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Everything posted by YSRN

  1. Bwah again! What? My vocabulary is limited. I'm on my fourth glass of holiday cheer!
  2. I hear KAndre loves that fucking man so much!! I think I got those words in the right order...
  3. Heh, eeeenteresting speculation. It'd be cute to get a Clay kid story from her. Happy (hmm) Last Concert of the Tour, peeps!
  4. Bwah! You have no idea how many times I just sat and watched that loop!! Yay for post-concert high. I recognize the symptoms! :F_05BL17blowkiss: lightmyfire <3
  5. Feelin' a little hostile there, clayzor? *hides from you*
  6. Heh. I'd lay bets that couchie is NObody's minion. Now or evah!
  7. getclayaiken.com is the old WMS board, newly named (about a year ago). Short story: it's a Clay board I admin - been around since 2003. Long story: WMS was born from an old thread on another board, TTC. The thread came about as a result of a little comical essay our founder and my co-admin, Gwynhwyfyr, wrote after Clay's first shirt tug (and which was subsequently read to Clay on a radio station in Charlotte in August 2003 while they were on the AI2 tour. 200 pages of hilarity ensued, especially when Ramona read the post to Clay and he cracked up! -- we were equally thrilled and mortified at the time - heh! Matt&RamonaInterview - right-click/save if you wanna listen). Eventually TPTB at TTC thought we were too risque... haha, believe me, it was PG-13. So we created our own board called WMS: Weapons of Mass Seduction, which took on a military theme for a bit while we joked about finding his Weapons. renybc used to be co-admin until we parted ways in oh, maybe sometime late 2004. She went on to do whatever she does. Gwynhwyfyr and I continued on ezboard until approx last year when we moved to Invision and renamed the board to help lose the military schtick and perceived heirarchical nature of the posters (there were commanders and sargeants and all sorts of heirarchical board crap that started to be too much to deal with). The diehards still write WMS-fic using all the "characters" from the old board. They live in a world of make-believe which still thrives amongst them. The rest of the board (a main linear thread and your basic other forums) is your basic fan board. We're pretty easygoing, mostly a humor-oriented bunch. /more than you ever wanted to know *follows you around* Yes, that. /Pinto
  8. I had a whole really long post created about the day's/week's events and I lost it when Firefox froze up. Lucky yous! I hate over and over and over of anything. My dead horse's name is Pinto. Free rides Saturday and alternate Tuesdays. I haven't deleted huskerfalcon from getclayaiken yet cuz I'm looking forward to the day she tries to log on and post. *sharpens tongue* Oooo, Blonde! Love it. Oh, and there was some love in there for Clayzor too!! I forget the rest... it was pretty bitchy tho. That's about it. Hee. :15: I wonder if it's cold in Minn? Heh. I still don't know what cuddleduds are.
  9. I knew you'd get picked and I knew you could do it!!! You done gooooood!!!
  10. Hee. Me too! FROM THE CB: FROM CH CERT:
  11. :F_05BL17blowkiss: She did awesome! I could hear... And yes, she sang a bit!!
  12. laughn must be pretty excited right about now...
  13. Psst. I already posted this in the tour thread, but I think it's now pretty safe to say out here too... The third reader tonight is laughn! :laola0:
  14. Psst. You might wanna give a little extra listen to the storytellers *cough*laughn*cough* tonight.
  15. First and foremost... have fun bottle and laughn! Be safe!! :party038: And happy birthday to zena!! Yeah, I think HD is still a fan, but um, perhaps with a figment of her imagination... or someone else's. Or something.
  16. Some pretty new pictures from Wichita for keepingfaith: The album from smartypantssuz.
  17. I am getting soooo confused. Who said anything about another artist? Was that in dudley's post? Did I skim too fast? Whoa, I'm having a deja vu. Or is it a senior moment? What the hell are cuddleduds? Did you go for nappy? OMG, BWAH!!! You're hilarious!
  18. Gotcha! I wonder WHEN I'm gonna plan my Spamalot trip!!! I need a lottery win, demmit!!
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