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Everything posted by annabear

  1. I received an email from a friend this morning with some 'inspirational' thoughts. One statement in particular caught my attention and made me think of Clay - - - "It doesn't matter what someone else calls you, it matters what you answer to." :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  2. Oh my word... just got back from a meeting about inventory movement, which in itself doesn't sound very interesting, and usually wouldn't be. But, for some reason the guy talking decided to use coconuts as his example. He kept talking about coconuts moving from one place to another. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing. I kept wanting to ask if they were migrating and whether or not there were swallows involved in their movement!
  3. Yay! for Scarlett's intermission report! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Sounds like Sir Robin is back in fine form... I love it - Chef Boyardee & peanut butter Oreos! He's such a gourmet! :Kolobok_Laie_haha: Long weekend of painting & still a lot to go. I came home earlier, sat down on the couch for what was to be a few minutes & fell soundly asleep. Woke with a start, remembering I had work, homework & laundry still to be done! Why do the weekends go by so quickly??? ETA: to ldyj, just 'cause.
  4. I'm sorry you & MamaTomato will miss the rally, couchie, but glad they're keeping her as a precaution. Better safe than sorry. to you both! Yep, he did. He was out, I believe on vacation, the entire week I was there in April. Hannah was also out that week, as it's when she hurt her knee. Both were back that Sunday, for the evening show anyway, and I was sooooooo happy that we got to see them! Still sending healing thoughts to our brave {{{Sir Aiken}}}. :F_05BL17blowkiss: As for the roast, I knew they were raunchy, but some of that was..... What a terrible tragedy for Jennifer Hudson and her family. Prayers for strength for them to get through this. I'm early tonight. So freaking tired I can hardly see straight. Heading out with a load of stuff for the condo in the morning, then priming the bedroom walls. Shopping for a vacuum cleaner and rugs in the afternoon.
  5. I'm liking the jacket & jeans ensemble.... want to see his feet....
  6. Aww, I read the other day & thought I commented. Sorry, I guess it was only in my head! Glad things went well. The meds are a really tough issue to deal with at any age, but especially when you're young. Good for him!
  7. {{{{couchie & mama couchie}}}} :F_05BL17blowkiss: No doubt! Hopefully, though, his mention provided a much needed stress reliever moment.
  8. Hee! I *heart* Jerome! From the recap luckiest brought over by msidolfan: Sorry you had such a bad day yesterday, claylove. Hope today's better. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hope crimsonice and Clay are feeling better today, too!
  9. Looks like this is the last of the 'details' for now, from jax5230: From zakus at CB:
  10. Glad to hear she's off the plane & getting some rest, luckiest. Sounds like our Knight could use some healing thoughts... From ellenpoppy at CH: This doesn't sound good... hopefully, he's just very sore and didn't tear any ligaments or break any bones... edited to add her (Hcorbett10) second post: {{{{Clay}}}}
  11. Get well wishes for crimsonice. Being sick sucks enough, let alone having to travel while sick.
  12. I can now get back to my usual post-ho ways as our training classes from hell have been canceled. I know y'all are excited, but please hold your applause. This is good and bad. Good because it was a waste of time & money. Bad because I fear we will now be on self-study mode for implementation of a multi-million dollar project...
  13. Aww, claylove, I'm sorry you're sick. As one also prone to recurring sinus infections, I definitely feel for you. Whenever you're feeling better (hopefully *soon*) and can find time to post is fine by me. Thanks for the additional info, FromClaygary! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm another that's not good with recaps. In fact, I'm thinking I never did recap my April or May Spam trips. Or Merrillville. 2006 or 2007. Or Asheville. Hee... I'm easy when it comes to the sideburns, take 'em or leave 'em. Either way, he's damn CUTE.
  14. OK, back in July they wouldn't send 3 of us to SF for a week of training because it was too expensive, but they're paying some guy to fly over from India for the week, sit in the front of the room, not answer our questions, and IM back & forth with his co-horts in India who are doing all of the system configuration 'examples' in real time while we sit there twiddling our thumbs. Gee, maybe they should have been done ahead of time so that we could do the exercises in our 300 page/pound book?! Then, he doesn't even work in the system! Whenever we're watching a demo, they're doing it by remote from India! I have nothing against India, it's just the idea that they're paying this guy to be here, in the US, but the people back in India - you know, 1/2 way around the world - are doing all the work! And I'm sure we're paying extra for them to be doing this stuff at midnight their time. It's no wonder corporate America is in the
  15. Working, school and prepping to move are kicking my butt this week. Been popping in to read now & then, but not much time to post. My "usual" time during the day (at work) has been taken over by the training classes from hell... I'll leave it at that & rant in the job thread. I quite agree & I love how you put this, Heidi. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks for sharing some about the Round Table discussion, FromClaygary. I'd love to hear more about it. I had emailed back & forth with Aron a bit in the beginning when I thought I'd be able to attend and it sounded like it was going to a great experience.
  16. First quarter back in school - DONE! :ura: Now so I can get up in a few hours and spend the day (actually everyday this week) in a systems configuration training class! :2:
  17. I got gas this weekend for $2.49. It was nice to be able to fill up for under $40 again! Whew! One final down, one to add some finishing touches to... I'm hoping to be done *soon*... *smooches back to Scarlett* I missed you guys, too. Next year definitely! I just read Karma's recap over at CH, too, muski. Yeah, *sniff* is right. Great pics, claylove - thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  18. I know it's long, but it just screams thread title! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm loving all the tidbits & recaps. They're keeping me going while I slowly get through my projects.
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