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Everything posted by annabear

  1. [PSA] For the record, when I read this post, I didn't relate it to being directed at anyone in particular, so my quoting & commenting on it is not directed at anyone in particular. [/PSA] I think this is the crux of A LOT of the tention surrounding this situation. We all come from different places and have different life experiences. I can't fault someone for feeling how they feel. I can't fault someone for respectfully stating how they feel. I can even sympathize with their reasoning sometimes. BUT. When it comes to calling names and making moral judgments, that's where I draw the line. <- No pun intended! You don't have to agree with someone's decisions, but not agreeing doesn't mean you have the right to belittle them, nor does it give you the right to belittle and cast stones at those who choose to be happy for the other person. Again, this is not directed at anyone in particular, but I have experienced the exact situation I described above. I think some people must truly be miserable deep down in their hearts if the only way they can approve of something/someone is if it meets with their exacting standards. They're going to end up awfully lonely someday. :thbighug-1: to you, Perma, and good thoughts sent out for hubby's safe & quick return. Hope the shower goes well, aikim! Can't wait to hear about it! I'm home from a great evening of a lot of Clack and a little junk food. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to my lurker friend, if she's lurking! Now I must clean up my mess of an apartment & hit the grocery store.
  2. I think WIDTL could do really well. Of course, I thought LNM would be a good single choice, but I'm not the executive producer Clay listens to.... Just popping in from a Clack/pizza/chocolate party to see what's happening.
  3. 8 hours, couchie? 8? You've got a con.nec.shun! Ok, I really MUST get off the computer now! I was supposed to leave for Columbus at 2:30 - that would be in like 2 minutes - and I've yet to feed the cats, pack a bag or take my shower!!!
  4. These pics from Quiana's MySpace page just keep popping up in my mind today...
  5. Gosh... (tm King Arthur) I slept in, got up, checked in here, still on the same page from last night. *yawn* The computer's acting funky, so I decide to reboot. Not 15 minutes later, I'm on the phone when I get a text on my cell that says, "Did you hear?"..... Congratulations to Clay & Jaymes! Welcome to our world little Parker! A Child To Love You can have your wealth and riches All the things so many seek, Position, power, and success, The fame you long to keep. You can earn as much as you wish, Reach a status high above, But none of these can equal Having one sweet child to love. 'Tis the greatest gift from heaven, Little arms that hold you tight, And a kiss so soft and gentle When you tuck them in at night. A million precious questions And each story often read, Two eyes so brigtht and smiling, And a darling tousled head. God has never matched the goodness Of a trusting little face, Or a heart so full of laughter Spreading sunshine every place. A child to hold and cuddle, 'Tis a gift from God above, And the world is so much brighter When you have a child to love. ~ Author Unknown
  6. I don't actually start classes for another 2 weeks, but I'm taking "workshop" classes each week up until then. Homework? What the heck did I get myself into?! My mom has a little Janome that she uses when she does quilting classes - she loves it. We both have Husqvarna Viking machines that we use at home.
  7. Great pic, Perma, and great story, Clayzed! The day/week is finally over! I'm heading home! And, as always: :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  8. It is for me! :nana: Wishing you a verra :bday: YSRN!
  9. If memory serves, there is a picture of young Clay (with Brett) wearing a tank top in LTS while on one of their family vacations. Wishing you a :bday: Strummer6!
  10. While searching through 1,001 links for condos today, look what I found!
  11. Oh, I like that point of view!!! Except that Clay has shown his cards, some just don't want to believe they were on display. He just doesn't feel he needs to show that hand every time some idiot asks, because the idiots are still hoping he has shuffled and re-dealt. All this talk of cards kinda makes one think about Clay playing poker, no?
  12. Why must there always be at least one person who isn't happy unless they're miserable? I got away from one person like that when I was assigned to this project. Unfortunately, her best friend now sits across from me and instability-wise seems to be about 10 times worse. She's applied for another position off the project and I hope that for my sake, she gets it! How are things going with the dictated retirement party, ldyj?
  13. I'm prepared! I've got emergency supplies! Which I hope I never have to use! Yep, yep, yep & yep, Claymatron ETA: So, muski, you and I are sharing a brain today? :2: Apparently.... (tm Sir Galahad)
  14. I hear Brother Maynard belting out an Aaa-aaa-aa-men to that!
  15. Thread title? That's all I've got until I get my coffee and indulge in one of the fresh baked chocolate chip cookies left on my desk this morning by our resident baker as a belated b-day gift.
  16. I've had this sitting in reply status for an hour - guess it won't post itself, huh? jmh beat me to the thread title suggestion!
  17. You said that on purpose, knowing where minds might wander.... Which is why, classy broad that I am shutup, I didn't smut on it... Not by way of written word anyway...
  18. You said that on purpose, knowing where minds might wander....
  19. Thank you! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Had a nice weekend. Shopped, cooked, spent time with family & friends, house hunted, listened to OMWH. Now it's Monday and back to work...
  20. I hope she doesn't mind my posting this here, but I feel she could use all of the comforting energy we can manage to send her way... Our dear {{{Jazzgirl}}}'s mother passed away last Friday. The memorial service is being held today. Please keep her in your thoughts and, if so inclined, your prayers. Thank you.
  21. Besides tasting good, this recipe is also very pretty with the creaminess of the cheese, deep green zucchini & yellow summer squash, bright green dill, pale yellow lemon zest and lavender of the shallots. The only alteration I made was to not add the goat cheese for the last 20-30 minutes of baking - instead I sprinkled a little more Parmesan on top. I managed to get all of the veggies & herbs from farmer's markets, so they were nice & fresh. It was absolutely DELICIOUS! This is the second recipe I've tried recently from Heidi Swanson and her 101 Cookbooks blog. Most of her recipes are fairly healthy and mainly vegetarian. There are many more I'll be trying, especially once the weather cools down, as I love cooking in the fall & winter. I served this at room temp, on a bed of mixed baby lettuces & baby tomatoes with the drizzle of olive oil she recommends. My guests loved it!
  22. Great news, both that your son is doing so well and that you're pleased with this doctor. That unfortunately seems to be such an elusive finding today.
  23. A verra :bday: to Tijala! Yep, yep, yep! And on a totally shallow note... that clack makes for some very fine moments... Thank you!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I was trying to print out some recipes this morning & kept getting that annoying error message with that annoying little sound blip. Which, by the way, for some strange reason makes Gidget growl every.time.she.hears.it! Which makes me ! She's such an odd, but cute cat...
  24. Not caught up yet - friends kidnapped me for lunch & retail therapy today - but wanted to say for the birthday wishes! I might be able to help Clay get through his 30th b-day in a few months - *mouths, "Call me, Clay!"* - seeing as I've been 30 for two years now! Oh - as always... And Couchie, I've added "not an axe murderer, have credit cards, will travel" to my resume...
  25. I got 'soul mate', too, Lotus! But only after it guessed 'cannibal' and 'raccoon'....
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