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Everything posted by YSRN

  1. Exactly. If you hear something over and over and over, if a critical mass of people start to express a certain POV, at a certain point it can become the popular POV even when some of the information it's based on is suspect. In my mind it's a bit like the swamp creature and his lies about Clay. A lot of non-fan types wanted to believe it, so it didn't concern them so much that the source was unreliable. It made sense to them because it fit their picture of how things are; they wanted to believe it, so they did. I don't think we mean the same thing. Or maybe we do and I'm reading your post wrong. Heh. Cuz I can be stoopid that way. LOL! I don't care if every single person in the world hates RCA and expresses it. Except those that make up lies to convince other people to agree with them. Or even pester people enough to try to convince them to agree with them. I'm saying there are plenty of reasons to dislike RCA and some do. For their own reasons. Not reasons kludged together and presented by some fake Clay or other falsehood. That's what I mean. It is for me. That's my point. Hee. ficus says about 1000 people there... I hope she's more right. 200? Yikes! Oh, man, laljeterfan... not sure where to tell you to start. Try going to about midnight Thursday... CH just said "No Angela". Hmm.
  2. Well, I do not think everyone who hates RCA is a "poddie" or whatever... it's just that there was a contingent of folks that diluted the real thoughts by real people by spreading rumor after rumor of Clay sending them personal messages that RCA was out to get him. Unfortunately it was all wrapped together, just like all complex issues are, and anyone who hates RCA got bundled with the ones pushing it. There are plenty of real reasons to not care for RCA if that's one's bent, but again, it's down to genuine feelings vs. pushing agendas based on lies and manipulation.
  3. heee...YSRN..ah so innocent heee. There were many that were actually shocked that Clay was still with RCA when AIW came out. Remember that? More than a few believed he had signed with Warner already. And they spread that info wink wink nod to the fandom with a superior attitude. I hope those people take a look at themselves and realize that even though they weren't duped directly..they were duped once removed and their actions also caused problems in the fandom. Just say no to insiders. They were duped once removed...
  4. Hee. I'm my own insider. Only I know. The other day when I was cranky about people dissing that m&g fan that was a bit disappointed in her M&G (boy, I bet SHE'S glad a bigger drama came about - LOL!), I changed my avvy from happy star-struck girl to one of The Clorilla chasing away the widdle fans. I like it so it's sticking around for awhile. Me no likey meanies.
  5. I never imagined that the RCA bullshitters were actually being duped by a FakeClay! I mean I knew they were full of shit, but not from what cesspool they were being fed. CMSU!! And I'll repeat with ya... Ayup. I don't even know what to do but laugh at the insanity. And wish a happy birthday to wandacleo and keldanker. And condolences to cindilu2 and luckiest1... sorry you're gonna miss your show. And *hugs* to Perma.... at least you have a quiet place to read. Hee. And poke Scarlett and Solo and KAndre for their hilarity. For all of you brave souls venturing out into the blizzards and whatnot... be careful out there!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Oops... Well, you aren't bold, or you'd be driving in a blizzard! Heh.
  6. Cybersex? *snort* They ARE! It's nice that Clay's giving us all something we like tho... singing of course, accompanied by no glasses, glasses, no bangs, bangs, long coat, short coat... pressies for everyone.
  7. Pretty much covers it. Yep, pretty hard to find just some good ol' face-value posting anymore. That's why you'll always see me fightin' for the genuine people. Even if they bitch about Clay a little. At least they are just being genuine, not trying to sell anything to anyone. That's all I want from people, personally. eta... *snort* bottle!!!
  8. I wish comfort for your daddy, Claygasm! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Chach...that story is amazingly written. People's minds are fascinating! Thanks for the link! I think the only link between RCA stories and these other stories is the need by some fans to be closer and closer and CLOSER... I think a few of the players are crossovers, but I don't think the actual stories have anything to do with one another. Probably just the digging that got them there or left them wanting more or whatever. I guess when you fall in quicksand, it's hard to get out. Safe travels everyone!!
  9. I suppose it would be really rude to make this a thread title, wouldn't it? I'd vote for it!
  10. That's a brighter note? Aww, you get my hugs too!!! I can't even know what to say to all the stupidness. It's just stupid. LOL! I have seen people fall victim to the wanna be close to Clay so they believe the bullshit of bullshitters no matter how far-fetched. I shake my head that they can do it, but I guess common sense just isn't for everyone.
  11. Ok, what the hell was the point of having Brenda in the Night Shift if she's never gonna show on the actual show? What was that? Did you ever finish watching it? Are you now like me...behind!
  12. Andy Pettite? Maybe it shouldn't have but that surprised me. And Clemens? This oughta be interesting! Ayup. OMG, the Spam commercial is so cute!!
