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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Taking a 15 minute work break & found Jaymes posted again at the OFC. I'm still in agreement with her. Link to post: # 7697 Now back to work... :clay:
  2. I'll be off-base with you, bottle. I'm certain there were monetary offers bandied about. Doesn't mean Clay had any intention of entertaining said offers just because they were out there, as Jaymes made crystal clear. And, luckiest, in case you didn't see it in the speeding train that was the OFC thread the other day -
  3. I've been going through this with a friend this week. I don't think I've really given her any advice, just been a sounding board for her. And at times, her for me. When she would say that she saw something that was said or done in this way, I might tell her I saw it that way. It was not saying, "You're wrong," but giving another point of view to think about. I believe that helped. More of the struggle seems to be with wanting to feel a certain way, or not wanting to feel a certain way, and being upset with oneself for feeling that way. It's just going to take time.
  4. Jaymes is back posting again at the OFC and has just clarified that no money - at all - was involved in any of this. Post # 7429.
  5. Hmmm... people actually reading and posting here and coming to these conclusions on their own... what about our reputation as the mean board? :27: Um, Al Davis, couchie? WTH? ETA: I now see your ETA - BWAHAHA!!
  6. I think it's combination. If people just stop bitching back & forth, just to be bitching back & forth, then they can actually talk things out. What a concept, huh?
  7. Hee! Sounds like we need to drag out that anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken thread title again...
  8. Oh please! If we're going to go with same sex marriage anyway, why not bigamy?
  9. I think I love Jaymes even more today! Picked up my copy of People on the way home tonight. I think I love Clay even more today, too. Off to work so I can see Sir Robin and some FCA'ers in January....
  10. This is my reasoning for hanging out over there too. I think I said to couchie one time - I'm much better with virtual housekeeping than real! And speaking of couchie, I absolutely agree with you about the OFC message board being way too late to the game. The cliques had already formed their separate corners of the universe and playing well together is obviously not this fandom's strong point. As for your friend's reaction about him coming out the stage door - bwah! I couldn't have said it any better.
  11. Damn. Why has sleep only been really good this week when it's time to get up in the morning? Play, hold on - Jaymes did not say anyone or everyone. She practically used more disclaimers and qualifiers in that one post than we've used on this board since the baby news broke.
  12. {{{{Scarlett}}}} :F_05BL17blowkiss: Good luck with your driver's test tomorrow, ansa! :00000442:
  13. I guess I'm Invisible... Here's the link to Jaymes' first post today: #2986 in the People Magazine Interview thread in the Man forum. And her MOST AWESOME MUST READ long post: #3781
  14. OMG, yes, enough is enough is ENOUGH. That b.s. made me see red. I agree. I so totally agree.
  15. I love Jaymes!!! I've been following that thread at the OFC all afternoon! I think she needs to join our board here - she's quoted & agreed with several of our members - Couchie, JennaZ, wanda! I've been saving all of her posts to a Word doc - I haven't been this productive at work in I don't know how long! ETA: I love Jaymes even more... her latest post...
  16. BWAH! Yeah, that was a WTF moment for me as well. Would it kill some people to keep their damn mouths shut for 15 minutes rather than trying to cash in? Not a whole lot of Parker footage. I think we'll see more of the CUTE little man tomorrow morning.
  17. I saw it. He's still the same Clay. Same smile, same giggle, same heart... Oh yeah - same sitting on foot!
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