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Everything posted by YSRN

  1. Lucky bitch! Re: Woo's street sign post from 1000 pages ago... When I was a kid one of my best friends lived on FLICKER ST. Heh. It hardly ever said FLICKER. ...and speaking of smoking weed... It's the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love in Golden Gate Park. I'm not going, but it sure looks entertaining. Oh, I'm prepared... I just don't think I'm going to be one of the lucky ones. I knew muski would beat me to this... heh. jamar... a pressie: Right-click and Save - Your Milli Vanilli song :F_05BL17blowkiss: My sister has company for the weekend... Somehow "I" have become "we". I coulda swore I never got married and I definitely don't recall giving birth. Later, peeps!
  2. Didja like that before? How I set you up to advertise the site? Huh? Huh? ...and yes, tomato juice is the key. I use it on my dogs all.summer.long. Yes, they are stoopid. One night at 2am I was up packing the poor dog with crushed tomatoes... it's all we had. She thought I was insane, I'm sure. But it worked! :trink3: Welcome to the newly delurked.
  3. Random catch-up post ahead.... This needs to be seen every page for awhile... seriously. Look at that beautiful soft hair... that adams apple (for aikim), that cheekbone, those dreamy sleepy eyes, the way he's holding his hair and looking like he needs to be kissed, that adorable ear framed by the hint of a sideburn, that forehead. Even if I didn't have a crush on that damn guy, I'd think this was a gorgeous photograph of someone. It's clear, but where the hell was I? Did he do more? Because the GMA right after AI2 was just not good... even though it remains one of my favorite aural versions of TITN ever because of the... er, something different... er, God, why can't I remember? It used to be easy to remember all these little things. *off to listen* When exactly WAS Zootopia? Is there a calendar of events somewhere of all the Clay stuff ever to happen? Like a chronological list? Bwahahaha... this picture is hot, but honestly, I never noticed the wallet or the sock. Heh. HEH... I just NOW noticed that little plus sign under the compose box that lets this box expand. Whatta mod! We definitely need to add this to the collection.... I do believe that too, canucky! It's just a feeling. But, oh, what a feeling! Hi saltie! Hate to disagree so early, but that was my least favorite look of all... I just did not care for that outfit, or the way those bangs were all muppet-like or anything... I did love his shaven leg on Kimmel tho! Welcome to all the newbies... I can't possibly keep up! Hey, when do we get to find out who the new producer is!?! Next week would be good! BWAH... those are some pissed off Rockettes! ETA...are you SHITTING ME!?! Weeee, first post on a page!!
  4. Ok, I know I've asked this before, but what the hell is Kevin Studdard Hair? When did that happen? Where da clack? My favoritest lurker in the wide world... my sunnydelish. Sorry, I went MIA for awhile, but I had a wild hair and got trapped reading about the Clyra... Holy Hormones! I see ya'll were in there too. Like in December... heh. I'm a late bloomer, yo. Hot shit!! Phew! But, but, but the picture links weren't working and I can't see what she wore to the party!!!! :cries: And then... I got all discombobulated looking at clack... hours worth. HOURS, I tell you. You know what...? I'm over the teeth. BYLM Orlando, Invisible... profile, soft singing, no frying pan... the teeth are so pretty. I'm all crazy in love, dammit. God, I'm weak. Then, then... I was helping someone with something and I somehow got reminded of the bestest old video ever... ldyjocelyn knows. Woo! LoverEyes knows. *sigh* *watches* Oh, a question... I hardly watched any actual song clack from the tour cuz I was too into the banter... but I did watch ATD from Knoxville tonight and I'm wondering if Clay sang harmony for this in other shows too or just this one... Anyone? Bueller? Did I mention he looked utterly delicious in Knoxville?
  5. Aww, I feel all speshul! Hee. Nice to see you... did I mention that? Ha... I just connected. Knoxville is the AMA shirt! No wonder I love it! And that hair is delish! And lookie what I found. I'm more organized than I thought.
  6. Heh. I set you up! Heh. Not really, but it sounded good! :lmaosmiley-1:
  7. Heh. I have NO idea! I don't think so. It's not like they give you any training around here! Hee.
  8. Jesus, I love those Knoxville photos! That third one knocks me offa my feet!! BAF Update for the AYSTAFG pledge totals:
  9. :lmaosmiley-1: I've not heard that before... Too frickin' funny. Glad you had fun, glad you got home tonight....and thanks for calling me!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Fun day -- even for us stay-at-homers! Congratulations, Clay!! From BAF: Betcha they crack $100k Not a bad day!
  10. Of course not. Though I will admit, during the show, at about the 50K mark, I got a wee bit nervous...
  11. Sorry if some of this is repeats... I'm too lazy to go backwards. What kind of expression did he have on his face when he had to say"I am not smarter than a fifth grader" Was it cute, was he laughing, was he smirking?????? This was funny, because they had to retape the ending. I think our boyfriend didn't want to say he wasn't smarter than a 5th grader The first time he said a bunch of other stuff, and then on the retake, he said "I may not be smarter than a 5th grader, but I know when (or am smart enough to know when) to take the $300,000 and run." (slightly paraphrased, but he didn't actually say "I'm not smarter than a 5th grader" in those exact words. And NO glasses, for those who asked. I don't watch the show, but I think his segment could take the whole hour. Just not sure about how they edit stuff. It took over an hour to tape. It was just so much fun to see him thinking through questions and talking them through as well. The funniest was when he wanted to be ABSOLUTELY sure that 8X8 was 64, so he added it with an imaginary pen on the desk several times before locking in his answer. We thought he had it added up, and then he laughed and started again :giggle:
  12. That first picture... not hot. The second one. ::LOVE:: And look, lover eyes got a new avvy. Woo. <-- never gonna get old. Hee.
  13. couchie just called me... she's trying to get a flight home earlier. So she had to run, but she sounded really happy and said Clay was gooooood... hee. She said she was calm until they got more and more money and then she was gettin' nervous, and so was Clay... "he was really workin' that jaw". Kellie Pickler was cute for the first 10 minutes and then.........zzzzzzzz. They kept having to remind the studio audience to be as excited for her as they were for Clay. LOL! During the Apple question he said, I put peanut butter on apples and Foxworthy said, "I thought you were allergic to peanuts -- we cleared out the whole studio, even of my Snickers". Hee. Clay said, no, TREE nuts... you're from the South, you know peanuts grow in the ground. LOL. Clay got the kid who guess Mark Twain for who wrote the Xmas Carol and teased him for getting that one wrong when it was his turn to help him again later. that little girl who said she liked him was soooo cute... when he was weighing whether to quit he was all... hmm... 30 camps... 2.5 camps... no question. She sounded happy and like she had a good time, but had to go when she got to the counter... all my paraphrasing of course... She'll recap when she gets home!
  14. Hee. who changed your name!?
  15. Wee... Clay's smart and his hair looks like snot. Hee. Just like a kid, that guy!
  16. Bitch* has a FINE red leather jacket too. She's even been known to share. :F_05BL17blowkiss: * said with adoration and affection of course. Hee. *covers own ass*
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