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Everything posted by annabear

  1. I finally was able to get back in via RP, but had to reboot.
  2. Whatever they did when they did when switching the CV cellcert, it's killed my connection completely. Can't get back in with WMP or RealPlayer, even restarting. Crap.
  3. From caperkeeper at CV: Just spoke quickly IBG - they haven't been served yet - but Clay and Jerome have already left. Program will be starting soon I guess. They will call. I figured you wouldn't mind listening to Clay sing rather than folks eat! IBG is trying to get a photo with her phone to send to us but it's dark and they keep coming out blurry. She reiterated how wonderful he looks!
  4. OK. Watching for the reports from the BAF gala & listening to the JBT on ClayRadio tonight really, really, really makes the whole thread title even more appropriate: Even more beautiful now, inside and out! He's Clay. He's gay. And whatever. When's the next tour? It also really, really, really makes me want a tour in 2009! Did I mention REALLY???
  5. Right now, it's ClayRadio. JBT, beginning, 50's medley.
  6. OMG, yes, that one too. I remember seeing it right after we heard about Parker's arrival and getting a little verklempt. Ok, I really do need to be working. No more peeking for gala reports until later....
  7. Me too! Am I the only one who smiles every time they see one of those Playskool toy commercials on TV, thinking of Parker? :bb05:
  8. bottle beat me with the gala previews! I was this.close. Update on clayzedover from dancermom2:
  9. You put cream in your cat litter? Doesn't everybody? That powdered stuff works better than baking soda for neutralizing odors... Why, yes, I am a communications major. What of it? :Kolobok_Laie_haha:
  10. Yay for gala day! Everyone in NC, enjoy! Hope daddy Clay and his little man Parker are having a happy reunion. :kirtsun_05: Ahhh... I slept until noon today! First time in I don't know how long. Then I got up, sat in my chair, put my feet on the ottoman, with one cat on my lap & one cat on the arm of the chair and we all took a 'wake up snooze' until a little after one. Now I've got a crap load of stuff to get done today between finals, 2nd job and moving. First things first, though - I'm out of cream for my coffee and cat litter!
  11. Aww, glad you guys enjoyed the fair, luckiest. I actually really liked the NC state fair when we went for the NAT in 2004. Actually, up until 2004 I'd never been to a fair, then I'd suddenly been to my state's + several others over the course of the summer.
  12. Yep, the E! True Hollywood Story. To quote a favorite movie: They keep using that word... I do not think it means what they think it means.
  13. That's terrible, heinz. I'm so sorry. It's really sad, but it seems more and more that people just don't care or feel any sense of personal responsibility.
  14. He did say something one time about wanting to be like Mr. Rogers. Of course, at the time I don't think any of us thought he meant he wanted to dress like Mr. Rogers... :Kolobok_Laie_haha: TGIF!!! More later, after the coffee (hopefully) kicks in and I'm (again, hopefully) able to read and write coherently... at this rate, that may not be today...
  15. Safe travels & have fun Gala goers! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hope lots of awareness & money is raised for TBAF.
  16. Great post, boo7! Absolutely agree, Gibby. Schmoopie thread title option bolded above? Good luck, KAndre! As for the rest of your post? I can't relate at.all to the washing stuff & leaving it in the dryer, or cats that shed enough to create another entire litter of cats... Nope. Not at.all... It would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways inconceivable to feel weird about that. Out of curiosity, why do you ask? Same here! Seeing the acronyms, they always 'translate' to the full names for me.
  17. Being an animal person, I love to hear stories like that, Play. I'm glad you & Holly found each other.
  18. I love it, claytonic! Investment tips for 2008 With all the turmoil in the market today and the collapse of Lehman Bros and Acquisition of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America this might be some good advice. For all of you with any money left, be aware of the next expected mergers so that you can get in on the ground floor and make some BIG bucks. Watch for these consolidations later this year: 1.) Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W. R. Grace Co. Will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace. 2.) Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner Cracker. 3.) 3M will merge with Goodyear and become: MMMGood. 4.) Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and become: ZipAudiDoDa . 5.) FedEx is expected to join its competitor, UPS, and become: FedUP. 6.) Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become: Fairwell Honeychild. 7.) Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become: Poupon Pants. 8.) Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become: Knott NOW! And finally... 9.) Victoria's Secret and Smith &Wesson will merge under the new name: TittyTittyBangBang
  19. Hee, Sue - see, you fit right in here! Be afraid. Be very afraid! Check your pm's, muski! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  20. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I just got an AWESOME deal on a hotel in NYC for January 2-5 and charged that sucker! So I at least have a room. Still working on flight & Spam tix. :04:
  21. We've the current thread title for a reason, don't we? It's called love!!! Yeah that! Um, yeah, me too...
  22. I was at work, trying to talk myself out of stopping at Best Buy on the way home because I really didn't need to get wrapped up in some pop singer. Who listens to me? Apparently not even me, myself and I. After leaving Best Buy, I then spent 45 minutes driving around, even though it was only a 10 minute drive home... But at least I didn't really get wrapped up! [/delusional]
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