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Everything posted by YSRN

  1. Silent Night is one of my faves of this tour already!
  2. Hee. I'm sure he did knit that scarf just for you atinal! Here are some other pics of scarf, hat, and poster: Also, Jemocks highly amusing recap: Now, where's that ldyjocelyn?
  3. Burgundy and Ivory... and in case you missed it, THANK YOU FOR LAST NIGHT'S CLACK!!! It is AWESOME!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. Now come on, lightmyfire, you don't think yo' heathen daddy would approve something like that, do ya? Yeah...you and mah daddy on the Highway to Hell, but then again Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be.. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Bwah! Well Hells Bells, Let There Be Rock... Yay, lookit Clay... he's Back in Black. What?
  5. Toots, I feel ya, dear. So... go watch IBHFC... it's incredibly beautiful. Clay's singing aside (yum!), Jesse is a friggin' genius! And Gibby has some talents of her own there. ::bows:: Hoooolllyyyy Crap! I can't even get past 1:30 - 1:40... I'm savoring it frame by frame, note by note.
  6. Mother I'd Like to Fuck. Cougar = older woman, chasing the younguns. **oops, I'm too slow... not like a cougar at.all... hee. ETA... to thank Gibby immensely for the video!!! This? Is adorable and awesome all rolled into one. WinterWonderland snippet on Photobucket
  7. Did you type in the little characters in the upper right corner? Weeee... thanks Gibby. It's BIG, so it'll take awhile. I might need a little nap while it downloads.
  8. Good God... (heh). Silent Night is mahvelous!!!
  9. Aww. bwah.... uh oh vinigrette watcher..heee I love teasing my big bad YSRN..she's such a softie I agree about the voice... and I guess he is putting the Christmas back in his CHristmas show this year. I can live with that especially if the voice sounds like that in Minneapolis. Yeah, I'm a sap!
  10. Oo, part of a medley... Weee. SR and JB too... JB is very um, happy. LOL!
  11. Yeah, that was a purdy medley -- closed out with Away in a Manger again... MDYK. Very sweet and soft.
  12. Does anyone know why she was banned or will we ever know? Such intrigue! She posted a shitload of posts in Clay's blog like "blog now, prick" and stuff... she was convinced he was bumping her blogs off the top list (and other fans too)... her own blog was filled with all sorts of stuff about him, ordering him to come on and blog and stop everyone from bumping her. Some other crap about believing he sent her a computer to spy on her and wacky shit like that. Emmanuel! Wee. And AIAM... new acronyms. Yay. Heh. Also, jojoct said in CH chat that Clay said there wouldn't be any banter. Not sure when this happened.. maybe in the M&G where he wore a Canada sweatshirt and sweatpants and the IT tennies.
  13. Good grief... my stomach is killing me. There are like 12 kabillion butterflies in there.
  14. Phew... skeered me for a second. Lookie... The first pre-clack of the tour: Jerome's hiney and Durham(?) - posted on the OFC. Hee.
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