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Everything posted by YSRN

  1. Yes, that's right... I forgot about that. Something is up there. Cool... No, I don't want her to go anywhere either. I had a hard time warming up to her, but I like her a lot now. I wonder how long before Jason and Sonny come to blows... Yeah, no shit. But then how ridiculous is it that in a town supposedly as large as Port Charles, every one of them have been married or have kids with all the rest of them. Yeah, I wonder about what they're doing with Rick too.
  2. I am. How can Carly come back as not-Carly? That's just weird! And her boob job looks very Bobbie-ish. Sonny is most definitely annoying when he goes off like this on one of his overly dramatic carried out WAY too far and too long angerfests. I totally love Alexis and what's her name... and I actually like Kate now too. But without Sonny there's nowhere for her character to go. They really need to get some new men in that show. Besides that weasly little new doctor thing. What is he? 12? Knowing how GH likes to teach us all a lesson... I'd say Carly hit Sam while talking on her cell-phone. Elizabeth hitting her is WAY too convenient and besides she already ruined her telling Lucky on her. DrunkMonica? Dunno. Maybe it's her wake-up call, but giving her a whole storyline is boring. Maybe Sam goes into a coma and comes out a nice girl. Heh. How screwed up is her karma... running from a murderer and you get hit by a car. LOL! OR......... maybe she doesn't get hit at all, but the car goes over the bridge into the river (Elizabeth of course) and takes the text message killer with it. Sam saves Elizabeth, but the text message killer is never found and nobody ever believes Sam's story about being attacked. And hello? Why didn't Lucky arrest that little druggie on the waterfront. Did he forget he was a cop right then? How stupid was that?
  3. What the...? In case you're not caught up yet... I'll just leave it at that... You'll know. LOL!
  4. {{{{{{{{{Claygasm}}}}}}}}}}} I'm sorry, twin! Lean if and when you need to!
  5. And I'd like to be the one to put it there! We'll let muski describe the various ways that might be possible. Heh.
  6. THAT ^^ hair is HOT!!! Hair is always going to be a topic of convo, cuz he changes it so much. If it looked the same all the time it'd be nuttin' to talk about. I totally prefer the messy look up there, but I kinda liked the View idea too. A little too stiff and styled, but that's ok. That ET pic hair up there is pretty durn good tho. Me likey the blond. I could go with a shade or two darker to match his natural looking sideburns (Have I mentioned how much I love those bristly, curly 'burns?!), but I am likin' the blond boy too. So cute! /not-a-twin And the interview was a.dor.able. They were all so playful and happy-like!
  7. All the stage door pictures are renewing my You know... in case anyone was wondering. Heh.
  8. Heh, I was just thinking that. He looks GOOOOOD!!
  9. Damn, bottlecap is getting feisty! Break a leg, Clay!! Just not that one!
  10. BWAH! Yeah, I got a charge out of the 'image' of you someone described.... BWAH! :lmaosmiley-1: frilly pink apron? :lmaosmiley-1: ironed monogrammed kitchen towels? :lmaosmiley-1: perfectly shaped cookies? You mean penis shaped? :lmaosmiley-1: BWAH! Hey, it's not THAT funny! Ok, so I'm a bit anal about facing all the labels forward in the pantry and lining up the items in the fridge... but that's all I'm copping to. Hee. I take what you say as a very nice compliment, clayzor, so thanks! *muah* Unlike that muski who's gonna get a spankin' next time she comes over. And not by Clay. LOL!
  11. {{{{{my darling twin and her daddy}}}}} I'll be back later in my little frilly pink apron to giggle at the image I've managed to convey. But first I have to go bake some perfectly shaped cookies for the neighbors and iron my monogrammed kitchen towels. The rest of course is me to a tee. :F_05BL17blowkiss: eta.. Heh, and I'm obviously the adventurous type cuz here I am at the top... Wee.
  12. at that hooker line: "How 'bout coffee for a thousand?" "Listen, I ain't a hooker!" 2:02 Dinner Auction Video. Oh, it's a date. Sans tree, but more room for us on the deck! Clayzor, that's cute that you think my house fits me, when we've never even met. We all have these images of one another just from the written word. I like that. LOL!
  13. Yay!! Cuz that 10 seconds is effing gorgeous, and would have been enough to loop for the rest of my life, but more... is better. And yeah, that was pretty cute using the "spend his very last dime" line on that man who just spent a ton o' loot for his wife. Hee. Hmm, *need a sugar daddy* Crazy about the tree! And yes, I'm glad it did hardly any damage... just nuisance stuff but I will definitely miss it's beauty and grandness around my deck... and the birdies will miss their play tree, and in the summer... the shade... wah! But I have a really expansive view now. Heh! Thanks for commiserating with me. Lotus, I'm glad your medical stuff worked out! Cool! I admit that a couple of my HDs are for back up. So I have double Clay. Coudn't bear to lose any of it, even though I could just redownload... lol. It's not the same. Anywho... off to see a man about a fence.
