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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Me too. I wonder if there's a limit to the number of people you can have on ignore though?? Damn. I've REALLY got to get that 2nd job now!! Oh YES! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  2. Yes - during the ATDW promo. Clay was wearing the laceless Chucks in the photo shoot at the piano, and I'm pretty sure he had them on during the "I shaved my leg for yewh!" Kimmel appearance. He was also wearing them in some of the OFC pictures from that timeframe. No access to photobucket though, so I can't post pictures. Yep, yep, yep! I don't have the bigger version, but he's got them on here: Wishing you a verra :bday: cha cha! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  3. From cindilu2: And from cha cha trusty:
  4. I love it. Have you posted that at OFC? Clay might see it there. Hee - it takes a lot for me to even sign into the OFC (message board), so, no, lolol. If you post there, feel free to share! I took them over.
  5. I think Clay had quite the grip on little Parker. But not nearly the grip Parker surely has on Clay's heart.
  6. Mismatched striped booties. I love it. And a teeny tiny bucket hat. Burberry, of course. :sm227: And a snarky smile when he fills his pants. Or pees all over daddy when he doesn't get the diaper in place soon enough.
  7. Anyone in the mood for more schmoopiness? From CV: Karma sent me this Sendspace. I highly recommend the download. :jugglehearts: Caro I agree, Play, about them probably giving the hospital gifts away. I did the same when I was in the hospital last fall.
  8. Anyone else imagining little baby feet in little mismatched stripey socks?
  9. I haven't even downloaded or watched the video yet. I think I'm on schmoopiness overload from the pics alone. Clay. Carrying his first born child. His child. Oh my. *sniff*
  10. Somone start some real fun and post about this over on the OFC!
  11. Since I'm at work, that's all I've got in my Photobucket right now. ETA: Thanks for the transcript! We watched this Clack Friday night - actually, we watched the whole Asheville concert - and we were !
  12. Please don't take this as my trying to tell you what to do, but since you happened to bring up buying baby clothes..... I saw rohdy mention on another board that where she lives, they have some sort of community baby shower to collect all kinds of items for babies in need. For those who want to buy things, or even those who like to make things, it might be nice to check around where you live to see if there's something similar. Oh my word! A friend I used to work with in my old job here sent me pics from her little girl's 2nd birthday back in May. I was chatting with her and asking how things were going. She told me that Marlise loves colors and cars and loves to point out "the red car" or "the blue car" when they're out and about. That's all fine & dandy - until they see a truck... Marlise is having a little trouble with her "tr" sounds, so you can imagine what truck comes out sounding like... and of course, she has to yell it out when she sees one! Hee! Look what Clay has to look forward to with Parker!
  13. YAY!! From a fellow student, just starting summer courses! :bier:
  14. I cranked up the volume and hit repeat for this one in the car both to & from Columbus this weekend. LOVE it.
  15. Oy. OK, Play, that's 2 days in a row that a post of your's has made perfect sense to me. Which one of us should be afraid, very afraid? This is an EXCELLENT point regarding how and why communication may have been handled the way it was. Not only is this Clay's personal life, but Jaymes's as well. As much as Parker is Clay Aiken's baby, he's not just his. Lesson # 1 in deciding to bring a new life into the world - almost any decision you make from that moment on no longer affects only you. I don't blog much anymore, but I ended up going through old blogs at the OFC last night. I came across this one I posted in May 2006. I felt compelled to re-post it and thought I'd subject you to share it here as well. I hope everyone has a good day. The weather here is unusually nice for mid-August, so I think I'm going to skip the rest of the cleaning (the dust bunnies, unfortunately, ain't going anywhere... ) and head out for a while. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  16. Something for aikim to add to the countdown/calendar: From the CH:
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