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Everything posted by YSRN

  1. So you could come out looking like this to please meeeeeeeeeee? Hee. Dayum!
  2. Fucking work!! Heh, it's all I can do to keep informed... I barely have a thought in my head afterwards! Lucky you! LOL! Awesome "neat lights" picture, twin! And those are really beautiful pictures of Q too, cotton!! The backdrop lighting is fantastic for photos, eh? I'm peeking in when I can! Thanks for missing me!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Ooooo, niiiice pics, KF. Um, he looks a little faint in the second one. Or sumthin'! eta... weeee, top of the page reward!
  3. Aww, my girls! I lurve you. It made me happy as hell to see you check in from your concert. Sorry you didn't like it as much as you'd hoped. But I'm really glad that you shared your thoughts! We are not clones. And thank goodness for that.
  4. Hee. You're not my twin today. Cuz. Holy Shit... this picture is Even with his glasses. Hi lurking friend!
  5. Hee. You're right... I didn't even see this was the football thread! Whoops! And well, yeah, I see your point.
  6. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...7/SP2STPL2P.DTL
  7. Are you just teasing? Cuz anyone can add their photo to that display at that site? There are a bunch of people and their kids.
  8. clayzor, here's what he said (I know you said you already read it, but I didn't see it here): I disagree about whether he cares about his "funny faces" or whatnot. He is who he is and he seems quite comfortable expressing himself in a myriad of ways. Including his "funny" side. I don't think he was setting the stage for a more complex message. I just think he wants people to think about his shows vs. other shows (i.e., NBC's skating special) and broadcasting an obvious fuck-up. I personally don't think there are ANY unflattering videos of Clay... except that AIW one, so I guess that's all subjective anyway. Even "the fall" one seemed ok TO ME because it just showed him having a good sense of humor about life, but I can see if he said, now, don't be putting that one up, that I probably wouldn't. And "hi" by the way... I've missed you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  9. http://www.download.com/Trillian/3000-2150-10047473.html Trillian is a chat client that lets you use multiple IM programs in one window. I've been using it for a year or so. You can have your Yahoo and AIM and whatever else open all at once. And it's free of course.
  10. Everyone keeps saying that but I'm not having any problems getting in there.
  11. Because I work and play on the same computer, I never log off or close my browser -- I typically have 5-6 tabs open in Firefox with all my favorite places logged in 24/7. And I don't want it to look like I'm here when I'm not. As opposed to hiding when I am here. I've had people call me at 2am because they "saw me on the board so figured I was up". This is way easier for me. And thanks.
  12. Hee. The visual is certainly interesting! I used ImageReady, part of my CS2 package (hee, package). I think cindilu2 and chacha know way more about this stuff than I do...so maybe they have some recommendations.
  13. Your wish is my command... How's that? I hadda learn how to make it so it's not perfect, but... he's still CUTE!! Thanks for making me learn something. Now I have something else to burn up time! How's Jude Sheridan sound? :17f71c4d:
  14. Heh, Gibby beat me, but I made you a few too, CG! If you've already picked, anyone can have these. He's pretty darn CUTE!!
  15. This thread at the CH (thanks to the amazingly organized MsMarm) is filling up with readers and board names and their stories. It should help. There is a similar listing in that same forum listing M&G reports.
  16. Can I wear my Spam-a-Lot PJs? Can I ? Can I? Mine have penguins. I wonder how many fans have Clay-related jammies? Oh yeah, THAT was worth top-o-the-page!?!
  17. {{Diva dahling}} I'm sad and depressed that I didn't get to come to your party! That's not helping! /sybil Ok, so step 3 in the Root Canal from hell procedure. Get fitted for a crown and get a temporary put on. 4:00 Install Temporary Crown 5:30 Swallow same Did ya'll see the rest of clayamour's recap? The bolded parts made me laugh out loud! Aww... JennaZ, keldanker, atinal... I think it's very cool that Clay read so many stories and got more than a cursory glance at his audience. I would imagine "we" look fuller to him now than ever before. And I don't mean because I've been sitting on my ass for 4 years either. eta... loved your DC Sample vid, Chach! It's nice to view him from overhead for a change. His cheeks really stand out.
  18. I just don't personally understand trying to control what a fan posts about her own experience. It's her call IMO. People can be mad at her for "telling on" Clay if they want (not me... I mighta told that particular one too), but to control it, especially after it was out? Nah. And then 8000 posts of begging? Totally silly to put people in that position.
  19. If this cuts down on the Please PM me the Secret posts elsewhere, I will have done my good deed for the day! Here's clayamour's post... I know luckiest paraphrased, but here's the original: So I definitely have some reservations about spilling it, but hey, if he had said "Can you keep a secret?" I would have said "No, so don't tell me." But he didn't ask so here goes: In the M&G this lovely 21 year old girl asked "Clay, are you going to use an English accent when you do Spamalot?" And he responded, Why wouldn't I do an English accent---in a perfect English accent!! I don't mean a stupid Orbit commercial accent or an overblown cockney accent, but a really good accent. And then he kept speaking like that for 5 minutes. Ladies, you don't know what sexy is until you hear Clay as a Brit. He went on in his adorable and terribly sexy accent to explain that the reason he had to meet Mike Nichols was because Nichols didn't think he could do it but he already had the accent down. So when we hear him once the show opens (and I guess he wanted the accent to be a surprise) know that he didn't work for months with an acting coach. He had it in him. So Clay spilled the accent to us. It was amazing. OK, I had to tell you becasue I really hate when people come out of a M&G and say "I have a secret." I want to hurt those people, sorry if it is you. I can not be one of those people so if that makes me a bad fan I can live with that. I just know the frustration that it causes me personally and I am finally in a position to end it. We never did hear about the waxing this past summer and I stillwanna know why!! And from claysiempre at CP last night re: the "dehairing": :lol
  20. I suppose I'm supposed to now post one of my own... LOL! clayamour CMSU tellin' on Clay. He's not the boss of her, apparently. Hee. chach... love the angle of your pics! I like the interesting shots... I mean how many pictures of Clay's nostrils do I need? *checks 4 hard drives*... heh, lots I guess!
  21. Heh, that's exactly what I said elsewhere last night... it's beautimous, isn't it?? I think Jesse arranged it this way and it's sorta like that the other nights, but K'zoo was really, really nice. I've watched it umpteen gazillion times already. Have fun tonight, DC goers! I am so jellus of the Diva partygoers -- almost more so than the concert goers. I keep looking at flights to all the cities, even though I know I'm not taking any of them, somehow fake planning seems to be cheering me up. Hee! My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
  22. HAVE FUN Diva, et. al. I'm so completely jellus!!! And Happy Birthday, sheiladownunder!! Enjoy!!
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