  13. Yeah, cuz that's what I'm all about, after all. How about nobody is the "bad guy". There IS no bad guy. Is that within the realm of possibilities? Hey, those are your OTT expectations! LOL!! Seriously... Thank you jmh123 for taking the time to express yourself and share your experience. There's a lesson in there, no? I love you. You know that. I consider us lifelong friends. I think you know that too. Your experience is exactly my point, of course. You were part of something everyone would have thought to be wonderful. I was there with you, remember? It was a trippy time. You learned something about yourself and your fandom from it. And you came out the other side. I just want the same for another young lady (and everyone else for that matter) who might be feeling the same thing. Maybe it was of her own doing; maybe she built it up and was overzealous and it's all her "fault". So? She's human. As you pointed out...nobody acts perfectly. Not you, not me, not her, not Clay. You're here in part because the friends you shared with didn't judge you. They gave you the space to work it out. I just think it's fair to give all fans the chance to look back like you did and understand it better. Hey, just because I know there's no white picket fence and 2.5 kids in life does not mean everyone else does, nor do I need to the be the one to tell them it doesn't exist or pound through their head how stupid they are for not knowing it now. They get to find out on their own; even if it means a little heartbreak along the way. Even if it means that their bubble is burst by learning that Clay Aiken!!!11! is a human being. JumpingJacks made a good point... they met Clay, the person. He's so different, and yet not different at all, than Clay Aiken. But you gotta learn that sometimes. By the way, I respect that you think she made a mistake taking her post to CV, but unless you ask her, you don't know WHY she felt it necessary. And maybe you'd change your mind. If you saw what was edited out, you might too. Maybe not. But the whole story is always good to have. And you're right, she also received support. She did. Hey, I am nice and happy, happy, happy all the time... mostly. You know that too. But I get my hackles up when I see unfairness towards someone or a whole group in our community. It's my bugaboo. It's how I feel. I'm Miss America on that one. LOL! I do get the predisposition to want to hear the happy... but surely there's room for people we've been posting with for 4+ years to be able to come to us when they have disappointment, isn't there? Who else could she tell? One day out of 1200 or so (no, I can't count). Seems reasonable. {{lilyshine}} just cuz. Oh, I gotta go... I think Clay's singing. Heh. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  14. Yep, I remember that. I'm betting Simon agreed to it before hand though ;-) Heh, which would mean someone had to ask. ;-) I'm sure it was Simon... Clay would never suggest such a horrible thing.
  15. The same reason if I was being talked about somewhere I'd try to go explain myself if I wasn't wiser than that. Oh yeah, that was her goal I'm sure. Why the hell would I hold her accountable for other fans being assholes. Because she feels hurt. Whatever. I feel for her... I'm done with it.
  16. Exactly. Thanks bookwhore. I was typing something similar, yet way more bitchy... heh, so I'm glad you saved me. This poor girl is being treated like a demanding troll. She was practically flogged on CV last night... I can't stand it. I'd love to have another M&G, but I know now that I would never post about it. I doubt I'll ever post a recap of anything again. You can't even trust people you've been posting with for four+ years. That girl has had nothing but nice things to say about Clay forever... she was disappointed and she trusted her "friends" to help her with that and instead was trashed to hell and back. Why do disappointed fans get so much shit from the fandom? Why can't someone just understand that awww, she's disappointed instead of bitching her ass out for how demanding she must have been. Horrors! She asked for bunny ears. WTF? Is that really so fucking demanding? Fine, the kid wanted a bicycle for Xmas and got a deck of playing cards... I hate that the world tries to squash feelings of disappointment with guilt trips. They're genuine feelings. This kind of shit really bothers me about human beings. There are always "sides". I hate "sides". Argh. I'm gonna go make friends with that girl.
  17. LOL! I'm pretty sure that girl just wanted a picture with rabbit ears (you know, fingers up in a peace sign behind his head -- or hers; it wasn't clear) and he said no for some reason. I don't think she had like furry bunny ears to attach to his head.
  18. Oh no, you're just the straight man. Hmm... that doesn't sound quite right. LOL!! Twice. TWICE!!!
  19. Wow, couchie musta hung out with muski tonight... two almost smuts in a row! See we ARE twins! I have often been told I am a pain in the ass! Heh! Except I wanna misbehave with glasses!redhairedforeheadman! up there! I suppose once I get the glasses off and his hair all mussed up THEN you'll be interested...
  20. Not high tension... just looking for clarification. And I got it, so thanks to all three of you. I like specifics... generalizations can be so very misconstrued. And honestly, it's hard to give the benefit of any doubt when you don't know what or who anyone is talking about. As I said re: the recap: I was just saying where I agree or not with you... you don't have to agree with me. I'm just giving my POV. It's all good. Sorry to be a pain in the ass. I'm listening to the concert... I just don't go to the threads... Not much changes from night to night, so I can only say, "Clay's singing" so many times. LOL!
  21. Well I agree that too much is made of this stuff, but I don't necessarily agree with this because these are your perceptions being twice removed from the situation. I don't know if anyone was rude or anyone was "pissy", really. I just know how the two recappers felt because they said so. One alluded that she was fine and Clay was fine, and the other was disappointed and felt that Clay was being overly authoritative and it disappointed her. That's it. Nobody's "fault". But I totally agree with this: And if people want to share their own experience, that's up to them and I can't imagine judging them for their genuine feelings. I guess I just plain don't see the point of being annoyed at anyone. Thanks for answering. Who are "some fans" wanda? Should I assume you're including me in that list?
  22. Did you even read the recap from that young disappointed fan? It was not an ugly recap. She was simply disappointed. Unless you actually read that recap, I think you're being unfair. If you read it, well then, that's your opinion and that's fine. And other people have taken notes in a M&G and didn't get the same reaction from Clay. I also think it's unfair to point to her for Clay's supposed pissiness. Sorry, I'm cranky after today... there seem to be a lot of generalities being thrown around the fandom today; I just wish people would cite their sources and speak from first-hand knowledge, not hearsay.
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