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Everything posted by annabear

  1. I'm sorry, couchie. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Truly I am, but for moi it *is* Friday!!! :00000442: :dan1: :00000441: Oh - and....
  2. Hee! For me, about Clay, after sevral wrong guesses it said something like, "I'm guessing it's something you wouldn't want your mother to know about..." :lmaosmiley-1:
  3. Here's a little something fun to pass some time while we wait for some f*%king news!!!! (tm wandacleo)..... Courtesy of Honda: The CR-V Crave Reader It's fun to try and get it to guess what (or who... ) you're thinking of. Some of the guesses it comes up with are !
  4. Glad the California peeps are OK! I experienced several earthquakes when we lived in CA and I hate them. Of course several days after we moved to OH in 1986, we had a 4.6 earthquake and learned that the western part of the state is second-most active seismic zone in eastern U.S. I guess Mother Nature wanted to make sure we felt at home.... Sorry about your old desktop, ldyj. But congrats on the new one! I'm still on the hunt for a laptop. I need to win the lottery! Eeeee! CUTE Clay on Paula's Party! I miss him. More Clay content? Mmm'k.... And now I'm 'cause I've got a looong, slooow day tomorrow crammed with meetings....
  5. I like Huey Lewis & the News. Really, I do. But NOT when the drunken neigbors are out on their balcony, blasting the same song over and over and over and over, while singing along off key at the top of their lungs, which also gets their nasty little dog barking his fool head off.... :98:
  6. *crumples up list of school and/or work related requirements and looks for laptop with BIGGEST high res screen....*
  7. Thanks for the input on Dell laptops. We get a pretty good discount through work, but I have to say I'm not particularly fond of "building" my own laptop. Too many choices and I just kinda zone out! Will have to check out Best Buy.
  8. Bringing this over from the other page because 1) you can never have enough Clay Aiken and 2) I wanted to thank you for posting it, Salty! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  9. Anyone have experience with Dell laptops? Good? Bad? Suggestions? Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  10. Good questions, Ms. Scarlett! I think in part it depends on the field you're in. In my case, I'm not there yet, but I'm wanting to change fields. I sort of ended up on one path and just kept going with the flow even though it wasn't the path I wanted to be on. Now I'm trying to merge back onto my chosen path, but I've got too much experience to go in at entry level and not enough to go in at mid-level. I think I'm going to have to continue on for my master's to get to where I want to be, especially since my "ideal" job is just a concept in my mind right now and I'm not sure how it's going to materialize down the road... Here's a link to MBA.com - Women and the MBA: A Perfect Match Since we are on a Clay Aiken fan board, yes, that emoti is appropraite for [almost] every thread.
  11. I'm in COMPLETE agreement about not sending gifts IIT, IIU, etc. I understand the sentiment, but I also think a donation for charity is the best way to express congratulations. I believe that baby (whatever the story is) will have everything it ever needs and then some, including love - why not give to UNICEF to help another child who will be struggling just to survive? And I forgot earlier - sorry about your vacation plans having to be canceled, aikim. :thbighug-1: Hope you're able to relax and enjoy the time off anyway.
  12. With the exception of moving to the mountains, I could have written this, Iseeme! I still have some stuff stashed up at mom's house because a 2 bedroom apartment just isn't big enough for two cats and one person and all her creative endeavors - you need space to be creative! And you need to have different yarns/fabrics/beads/paints/scrapbooking supplies on hand so that when the creative urge strikes, you can do something with it. Of course, once you start a project you realize that you don't have exactly what you need on hand and must take a trip to a yarns/fabrics/beads/paints/scrapbooking store.... This past weekend I finally finished a project for friend – recreating from 2 little mid-1970’s pictures a beloved orange stuffed dog that was her daughter’s 1st b-day present. Having been thoroughly played with and moving over the years, the original finally succumbed to flood damage. His eyes and music box were salvaged and I used them in the remake. He’ll be traveling to her daughter’s as a surprise (hopefully happy!) b-day present next weekend. I’ve been pulling out fur (mohair/wool/alpaca – not real!) and working on sketches & notes for my SSS projects. I’m looking forward to getting started on the actual bears. Wish I could work on them at work when I’m looking for something to do! Happy Monday everyone… And of course:
  13. Borrowing from Fear & liney and adding on! Beautiful bracelets, Claygary. Love your T-Rex, Scarlett!
  14. :rant: Ever have one of those days (weeks/months/years/lifetimes) where in trying to do something good for yourself in one area, you end up screwing up another? And you only realize it at midnight, when you're in bed, trying to get to sleep. But of course when the thought comes crashing to the front of your mind, you then can't sleep for anything even though you have to get up at the crack of dawn to go to work... Clay content? I hope he's happy & healthy wherever he is and whatever he's doing. And IIU, I hope for a happy & healthy outcome for Jaymes, the baby and all involved.
