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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Dropping off some pretties from music2myears at the OFC (w/permission) before I head off for the night.
  2. That *is* a yummy sd pic! Along with that impudent, curly nape hair (00lsee, ya still breathing, honey?!) it's also a profile shot and I lurve Clay's profile. Other than that, I got nothin'. It's Monday & I'm suffering from caffeine withdrawl, so approach me at your own risk! :98:
  3. Not caught up yet.... Looooooooooong weekend of painting. Again. Still not done! I knew I'd have to do 2 coats of the red, but noooooo, the Home Depot guy swore I wouldn't have to... I'll be going back for another gallon of paint tomorrow. And how does the perimeter of a room seem to quadruple (at least) when you're edging??! Met one set of my neighbors today - and older, retired couple who are very sweet. Told me there's a group (all ages, from all over the development) that go to dinner each month and invited me down to their place for a beer or glass of wine when I get settled. They're even gathering whatever stuff gets left at my doorstep during the week (newsletter, phone books, etc.) and holding it for me since I'm only over there on the weekends right now. I don't think I'll have to worry about them throwing karaoke parties every night! Thank God! Heh. I enjoyed your "longass post", muski. Sorry 'bout the credit card. Had to laugh at your descriptions of getting around Raleigh & Charlotte 'cause they sound similar to my NAT '04 travels! Hope your finger feels better, couchie. As others have said, aloe vera works wonders. Says the genius who once took a nice hot pan of bbq chicken out of the oven with hot pads, then put them down and grabbed the handle.... just long enough to scream and have to go to urgent care.... Great find on the secretary, aikim! I'd like that bed, too, bottle. I'd have trouble narrowing down my vote for that election in Rabbit Hash, KY, Cotton!
  4. YAY!!! Good for you, couchie! You can do it. :14: It's like I said in my list above, we're not getting any younger (damn) and it's never going to be the exact 'right time'. I managed to get through my 1st quarter without losing my mind (completely) and finished with 99% in one class and 100% in the other.
  5. And that Clay Aiken guy, too. Thanks for posting it, ldyj. Also being reported by butterflyshine, who reported about Ruben & Frenchie being at Spam tonight (how cool!):
  6. Same here! :3: How's that cute puppy doing? Glad the bake sale was such a success, Bella. :thumbup: I'm off to camp out on the couch for the evening with my Goldfish crackers, diet pomegranate 7-Up, a blanket and a cat to watch the Ghost Hunters live Halloween special!
  7. I would say that's unbelievable, liney, but then again, sadly, it's really not. It is awful, though. And ridiculous! I've printed out my working draft ballot to fill in & take with me on Tues. since I didn't request my mail in ballot in time. I'm so looking forward to all of the crap filling the airwaves & my email inbox going away!
  8. :kirtsun_05: Schmoopie thought for the day - Parker outfitted as a little pumpkin, with stripey socks, sitting on his daddy's lap.
  9. :00000462: I'm all alone... so all alone... no one to bother me or bug me... We were supposed to move from the 'attic' here at work back to the land of the living in mid-Nov. Then Monday we found out were supposed to move on Thursday - that would be yesterday. On Wednesday we found out that we wouldn't be moving until next Tuesday. Yesterday we found out we're moving TODAY. Yep, we're nothing if not organized.... I'm one of the last few who still has a desktop computer and not a laptop, so I have to wait for building services to come move me around 2:00 this afternoon. Everyone else has already moved, so I've pretty much got the area to myself.
  10. I'm sorry you've been sick, georgie. I'm hoping we get to hear more about the gala and the BAF round table from you! I'll keep an eye out for PM's dropping into my box. BWAH!
  11. Yeah that! ^^^ For which there is an emoti waiting in the appropriate thread to hopefully be added *soon*... Hee!
  12. Yeah that! ^^^ For which there is an emoti waiting in the appropriate thread to hopefully be added *soon*...
  13. When you see him up close, he has more freckles than you can even imagine and the most beautiful, soulful green eyes... Halleluiah!!! I echo the JBT banner love! Hi 00lsee!
  14. Ms Schmoopie checking in... I love hearing about friends & family being at Spam last night. I do, selfishly, hope that we'll get some updates & pics of Parker as he grows!
  15. I'll take photos & art.
  16. Same limited time boat here with work, school, moving, etc., but I think I can find an hour a week or so to help out.
  17. I've had a very expensive day between the doctor's office (migraine, MRI, blood work), pharmacy (new meds) and the car dealership (new tire). I never thought the most "affordable" thing I'd spend money on would be gas at $1.99/gallon! Just when I was getting ready to buy some show tickets for NYC in January... Sorry about the early snow, northern neighbors. It's fricking freezing here today - only got up to about 40 with windchills in the 20s. Supposed to be back to 60 by Friday. Is it Friday yet?!
  18. Check Your Chart The following are alleged to be actual notations in patients’ records. Each has a flagrant ambiguity or other problem. Sometimes the problem interferes with clarity; other times it only produces amusement... - Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year. - She has had no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night. - The patient has been depressed ever since she began seeing me in 1983. - I will be happy to go into her GI system; she seems ready and anxious. - The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed. - Discharge status: Alive but without permission. The patient will need disposition, and therefore we will get Dr. Blank to dispose of him. - Healthy-appearing decrepit 69-year-old male, mentally alert but forgetful. - The patient refused an autopsy. - The patient has no past history of suicides. - The patient expired on the floor uneventfully. - Patient has left his white blood cells at another hospital. - Patient was becoming more demented with urinary frequency. - The patient’s past medical history has been remarkably insignificant with only a 40-pound weight gain in the past three days. - She slipped on the ice and apparently her legs went in separate directions in early December. - The patient experienced sudden onset of severe shortness of breath with a picture of acute pulmonary edema at home while having sex which gradually deteriorated in the emergency room. - The patient left the hospital feeling much better except for her original complaints. - The patient states there is a burning pain in his penis which goes to his feet.
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