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Everything posted by YSRN

  1. Hey, that wasn't so bad!! :lies: But I can already tell it was worth it. The whole side of my head doesn't hurt anymore... just my jaw. OMG, you can totally tell someone was rooting around in my jaw with sharp metal instruments. Is it too early to drink? Has anyone noticed how CUTE Clay was last night?!?!? Heh.
  2. You have to scroll down to the Clay Aiken part of the Webcast menu. I guess you figured it out, you deleter of content, you! I'm off to get my root canal. I can't decide if I'm happy because they're going to fix my painful toothache, or scared shitless because KAndre freaked me out!!
  3. I missed you, dammit! I looked too! HARD! But my eyes were a little fuzzy. heh. He's so fucking cute. Seriously. Always just the right temperment for the occasion. And yeah, people who look for disses find them. Such is life.
  4. I haven't been participating here mostly because I'm dang busy with work (grr), BUT, I want to say that I've read through this thread and found some cool new tricks to use, so... THANKS!! Ya'll are learning AND teaching. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. Veerd... it gets dark, kids trick or treat until the porch lights go off. Simple. Happy Halloween, peeps! I'm off to stalk little kids and steal their candy. Muahaha! These are the little pumpkins I grew this year. They were all volunteers. Freebie pumpkins... you can't beat that! Right after I took this, one of the dogs decided to carve them with her teeth! Poor zena.....snow AND no honeycrisps?!? Ok, so maybe that IS why I live in California. Crispocity is key! Heh, love that new word. And yeah, I love me some tangy sweet honeycrisps!
  6. Aww... ldyjocelyn. I'm so sorry. It's great you went and had time with your MIL last week! I hope that eases some of the pain of your loss! Ok, yeah... I'm goin' with that! You add some blinking Chirstmas lights and a Hawaiian-shirted Santa to that scenario, and I think you've got yourself a prize-winning Holiday story there... Happy Halloween, FCA! We're ("we" meaning the actual talented people, not me) having a Photoshop Halloween party at getclayaiken.com all day if you wanna come by and see what the nuts cook up or even participate yourself.
  7. One of my dogs (Lucky) is totally skeered. My dal is sleeping. LOL! I, am not nervous at all.
  8. Heh. I feel it too. 5.6 at 8:04 Freaked me the fuck out. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recent...2.-125.-115.php oh, goodie... at least nothing can fall on me.
  9. *hugs Scarlett and Play* :F_05BL17blowkiss: This/these are from bigappleforclay at getclayaiken: That third cap... YUM!!
  10. My appointment/date with the devil is next Friday. Just think...by then yours will be over. You can do it!!!
  11. Heh, write this down. Bloody Mary Mix is an instant skunk smell cure all. My dog smells like I wanna add a little Vodka and celery, but seriously, the skunk smell is GONE. There was a little mix left, so I really had no choice but to make good use of it while I washed the dog bed out! It was the lab, laughn! While Lucky (the small one) was barking his little lungs out at the skunk who was about the same size, the (duh) lab was trying to make friends with it's hind end. Uh, bad move Lab. The little dog chased off the skunk without getting hit at all. Good boy!! Have fun anyone going to Sedaka!! There are two promos for AYSTAFG up at ClackUnlimited, here: ClackUnlimited link ETA...re: Sedaka From stripedshirts at CV:
  12. I'll be thinking of you. KF, I feel ya... only I don't have a good story to tell. Do it. My doggie just got skunked. LOL! Goodie. Reminded me of Shadow's night "out". Oy! Ok, one jar of Bloody Mary mix gone... but it seems to have worked pretty well. Mmm, spicy!
  13. LOL zena... loved that story. Hilarious. I'm so glad they figured out how to include pets in rescue and emergency situations!!! Ok, weirdness... Clay blogged and then it was gone... Hee. From CH: Wait.... Clay has an iTouch? Oh, there are so many places to go with that, I'll just leave it to the experts....
