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Everything posted by Ansamcw

  1. OK - I'll just acknowledge the elephant in the room!!! *g* Do you mean BFM or TRD???? Well BFM is the one that had a lot of hand waving...maybe...hee didn;t think if it.. Chachatrusty...don;t know why the tag didn;t work...is there something different about your site? were you able to directly link from there before?
  2. Quick post...for those who are interested... Six degrees is now accepting paypal donations that will make it possible for non US residents to donate. oops I forgot to add....another thing I learned from the boards this morning... CH is setting up the cellstream too...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE so we will chat and I will report from the CH if it comes through. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Ok what is this...I've been trying to figure it out...hand waving???
  4. Very well said Keepingfaith...Its true...if you like an album...what does it matter how it came to be as long as it is....And if you don;t like it...just move on, Clay will make more CD's . I have some Clay friends that were disappointed with the CD...and their attitude is they still love Clay...will simply wait for the next one and they do not go on and on about what they wish it to be or hate Clive and RCA for it. What I have realized for some time now, to a lot of fans it seems like we are still on a race, a competition and Clay is their horse. To them...the fact that the CD didn't sell gazillion CD's and didn't propel Clay to that next level that Kelly and Carrie are at...is what ruins the CD, who cares if they liked it or not. They need someone to blame and RCA and Clive is the most convenient thing and in their minds...pretty fixable. They don't want to consider that maybe its Clay's musical direction that is simply not compatible with whats hot today. They want to cling to the noiton that Clay can have something out there that could compete with JT and with Daughtry...that he will be a singer/songwriter like John Mayer and he will be hot and cool and be loved by MTV only if Clive and RCA let it happen. They don't want to face the reality that Clay loves this kind of music and that maybe he would rather have moderate success singing these songs than sell out to whats popular just to be on radio.
  5. (((clayzorback)))...big ouch...I am so glad hubby does all our repairs...it may take some time before he gets to them but it saves us tons for repair. WORD to your other post too...yup this is something Clay has said over and over again. HAve some of these fans that love to diss this CD ever think that maybe what dampened Clay's enthusiasm for this CD was his own fan's reaction?
  6. as infuriating as that can be...I am not surprised that happened...there are just fans in this fandom that cannot be satisfied and are super spoiled and think they are entitled to be special and to get the moon. This is why we get a bad rap... I'm glad you are on the situation KAndre...I really don;t want us to piss off abother professional that was jsut trying to help.
  7. Ooooo! I have a new nickname! Cool! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Yeah I had to ask couchie who gazzy is...I thought we had a very helpful lurker...hee
  8. Ansamcw


    Wow one fo the rare times jenna and I didn;t share a brain... I guess to me...the way they keep expanding the stories of the main characters seem contrived somehow...like the writers just want to make things more complicated. I do suspect something else is up with this two...or just with Nikki. I was even imagining the others were observing and dig the two up later. But if nothing else happens to this story i find it was a good respite from all the drama.
  9. Claygasm...I read it somewhere that they are ...but since I don;t hang out at CV, can't tell you for sure. OMG...you guys are making me laugh so much today... I wuv you all!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE we are going to hear Clay tomorrow!!! I mean some people will and we will get vicarously thrilled.... OMG...PLEASE...PLEASE...let there be Clack!!! and if there is a CV cellcert...and if some lucky FCAers are listening in....can ya please ...please report here in FCA...I will chat with ya!!! others will chat with ya!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Jerome is there!!! I heart Jerome!!!
  10. Yess i bet you it was TOA's lyrics that resonated with him....oh its also written by a ROck star...hey he wants to be a rocker??? oops too bad he took out all the rock elements of the song...darn...sigh HEEE I really can't believe that some poeple still thinks everyone lies and only their interpretation is right..now itunes is lying when they indicated this was done in December...well he couldn't have...Decemebr was when he started to be happy and the cd was dead then right??? hee...
  11. I have a feeling lots of people are downloading...they took it off CH vault to encourage people to dl from itunes since its free. Don't know if the other sites are uploading them.
  12. I know...I can't believe there aren't more people EEEEEEEEEEEEing about this...WAKE UP!!! hee I love his description for EIH...and who is it here who really loves TOA...Claygasm? cos he totally loves that. I also love his explanation on how he ended up in BAF...and how God directed his life. hee and he is an activist ...
  13. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: thanks for bringing this to our attention. I really love it.
  14. hee this is me today...I was doing laundry cleaning the upstairs and the bathrooms...it took me so much more time to do it cos kept stopping and reading the boards. At least I didn't try to post until everythign was done... sigh...now I'm pretty tired...
  15. WOW what great discussions...I have been following it all day just too busy doing housework to reply properly... Inclusion....I guess that is why Clay's foundation exist because you cannot just put special needs kids with other kids with no preparation or adjustment and expect everything to go smoothly. There really is a need for funding, for training, special equipments to make this happen successfully For example...I am very lucky that the school board we are in is quite committed to inclusion. For every special need child or child with learning disability, the school will be given extra funding to hire TA's and even buy special equipment. Caitlin has a TA with her at all times. It does not mean that the TA sits with her and does everything for her...but she is there to assist the teacher so that Cait does not take away from the other children and gets the attention she needs. IF she is disruptive...which is very rare, the TA takes her out...when there are activities she cannot handle the TA does one on one with her. In the playground there is a dedicated supervisor for her and she has a special touch screen computer with a special keyboard. But they always try to let her participate in class she gets the same work sheets, if she wants to join in the discussion she is called upon and she when she jabbers on in a language no one understands...nobody snickers, they all accept that and most of the kids are thrilled when she does things. The effect of Caitlin on the other kids is also pretty special. One time I was substituting for her teacher and her TA had to go for a doctors appointment...so I didn't have any assistance for her...so I asked the class, who would want to help out with Cait...I got so many volunteers and these other 6 and 7 year olds were so great with her, even took her to the bathroom and were doing one on one work with her. The most profound effect I see are with the big kids, the grade 7&8's. Specially with the boys...it is not unusual to see the toughest baddest boys in the school playing with Cait or down on their knees talking to her or asking for hugs. She is very well loved in her school and I think it helps build character when kids learn to deal with kids that are not like them YAY for the NBC christmas special!!! This sounds more involved if he is the exclusive musical guest...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  16. Ansamcw


