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Everything posted by annabear

  1. And CG and muski! And my Lurker Friend!!! Of course, my Lurker Friend and I still need tickets....... Details, details! Me tooooooooooooo! Also still in need of tickets... I'm afraid by the time I can afford to buy them (moving is EXPENSIVE y'all!), the only thing left will be broker tickets which means I won't be able to afford them... Off to bed where I hope to actually sleep tonight!
  2. Welcome, Sue! I recognize your name... I'm thinking you've done some montages?
  3. Thanks for the pics, FromClaygary! In spite of the hell that is allergy season, I do love fall. I'll have to check out the links to your other pics when I get home. :F_05BL17blowkiss: As if this needs to be said... Have FUN, wanda! :04: Good grief - I don't think this day is ever going to end!!
  4. Heee! Love it, cha cha! Totally OT question... any suggestions for good vacuum cleaners?? I'm looking at a Bissell pet hair something-or-other...
  5. Indian summer here in Ohio, too, although short lived... the high is supposed to be 87 today, 58 by Friday. The swings in temp, the ragweed in bloom and the leaf mold are killing me, allergy-wise. I've yet to find the right combination of meds for this year. ETA: Thanks for bringing those over, ldyj. I saw over at the OFC last night/this morning the little girl, Bella, who was the peasant yesterday. She's adorable!
  6. I don't know if this is what Gibby's daughter's t-shirt looks like, but this one is funny, plus this site has some other funny Spam things like these Holy Hand Grenade danglers for the car.
  7. I had TV Land on in the living room while I was working at the computer & suddenly heard the name "Kenny" - I had to take a break so I could watch! Love that Kenny guy. And that Clay Aiken guy, too. Bwah, bottle! I think you might be on to something... sweater supply dwindling, Jerome pointing out that laundry duty is NOT in his contract... Belated Happy Thanksgiving to our lovely Canadian FCA'ers!
  8. Hee! Perhaps I could do better with my attempts to learn to knit if I *did* sub Clay songs for, you know, actual knitting terms! Back to w.o.r.k.
  9. I LOVE the pics from the Rockies, Gibby! Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Off to and and today. What FUN!
  10. I can't sleep... again... so I bring CUTE Clack from today's Saturday's stage doors from Clayphan76: In the matinee one, watch for our multi-talented guy signing his name to a Playbill behind his back, while posing for pictures! :Kolobok_Laie_haha:
  11. Friday night SPAM! ETA: Only one pic so far, from a camera phone: He looks like he's got something green glowing from his ear...
  12. Thank you, Scarlett!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Yep, it's still orange and there ain't no way I'm painting a room that color!
  13. Well, I just figured out the cause of and answer to ALL my problems!!! It's all right here in my colorstrology profile: "Wearing, meditating or surrounding yourself with Autumn Sunset helps channel your creativity and intensity in a loving and flowing manner." I don't particularly care much for orange, no matter how fancy the name of the shade, so I'm never wearing, meditating or surrounding myself with it, so my creativity and intensity are channeling in anything BUT a loving and flowing manner! CRAP. I suppose this means I should paint my condo in shades of Autumn Sunset?! Wonder if Clay would come by & help me?
  14. And the Pantone website people are going WTF?! :Kolobok_Laie_haha: I like what it says. I just don't like that the color sounds like something from the Golden Girls! Can you tell I'm procrastinating? I don't wanna do my homework...
  15. Seriously! He's checking out Pantone colors on a Friday afternoon?? I *love* it! Maybe he's looking for new striped sock color combos... :Kolobok_Laie_haha:
  16. Aww, I thought it was cute the way it was! Glad your trip to the oral surgeon wasn't too terrible, akim.
  17. I bought some the other day too. I'm disappointed because they don't taste like candy corn at all to me, just white chocolate. The Honeycrisp apples, on the other hand, have so far been DELICIOUS! ETA: Wish me luck - I'm off to sign my life and bank account away for my new condo! I'm and at the same time...
  18. OT rant for a moment... We have an organizer/calendar program for a reason here at work. It's so that we can, you know, keep track of meetings and appointments, not say "Oh, I forgot" when someone asks why you didn't show up at the mutually agreed upon time & place to help them unload and haul to the other end of the building, the car full of sh.. stuff from last week's vision screenings. Ok, back OT... while that ^^^ may not sound particularly cheery, when it comes to Clay, I'm still cheery! I agree about ClayAiken Pix, Cotton. It would be nice to be able to get a hold of the hi-res versions of the People shots.
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