  15. I like the Beatles and have several albums on my iPod. Not much a Stones or Elvis fan, except for Clay's JBT Elvis. I'm an '80s music girl - Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, U2... :headbangerf: Sending {{{safe vibes}}} to all in the possible path of Hurricane Dolly.
  16. Yeah, I think the new job situation trumps going back to school for the time being, Couchie. But it's still good to be thinking and planning for it. Good for you for having a 5 year plan, Ansa! I've still got to finish my bachelor's and when I started with my current company 6 years ago, returning to school was in my 5 year plan. I'm a little late, but better late than never I guess. I've now added continuing on for my master's to my "new & improved" 5 year plan. I'm amazed at how much quicker & easier the whole applications process is, both for school and financial aid, this time around. I've already heard from the bank that they've passed along the info to the school. Even the federal site says everything should be processed in 3-4 days. Then there's my office, which says I have to allow a minimum of 3 weeks before I'll even know if they might approve any reimbursement or not...
  17. Guilty! Besides hitting the $$ budget, this hits the waistline too. I have gotten batter about that by taking a weekend now & then to fix some good meals for the freezer, organize the freezer & cupboards and prepping all my fresh stuff for the week ahead.
  18. Oh yeah, those'll work, ldyj! They'll work for awwwwwnesss just fine! Nice JBT pic, Perma! One of these days I'm gonna have to clean up my Photobucket.... :o But not tonight!
  19. Well... OK! Here's some AWWWWWWWWWWWW for all of us...
  20. Aww! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Flattery would get you anything, if I had any power! But yes, a Clay concert *soon* would be a good meeting place! :club0:
  21. Before spending the Summer of '05 following the JBT with me, Tasapio spent a few days in York, Maine and these are her gorgeous-as-always pictures. Honey, I'm home! Flight was delayed but it gave me an extra hour to sleep. All is well! Glad you're home safe & sound, Scarlett! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Those are A-mazing! I wanna see everything through the lens of her camera! Beautiful. Just beautiful. That certainly stinks, Play. Any reasoning given for the hefty increase?
  22. Since I just signed myself up to start back to school for the first time in *cough*several*cough* years and there are others here who are currently back in school, or are thinking about going back, I figured a thread to scream, whine, rant, babble, bounce ideas, post links, etc. might be a good idea. Whether going for a degree or just taking a class to learn something new... "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty." ~ Henry Ford
  23. Thank you! Thank you! :F_05BL17blowkiss: My Photobucket is limited here at work, but these beauties from Kareneh show off a bit of his nibble-worthy neck...
  24. Oh YES! The last time I was back home in CA, my best friend from 1st grade and I drove up from OC to SF to visit her parents. On the way back down, we drove along the PCH and visited all those towns. Love, love, love the northern CA coast! Except when it's foggy and neither of you are feeling all that well and you're taking turns driving a stick shift... Other than that, you can't beat the scenic route. That's something I always try to do on my Clay travels, too. Favorite place I've traveled to see Clay? I think I have to say NYC for Spamalot. It was my first time, but definitely not my last! Which I guess is already true since I went back 2 weeks later... I don't think I could ever adjust to living in a city like that, but I would soooooo like to live close enough to be able to travel into town for shows and such. But I absolutely fell in love with NC, too. Both for the Charlotte/Raleigh 3-fer and last year in Asheville. I still want to buy a piece of NC pottery - everything I found that I really liked, I couldn't afford! Must go back when there aren't any concert tickets eating up my $$$. Really liked England & France when I went the summer before I graduated high school. Defintiely want to go back someday. Would also love to go to Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain. Australia, too! *waves* to ausdon and claytonic! Oh! couchie and I have that trip to Antarctica (or someplace similarly cold) tentatively on the calendar for 2010, I believe!
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