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Everything posted by YSRN

  1. Dammit. I missed the season premier of Boston Legal, didn't I? I LOVE that show! TV Links only has the preview and I can't get the download to work! And House was great this week!! I've never heard of the 4400 but that does sound interesting.
  2. What an excellent and practical piece of advice, wandacleo. Thank you so much for that idea. And thanks to all of you for sharing your experience. You're all amazing and very inspirational. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I guess it's not exactly caregiving if my divorcing sister and her teenage daughter are living in an RV in my yard, is it? It's an emotional rollercoaster though, that's for sure. Holy crap, that girl can CRY!
  3. Twin here! Hee, Ms.CynicalBitch, I was only excited about the clack. I didn't even read the rest. I do appreciate a good quality download, yo! In other "news", I wrote this totally bitchy diatribe about Chexxxy/TAiken/Titian and her moronic mission and how it's now a Googleable event complete with JP references for public consumption. And how somehow in her fucked up brain that all translates to "respecting" Clay. And how anyone who plays in her sandbox is enabling her and just as guilty of the insanity, IMO. And then, I decided that rather than even put one tiny toe into her vat of venom, I'll just leave her and her cronies to stew in it without me. Good luck with that, losers! /short version *showers* Ah, refreshing... Ya got me. You did mean "not" up there, right? :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. That creepy caspar with the pubic hair is weeeeerd! Couchie... check it out... a whole buncha info here: http://getclayaiken.com/viewtopic.php?t=305 Even a Bay Area Fox schedule! I'm so organized! Hee.
  5. Ah, CG...when I read this at first I could've SWORN it said, "Let Clay Aiken take you into the back....." I was soooooo going with him, too. Take me, take me! Play... don't bother. Seriously. Everyone already has their mind made up. It's not like it's going to change anything.
  6. God, why did I go there? What a bunch of bitches. Eh, Fuck 'em. God forbid anyone disagree that Roger is lower than the devil lest they be tagged as evil and part of the "puzzle". WTFever! I think that looks like a really good job for Roger! With record companies all discombobulated by the digital world and AI and 19 working their magic, I bet this is a good gig for him. Pretty cool. I hope whoever Clay ends up working with at RCA is someone he likes working with. An RCA publicist will always do what RCA wants them to do. Anyone who expects differently will always be disappointed. If Clay feels the need for a personal publicist, I reckon he'll get one. Duh. 30 seconds, merrieee. If that.
  7. I love the new reply box. I love that I can move the side panel over. I love that I can see the emoties when I want and not other times. I love that Ansa is doing the work. Wee! Pretty! Testing pictures... An oldie, but a goodie! LOL, remember when everyone thought he got braces and were trying to use this picture to prove it?
  8. Hee. Sorry. It'll be fiiiiine! I love that the emoties don't take up the whole dang post page. Yay! And I'm SO happy that I logged in just in time to see that fahreaky avvy from Bookwhore! New toys are funnn! ooo, Toggle Side Panel is cool too! eta... Cool! And I love those pictures... classic!
  9. You can extract the audio from the video using this tool. It's free and amazingly simple. I use it all the time. Go here to download the tool: http://www.geovid.com/Video_mp3_Extractor/ Happy Birthday to aikim!
  10. Thanks chach... I'll look into Picasa. :F_05BL17blowkiss: No, I mean some serious automatic backup of all my drives (I have 1000 GB internally and about 1200 GB externally -- some of which is backups of all that other data). Iomega shipped a basic backup app with their external drives, which I no longer even use -- that's how long ago it was -- and I must have upgraded to a Pro version. It was great -- scheduled automatic backups of whatever I wanted to happen while I slept. I work on this system, so backups are crucial. Not to mention the clack!! I couldn't stand if I had to rebuild the clack! Two of the drives are just Clay! Hee.
  11. Oh, look... I found it. The Techie thread! Yay. I need some backup software and picture viewer recommendations for my new 'puter. WinXP. Gracias in advance. I was using ACDSee and Iomega Automatic Backup Pro -- but they are way old and I don't want to pay for them if they're not the bestest ones. Well Iomega Backup Pro is extinct, so I can't even go there, but I don't want to buy Retrospect unless it's necessary. I am a backup whore tho, so it has to be good and automatic. It's business and Clay critical.
  12. YSRN


    Heh. Bye-bye Barry.
  13. Yep. Clay should just be himself. The world will do what it does.
  14. Welcome, my darling Sylvie! Wait.a.minute. How the hell did you meet them and not me when I was with them?!? *pout*
  15. Happy Birthday, AAIT!! Heh, I'm almost done moving all my drives and clack and that other pesky stuff (work) over to my computer. I got skeered for a minute because my Clay drive didn't show up at first... or at second... or even after I rebooted it... Then, I saw the unplugged cable from the back and phew!!!!!!!!! Hee. It came up as Drive O.
  16. Wee, Nelle! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And everything you said about shipping is me too.
  17. I believe they shut down temporarily in memoriam. This is Amaryllis' McGhee's daughter. Amaryllis being Clay's "Nanny", the one who took in Faye and he after they left Vernon.
  18. Yeah, Clay happy is a good thing... I happen to think that a relationship isn't the only way to be happy though, so I don't really feel the need to see him fulfill that particular part of life. If that's what he wants though, I hope he gets it. Especially if twins are involved. The little cute ones with curly red hair. Aww. Or just me and mine. And on that... nice chattin' with ya'll. :F_05BL17blowkiss: ((Clay and his family)) Sorry for your loss, sweet man!
  19. No, you're not. And that's exactly how I feel. Otherwise, I don't care. Unless it's about Jamie. That grosses me out. She's his family. And Twin, I read about that freaky girlfriend who's pregnant shit too. LOL! The Internets are wild, yo!
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