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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Ooooooh! We could all take turns guessing what Clay said to merrieeee....
  2. Me either!! Still keeping fingers & toes crossed (who gives a crap about muscle spasms!) that I'll make it to NYC in January. Thanks! She herself is a HOOT - as I type right this moment, she's spinning around on the chair next to me, chasing her own tail. Then she'll stop and go after her own whiskers, which she evidently sees with her peripheral vision... she's quite entertaining... although I doubt she'd be the kitty to convince Clay that his fear of cats is unfounded! Hee! I'm loving all the lists of favorite interviews - fresh, old Clack to review! I started a folder a while back for interviews to add to my iPod, but I don't think I ever added them. Must do that so I can look like this at work -> Words to live by! I'm off to Walgreens to pick up my inhaler (gotta love summer air quality... ), to Kinko's to run some copies, and then to PetSmart for cat food. Everyone have a good Sunday, for tomorrow is Monday and Bad words, deserving of being hidden...
  3. Even if I didn't live in an apartment, the allergy issue is a big hindrance to hanging clothes in the great outdoors for me as well. I do try to hang things up inside to dry, at least partially. Instead of worrying about birds, I used to have to worry about this clawing my clothes. No more claws, but I still have to worry about this pulling clothes off the rack and dragging them through the apartment! Sorry about the sinus/migraine, {{{Cotton}}}. I've been kind of off kilter all week since the one I had Tues. They SUCK! Ooooh! Thanks for the pic, Scarlett! Looks like you two are getting ready to start your first full day on the town - have FUN! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. OMG. The pressure! My head hurts already. ACK! May this not turn out to be the typo that kills FCA! :o Besides, I thought we already had a great idea: Glad you made it safely, Scarlett & KAndre! *waves madly in whatever direction Hong Kong is from Ohio* So sorry about your MIL, Iseeme.
  5. I thought maybe we'd have heard something from Scarlett & KAndre by now. Too many good interviews to make up my mind, although if I were forced to pick favorites right now, I'd day the Kimmel interview with the tattoo (soooooo many funny moments in that one!), the Leno interview with the sandwich & twisty tie issues, the Standard and the original Diane Sawyer interview. I really do love to hear him talk & laugh & tell stories almost as much as I love to hear him sing. It's been a looooong week.
  6. Thanks for the update, jazzgirl. Since we haven't heard otherwise, I think it's safe to say they made it out of Newark this morning, but this makes me wonder if/when/where they'll be landing... Oh! Happy 2nd week birthday, Parker!
  7. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Jazzgirl!!! :thbighug-1: I certainly like Clay’s profile! YUM! Thanks, Kareneh Pardon my denseness . . . What Leno thing?? Oh - Good morning . . . woke up with sinus headache - ugh - and last day the Myrtle Beach Dream Dinners will be open. Too bad the grocery store doesn't realize they are getting rid of the best, most unique, friendliest part of their store. pffft! Please pardon my Whine, as well, this morning. It's pouring rain and I just finished baking cookies to take to the store as a goodbye to the girls I've enjoyed working with since the end of March. *snif* Leno...When he was on with Jack Black and they were talking about singing the "Yes that is my Baby" song. Jack sang it and then Clay came out and said he was going to sing the extended version. Kim Hee – I was thinking of Leno when he talked about having to MAKE the sandwich and getting confused by the twisties! LOVE that interview! eta: Or what ldyj said - it's evidently our turn to share a brain today! Sorry ‘bout the sinus headache, Cotton. I hate those!
  8. I think the note on Quiana's MySpace calendar actually said, "Doing Clay Aiken tour", and Clay commented that it was supposed to be a family friendly show.
  9. So sorry for the rocky start to your Hong Kong adventure, Scarlett & KAndre, but I'm loving the pre-caps! Clay's got his fingers crossed that the rest of your trip goes off without a hitch! Love the banner of our brave Sir Robin! Hee - when I first signed in, it got stuck for a few seconds on PANTS! and I thought, Whoa! A smutty banner! ETA: Stinking 'My Coke Rewards' contest! If only they chose the winner based at least partly on the effort it took to get a Coke product home from the store... I stopped at Krogers to pick up some Diet Coke with Lime. I'm carrying the 12 pack by its handy dandy cardboard handle down the frozen foods aisle, when riiiiiiiip, clang, bang, whirrrr... the box tore from end to end, diagonally across, and every.single.can dropped to the floor and rolled. And rolled. In all directions! There were no other customers in the aisle at the time, but there was a worker, unloading frozen food. Do you know that he didn't even blink, let alone help me chase my poor, dented, but thankfully not exploding, runaway cans of Diet Coke with Lime? I think it should be worth well more than the 10 points I got from the barely salvaged end of the stinking box!
  10. Is Clay Aiken CUTE? :lmaosmiley-1: :bier: :arg-dancing-welcome-whitebg-url preden!
  11. I'll give a 'yay' for 2 & bring this over to the new page! Hi Scarlett and KAndre! Have fun! But not too much.... Have a wonderful vacation, muski! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm in that 'Thursdays SUCK!' club.
  12. LOVE that pic, Perma - thanks! Glad hubby arrived safely. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  13. So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, goodbye... :F_05BL17blowkiss: From to in no time flat... ETA: That's Anne of Green Gables country! Another place on my 'must visit someday' list!
  14. I've added you to the representing list. I'd love to say for certain that I'll be there that weekend... I'm planning on it, but just can't commit to it yet and it's driving me cRaZy!!!
  15. OK, djs, you and your sister (especially) look sooooo familiar to me! We must have met at a concert. Or maybe two or three or five - hee!
  16. Me too whine whine whine... and 'yeah that'. Yes! Glancing quickly, that's what I thought, too! I couldn't quite reconcile the luckiest1 I met in NY in May with the 'hair' in that picture! That paints quite the mental picture, muski! I think I might have some pics of my brothers in suits/shirts for proms & graduations that resemble that statement. And just 'cause I haven't posted this lately:
  17. OK, I'll third or fourth or sixth (depending on who's on second ) this suggestion! I especially agree with knowing the MS Office suite - those are pretty much basics anymore. Of course, going back to school is always a good way to go, says the new student . Good luck in whatever you decide to do, 00lsee! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  18. Eeeeeep!! :o I sometimes wish I could cancel just about all channels except the Food Network & HGTV. I'm loving the new season of Monk & Psych! So yeah, OK, uh, add USA to that list up there, then!
  19. I must have missed the apartment complex memo that said a 12 pack and a radio automatically turn your balcony into a karaoke bar every night. :angry22: Just 2 more months... just 2 more months...
  20. Bringing over some pretties from CV - Orlando, one year ago tonight...
  21. keepingfaith, you look just like a friend of our family who lives in Claifornia! Wow, cha cha! Both sets look alike - the same cute babies, just a different hairstyle for you! Thanks for the hugs & well wishes. The headache is hanging on, but thankfully the nausea eased up.
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