  14. OMG, it's YOUR fault!!! I've only had one cavity my whole life -- when I was 14. I chomped on a Dorito and cracked my filling a couple weeks ago -- OUCH! -- it had been replaced a few years ago with the white stuff. Turns out it was worse than that and now I need a root canal too. I'm totally skeered!!! And they want me to cough up $1400 for it. Insurance kicks in later but will only cover about $800 of it! In the meantime, I live on Advil! I feel your pain! Literally!
  15. Damn, those fires are scary!! Wishing all the SoCal peeps a safe night!! Aww, ldyjocelyn... I hope your hubby's mom is ok. I'll be thinking of you guys. Clay was ADORABLE in those AYSTAFG outtakes. Hee. I actually really like his hair too. I can't believe the world is spinning while I'm soooo freaking busy. I guess it's a good thing -- keeps my mind off no Christmas shows! And I can save my pennies for Spam. LOL! Be safe everyone.
  16. I was in San Francisco. Heh. But it was more like the 70s. All the cute doggies and kitties... I could have an entire board about animals. Love them all. Today I went house shopping with my sister -- a kitty from one of the houses decided to go around taking pictures with me. We had a fun little romp through the yard. Hee. I have me some cats too...ok, well just one right now, cuz his family done died on him, but he's my old man cat and he's having the time of his life being Alpha. He's the white one, Scrawny. I am dying to see Across The Universe too, keepingfaith. In fact, I asked about it and posted the trailer in the movies thread yesterday... View New Posts is a very good thing. /admin kissup And oh yeah... I love that song, The Bluest Blues -- it's on an Anthology album that I got from the Russian site when I went on a blues hunt one night. There is not much better in life than some screamin' blues. You know... YouTube is like time in heaven... thanks for unknowingly sending me there... I just had the best three hours watching old Joe Cocker and George Harrison and Fleetwood Mac and Alvin Lee and Badfinger and, and, and... Johnny Winter and... endless entertainment! YouTube - The Bluest Blues Montage And then I poked around the boards and I spied this: I have to go study how this most adorable guy can turn into THAT ^^ most yummy guy in just a couple months... or ever for that matter. And thus ends this totally disjointed post. Off to .
  17. OMG, Holly... you scared us!! Don't do that! I lurve the furry ones! Oh, I do believe that too. My dal, Sierra, still remembers her first boyfriend, Rocko. I used to take her to a park behind my old house... it was a small, fenced-off community park where I could take her off-leash to play frisbee. She was a master -- she'd run like a rocket and then if she overshot, she'd put her "shoulder" down and do a roll -- a full-body somersault -- to slow down, then pop up and catch the thing. She probably missed .05% of the throws. She met Rocko there when she was about a year and a half. He was a handsome yellow lab puppy. All floppy and goofy and couldn't catch a frisbee to save himself. She started missing the throws more often as they both ran together to catch it. I swear to God she was trying to teach him and let him have it. Anywho, they haven't seen each other since she was 2ish -- she's 12 now and we moved 60 miles away over seven years ago. I can still wake her out of a dead sleep by whispering, "where's Rocko?". She'll perk up and run to the gate to look for him. Not that I taunt her with it often. Hee. She still adores him. The pup: The frisbee fanatic (she slept with that thing -- carried it everywhere): Buster, the neighbors Golden who thinks he lives at my house, watches TV for HOURS. My dogs can't even see what he's looking at. He'll sit right at the edge of the TV and lick any animals that come on. Sometimes when they leave the screen, he'll hit his nose on the TV trying to follow them. He particularly loves elephants. It's hilarious. I don't get why some dogs see the TV and some don't. Heh, last night I and today... I pay the price. Hey Chach... I'm glad you're feeling ok... phew! Sorry about the Claymobile tho! And I always love your site. Now it's so I'm off to and then and and and watch some and then do some !
  18. Have any of you Beatles fans seen Julie Taymor's Across the Universe? What do you think? Here's the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VTPSL9TcJc and the NYTimes Review.
  19. Hee. Silly girl. I didn't know you were talking about OFC sekrits and stuff. Ok, the ticketing is bizarre. On a particular weeknight... Row C, seat 109 is NOT a premium seat and therefore is 111.50. But Row B, seat 109 IS a premium seat and is 250. Dayum. I best be careful shopping!! I've been up since 5:30am. Why am I not tired?!?
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