit! He enjoys teasing us as much as we love to be teased. *sigh* I'm procrastinating again... back to homework... blech.
  3. You're on, couchie! I can handle watching George Clooney while getting $$$ to go see Clay! :Kolobok_Laie_haha: And here's the YouTube link to
  4. Can't wait for the rest of your recap, luckiest! KAndre?? Is that you? I do believe your sentimental gene is showing... and I love it! *g* I'm lurvin' those socks, too, claytonic! Off to concoct my plan for robbing banks in preparation for next year's gala. Someone's got to give Spooky a run for her money!!
  5. He's so damn CUTE. Nothing's changed, least of all his heart. Night all. It's been fun. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  6. What took you so long to grab that avi, merrieeee? EEEEE!!! My download of the jacket clack just finished! Off to watch!
  7. ETA: The auction & concert audio (mp3) is now in the CV vault & at CU.
  8. Pictures! Pictures!! Pictures!!! Pictures!!!! Where are the pictures??? EEEEEE!!! From toni7babe:
  9. The mp3 of RHW is up in the vaults (or at least CV, anyway) and at CU. I can't believe we haven't seen one single picture yet!
  10. Eeeeee! Yay, luckiest! Whatta ya mean, where's the Clack?! Shouldn't we be asking YOU that?
  11. Uh oh. I wonder if we should expect them to get fuglier now? :Kolobok_Laie_haha:
  12. Made a change at the end... Jaymes' idea... Right Here Waiting Aww, Emma Bubel is babysitting Parker tonight... Thanks to everyone for the last 5 years, last 5 weeks....
  13. CV certer wanted to let everyone know, just in case you haven't guessed, that he's absolutely gorgeous.... Applause when he sang 'faith has conquered fear' the first time, now the audience singing along for the last verse... *sniff*
  14. On My Way Here Little wobble in the beginning & he quipped, "Y'all wore me out!"
  15. He does sound damn good! He MUST tour next year. Aww, you're welcome, laughn. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Back at ya! Everything I Don't Need - rockin' out at the gala!!!
  16. "Verbal blog" was what he said he was doing, talking about the tour possibilities. YWSOB = Sir Robin!! You Won't Succeed on Broadway!! Then when he got to the part about not succeeding without any Jews, he said, "How offensive!" NOW = When I See You Smile
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