    HEE...and you were sceptical at me when I told it its about people we didn't know. Yup I loved it cos it was fresh and well acted by everyone. I just wonder what happened to rose and bernard? Love Sun....and Sawyer. I love it cos he didn;t know them...hee
  17. YAY ...this is my bottom three I think...can;t remember what I wrote now...but I agree with this. I really think Chris should go... YESSSS I know Chris has a good voice...but he can;t handle this kind of big stage. His singing hasn;t been good...he does not have enough energy on stage. I think he is really more a frontman for a band, singing his own songs. I hope he got enough exposure to get his own music out there. Good Luck Chris. I like that sing out. He was sweet giving all of them a hug.
  18. Although I didn't think the judges were too bad on Sanjaya last night...I think you are right about him being the media's whipping boy. I don;t usually watch the entertainment shows anymore...but I caught ET tonight...and that host was really very mean about him...they said the got 88% people saying why is he still there he was horrible. I really didn;t think he was that bad...I totally enjoyed him. Right now he just needs to just project more and be more confident in his vocals. Oh I love Gwen stefani on this. Wow when you are a world class popstar...you have more money to promote and have a full production...with dancers and all that musicians. too cool...and gosh she is pretty
  19. Ansamcw


    OMG...what an episode....I loved it. I loved that you can see the camp from other people's perspective... and wow...they got burried alive...creepy!!! Maybe I loved it because no kate and Jack and a lot of Sawyer...
  20. Ansamcw


    I loved this from the start...but my love has turned to disappointment because of the lack of cohesiveness of the story. But like Clayzorback...cannot turn away. what characters do I like? I really like sawyer, Can't stand Kate...Jack is just boring, I find Ben really creepy, good actor. I really like sayid, and John's story is just getting incredulous to me because I thoguht the father was totally miscast. Hurley is an interesting character but they need to do more with him...same with Claire...I hate that they haven;t gotten back to the issue of her baby. I still wonder if Micheal and walt are going to be back in the story...and they need to really reveal more of the mystery of the island or else they will just get all lost. I guess that is the problem with this show ...there were so many stories they were developing that they seem to drop...and they are not interweaving all of them to make a cohesive whole.
  21. Ansamcw


    Hey I will join the conversation too... will be back after taking care of supper.
  22. I don't know why, but this quote struck me as really, really cool. It also struck me as -- heck, Clay must like this music *coughATDWcough* to be spending the big bucks for orchestrations. *g* :lies: You know Clive is forcing him to pay that money! Hmmmm. Maybe the reason we only ever see Clay traveling with one of the pooches is because Clive is holding the other hostage so he can force Clay to sing all these songs like "Moon River" and the covers from ATDW! That must be it because we all KNOW if Clay had a choice he would be the biggest Rock Star! EVAH!!! AHA...there it is...I knew something was up!!! Hee ...I am very good at tuning out things like these...actually I was pretty much scrolling through the BAF stuff until a certain faction made a stink about the press release...made me pay attention to what was happening. But before that...since I gave to FCA MAD...and I know I can't donate again...that was a non issue to me. But even if I didn't give any I know that people cannot guilt me into it if I don't have the money or am not really interested in a charity. It just so happens that this is a charity close and dear to my heart because of my daughter's experiences.
  23. Oh I Totally understand what you are saying Claygasm...and no...I think this should really be up to every individual. I don;t know what is being done on other boards but I think in CH someone just posts updates and ask for people who can and willing to please consider donating and to spread the word. If other boards are doing more than that...then that is just wrong.
  24. Wow the baords have been pretty quiet lately... YSRN has Poison Oak??? Never had that before..hope it goes away soon so is there no ticket sales today? It seems all is quiet around here.
  25. Yeah I think its because they are just the lynch pin that holds all these crazy characters together, they are really not as interesting as their friends. In GA's case...I also think Ellen is a very bad actress. To me she is like Evangeline Lili of lost...they lack a certain depth that would make thier characters more sympathetic and realistic. Like I just can;t ebleive they are these almost super human women that all these men went after and in Kate's case, also this person with all these criminal skills.
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