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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Well, I got lucky the morning tickets went on sale. I'll let you know for sure, if I survive in April, but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say YES! I heard a rumor that he's currently shaking his stuff eight times a week on Broadway, but I'm not sure if it's the same guy or not... Wow! I saw the same CUTE guy and heard the same rumor!
  2. Ooooooh! I hope you love it as much as I did. One of my favorite shows ever! Of course, I've yet to see Spamalot.... How cool! Thanks, Caro. I've always loved that pic & it's nice to have the story behind it. By the way, Kai is a cutie in his spiffy GAP duds! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm not bothering with angst or conspiracy theories. I'm here to enjoy Clay Aiken. Two months from today, I'll be arriving in NYC..... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
  3. Glad you computer finally came back, luckiest. Just 2 months + 3 days until I can give a recap in Spamalese, too! :nana:
  4. You're welcome, YSRN. Thank you for the links you provided as well. I'll be visiting them this weekend! I should add that, thankfully, my allergic reactions aren't life threatening. I've just started to learn over the past couple of years that they very well could be the root of other health issues I've experienced, though. This is exactly why I should stay away from the dairy. ETA: Yum indeed, YSRN! While I had the oven on for my muffins, I decided to this, too. I sprinkled just a little bit of salt, pepper, garlic powder, sage and cinnamon on after drizzling with olive oil.
  5. You aren't kidding! Corn syrup is like a magic elixir for everything, along with corn starch. It's always the first thing they add to reduced-fat products as filler. Soybean oil is another extra ingredient I keep seeing more often, too. I happen to be allergic to both corn & soy, as well as dairy and the above mentioned wheat. I tend to get easily overwhelmed at times when trying to grocery shop - it seems like everything is either bad for my weight or my allergies - grrrrrrr!! liney, I eat goat milk yogurt - Redwood Hill Farm - as well and have also found a really good low-fat goat milk for cooking and eating on cereal - Meyenberg. They make great cheese, too. Thanks for answering about the Spelt flour, Gibby & YSRN. I think I'm going to pick some up this weekend and try making some 'healthy' blueberry muffins that I can freeze & pull out for a quick breakfast-on-the-go during the week.
  6. Thanks for the info, YSRN! What an inspiration, laughn! And good going, Couchie! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA: YSRN, or anyone else - Have you ever baked with Spelt flour? I have a wheat allergy, but can tollerate Spelt and actually find it to be more nutritious than wheat. I want to try subbing it in some of my favorite recipes in place of (refined) white flour, but am unsure how it will act. I've tried brown rice flour before and it was a disaster!
  7. I do! From Kettering. Unfortunately not here at work. If you haven't found one by the time I get home in a couple hours, I'll post it for you. Happy Valentine's Day, FCA!
  8. So glad you were finally able to get in touch with your DD, keepingfaith. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  9. Very niiiiice, ldyj! <- - Hey - we need this little guy to be green & white!
  10. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Thank you! If that's the appetizer for my full-course meal in April, I'm starving!!!
  11. Because it still hasn't ended from the last time. Some people just get stuck in the angst and can't get out. There's one I missed. 2.) I thought she went away simply because of management change. 3.) I thought she was behind the unauthorized leaking of the TITN video and thus persona non grata, or is that fan mythology? 4.) I could be talking completely out my butt here, but I thought her stint ended when he left old management and went with Renshaw. She stayed with AI basically. 5.) I thought she was assigned to the next batch of AI contestants. She definitely was part of 19. Oh come on! There must be more than 5 theories about Vanessa out there!
  12. I definitely know what you're talking about with the diabetes, Couchie. It runs in my family, too - maternal & paternal grandmothers, mom, aunt, etc. I'm lucky that my labs haven't shown anything *yet*, but I really want to do what I can to prevent as much as I can. It's supremely frustrating to me to know what I should do and find myself just not.doing.it. On a positive note, I have been making myself do my work out every evening for the past week now. Not letting myself slide by with the "it's too late" or "I'm too tired" or "I'd rather be on the boards" excuses, just doing it! We can all do it! :7:
  13. Well it seems half of FCA was at the Interlochen JBT! I was there, too. Good times - the last of our JBT road trip. I was sad to see him hit that jukebox for the last time in person that summer. {{{{Claygasm}}}} Sorry about all the RL suckiness right now. I really enjoyed reading about your friend's adventure in getting to Spamalot over the weekend. I also find that Clay always manages to put a smile on my face. Hope everyone is feeling better! :F_05BL17blowkiss: It's snowy & icy here this morning - I started out by sliding right out of the driveway and into the middle of the street. Luckily there wasn't a car coming towards me on my side of the road and I managed to stop without hitting the truck going down the other side. I'm now heading for coffee and into an all-day meeting. EAT: Ooooooohhhh! Thank you, Cha Cha! I'll be checking out your sepcial project this evening when I get home!
  14. No kidding! Well, the wind & cold blew through my area this weekend and tonight the snow/sleet/freezing rain crapola is supposed to be on its way. Is it April yet??
  15. Hope everyone who's under the weather is feeling better *soon* - Play, Claygary, Jamar. Be sure to get plenty of rest! Tomorrow's Monday. It always seems to come again. Unexpectedly.
  16. That's GREAT, ausdon! We still haven't decided what other dates we'll be adding while we're in NYC. We'll be getting in on April 17, so we might try for that evening's show if we get in early enough. I'm beginning to wonder why I even bothered to book a hotel - we've got so much we want to do & see in addition to Spamalot however many times, that I don't think we're going to have time to sleep anyway!
  17. Play, I don't begrudge any fan who goes to enjoy themselves and support Clay, no matter how many times they attend. More power to those who are able to have multiples! Those who have managed to get there by taking advantage of others, believing and spewing filthy lies and stalking - I can't even find words to begin to describe how I feel. But then that could be because I don't care to waste my time. Maybe the next reality show on VH1 needs to be "Celebrity Stalker Rehab"!! Between my fed & state, while I did manage to come out ahead, it's such a small amount that I can't even buy a pack of gum with it!
  18. I'm guessing that a lot of good could be done (BAF, UNICEF, insert any # of charities here) with the $$$ being spent on their sorry butts taking up seats. Pathetic.
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