  14. Ok, I just saved that picture 2 3 more times. I now have 11 12 copies of the same picture, all with different names. No wonder my gigabytes are um, whirring... In the original, look how his one hair is touching hers. Why am I mesmerized by that one hair? OT: Anyone wanna see how the storm tried to kill me the other day? http://thistlehut.com This happened long after the 60 mph gusts... Scared the beejesus out of me. I'm considering removing many more trees from my property now before they fall on my house and all you see are my wicked shoes poking out. Yikes!!
  15. Hee, Lotus. Indeed we do. Replace June of 06 with May of 03 and you pretty much just described most of us. Seriously... I just started back in my garden last year and didn't do half of what I used to do. And I don't think I've folded clothes for four years... I finally just figured out how to dress in the laundry room. LOL! And I have four 256 GB hard drives. I didn't get them all at once! {{ for the loss of your husband and I hope your medical "condition" worked out }} That ^^ is the most perfectly beautimous picture of the freckly, happy guy I've seen in two years! Love it! I adore reddish-blond, freckly, sparkly, sideburned Clay.
  16. Hee, chach... that's hilarious. Don't light any matches near your throat and you should be fine! LOL! I used Giada's biscotti recipe... I cut the butter down to 2/3 stick cuz it was too cakey, and I melted it and I used whatever nuts and fruit I wanted. I'm not much of a recipe follower; I just read it for the gist and do my own thing, so here's what I (sorta) went by: http://search.foodnetwork.com/food/recipe/...archType=Recipe 2nd recipe down (without the chocolate dip at the end). I made cranberry and slivered almonds, currant and pecan, lemon and pistachio, and dried mango and chopped almonds. I always roast the nuts first. I have added chocolate chips before, but not this time. I always add zest -- either orange or lemon depending on what you like. I leave the anise to my Nonni. Nobody can make anisette biscotti like a first gen Italian. LOL! :F_05BL17blowkiss: twin! Thanks. Best canned Black Eyed Peas in the wurrrrld I don't have any tho, so I'm using dried. And I'm also using multi-colored chard instead of collards... I'm so not authentic, but that's what's in the garden, so that's what we're having. Happy New Year!!
  17. hApPy nEw YeAr!! Have been off doin' my thang this past couple of weeks. I'm never really comfortable with the "some fans" conversations, so I took a few days and strolled the beach and shopped and gardened (crazy CA weather!) and cleaned out the pantry of all the expired goods, and checked the dates on vitamins and baking supplies and whatnot and restocked all of the necessities... then I re-lined and reorganized the linen closets and my clothes and made goodwill bags. And researched some new recipes and took some pictures and had lunch with friends and caught up on my soaps and watched lots of Food Channel and made enough biscotti to feed the neighborhood... and now I just put the blackeyed peas on to soak overnight and I'm drinking a moscato d' asti and I'm in my fuzzy slippers and most comfortablest jammies and toasting to all the friends I've made the past four plus years. I'm far from lonely! Here's to all fans being exactly the kinds of fans they choose to be. A very successful year for Mr. Aiken, however he chooses to define that, and to all of you... my best foot forward as often as is humanly possible. *salut* :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  18. Sneaking in just under the wire (PST - heh) to wish Jamar a fantastic birthday, er, 40 minutes! I hope you had a wonderful day and had at least a moment of your own!
  19. Yay for your mom, couchie! I'm beat so I'm not totally caught up but I wanted to check in to make sure she was ok before I hit the hay. Aww, Clay's in Mexico and blogging to us. What a nice boy.
  20. Heh, I've mentioned that to myself about a hundred times and haven't done it yet, so here I go. Right now. No, seriously. I'm going to set it ... right... now! eta... ok, done... thanks KF!
  21. Checking in the "new tread" (hee) from time to time today looking for a couchie mom update... it's still early here. See, now this ^^^^ is where the written word can get confusing. Is that a lame (pause) hair collage or a lame hair (pause) collage? *g* Not that I wouldn't be interested in seeing either. Hee. Now I've got a bunch of 80s big hair pictures in my mind. Er, a few of them might even have my face attached! Nope, so I'm glad you asked! I had forgotten all about it! Yay!! For the West coasters, it's on from 3-5p PST, at least on my cable network. For spikesmom: BWAH, I'd forgotten about that Tupac video. LOL!
  22. Hugs to my CG and couchie. Glad you made it home safely. I hope your mom will be ok!! I had an awesome day...and I have about 100 biscotti, a full tummy, a sunset, a full moon, the ocean, a beautiful day at the beach, and a few empty muscato di asti bottles to show for it. Not bad for a random Sunday in December. 'twas fun to read all the recaps and reports from everyone returning from their Clay adventures! I'm going to be immersing myself in Clack come Wednesday, thanks to the generosity of fans all over. I might even have time to finish my lame hair collage! LOL! If I don't have another chance, I wish all of you celebrating Christmas a happy day.
  23. Goodnight, Couchie! Goodnight, LdyJocelyn! That flub was entirely adorable! As was the delayed ending in DSIAFCD! Don't tell anyone but I am ridiculously sentimental and shit right now. God.
  24. Salut twin! I did... and VERY! ...at first I thought he was checkin' hisself out! Just to be sure.
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