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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Oh my goodness - Parker looks just like Clay in the baby pics we've seen of him. Can't really tell the color of his eyes, but the shape of them looks just like Clay! Too CUTE!
  2. Seaking in on a quick break from training again today... I've got the screen majorly minimzed as to not get caught so I missed who posted the bigger pic of the little family, but THANK YOU!!! What a CUTIE! Yep, just like his dad.
  3. {{{{Cagney}}}} I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. One of my fictional INFPs is E.T. As in The Extra-Terrestrial. Who? How? Wha?
  5. INFP - The "Dreamer" checking in. On the Multiple Intelligences (which we just studied in school), I'm completely visual/spatial at 95%, intra and inter personal tied at 80%, verbal/linguistic at 65%, musical at 45%, nature & math waaaay down at the bottom.
  6. Hee! I told him snus infections suck. Sinus infections, too. He's so damn CUTE.
  7. Bwah, 00lsee! From scrpkym at CH... Links converted to actual pics via my Photobucket for easier drooling viewing. ETA: New banner!
  8. Hee... I was in a training class all morning, but did try to log in once during some down-time. Got an error message and figured it was the training lab computer's way of telling me I shouldn't be surfing the web...
  9. There's a bunch of stuff already converted to mp4 for iPods at Clack Unlimited, clayzy. I recommend the Tyra interview 'cause he was verra verra CUTE!
  10. How terribly sad, Marilyon. Prayers for her family & friends.
  11. Lovely new banner! Yes, they take credit cards. Have fun! Home from cleaning/painting/packing for the move. Off to do homework...
  12. I wouldn't say I'm disappointed - I certainly don't feel we could have survived another 4 years of the crap we've been living with for the past 8 years. I guess I'm just bothered that "feeling sort of OK with the new administration" is all I feel - OK. At this point, I'm not sure what it would take to make me feel more than that. There's so much red tape and bs that surrounds everything in government that even the best laid plans often get lost in the muck. I am glad that so many seem to be so inspired. I hope that sticks.
  13. EEEEEEEEE!!! Me too! And to see you and other FCA'ers, too! EEEEEEE!!! Ok, back to work... :clay: ETA: The "Ask Clay" video is up on Broadway.com! I love him!
  14. I wonder if he's been yelling at CNN all day. *g* Feel better, Clay.
  15. Hee! He *is* adorable! And he looks all of 17 in this pic. CUTE pics of a CUTE guy - just the sustenance I need to get me through an evening of homework, work and election results!!
  16. *waves :3: back at ldyj* Have FUN!!! Bring us back some mouse ears!
  17. Hope you have great trips, gbmifan and Fear! :laola0:
  18. I decided to check my polling place on my lunch hour and, luckily, the whole process only took 45 minutes. I'm thinking the lines will be longer again this evening with people going on the way home work. Glad things went well this morning, luckiest.
  19. Totally agree with this. Yep. BWAH! Despite my unhappiness with the choices, I will be voting because I do believe that my vote counts regardless of the outcome. I think I'm going to be waiting in line for quite a while this evening. Only took 45 minutes on my lunch hour. The wait was over 2 hours when I stopped on my way to work this morning and there was no place to park. At least the weather is nice this year, sunny 70s. It's usually cold & rainy.
  20. I feel almost the same way, CG. Completely unhappy with one choice and not completely happy with the other.
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