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Everything posted by djs111

  1. My 14 YO grandson spends all his time on the net , when he is on the net, playing WOW or other games. For reading - he loves books. He loves them. He reads and re-reads until they are in tatters. He gets in trouble at school for rushing through his work - so he can read Harry Potter or whatever for the nth time. He is also working his way through Dean Koontz. He reads our little free daily paper every day, tbt*, and gets me a copy too, we discuss the news stories. Makes me feel v. old sometimes - he doesn't always get the allusions in comic strips, I have to explain why Liu is funny quite often. I accepted a friend request yesterday, and I got the blue screen of death on my laptop. A change up from just Mozilla saying bye-bye 50 times or so.
  2. What happened was that Mozilla just kept shutting down. I tried to close whatever windows I had open that I thought werecausing it, but pretty much I would start Mozilla, it would ask if I wanted my previous screens - I said yes because when I am working I have lots of useful windows up. And then if I tried to keep gmail up mozilla would crash. I checked my friend's page and was kinda shocked to see her cell phone number and address on there - I guess I am a fuddy-duddy! I saw some mail from the Japanese folks we worked with over there, though, so I will have to read up on security and then use facebook more.
  3. Grumble. A friend's daughter requested me to be a facebook friend today. So I did. I got 8000 popups. And my laptop, or at least the Mozilla I need to use to work with, crashed 46 times. I do not feel friendly.
  4. To be fair about Taylor Swift, she is nearing the 2.7 million mark with this album, and she has racked up 10 non-consecutive weeks at number one on the chart. The other numbers don't look great.
  5. Ginger Scarlett asked: It would take me a while to narrow it down to five - but I would recommend Barbara Tuchman's A Distant Mirror. Very readable and interesting history of the 14th century - plagues, wealthy top class, unhappy peasants who can't afford health insurance, wars, etc. Just like today!!!!! Heeee! Anyway, it is really good; I was glad I read it. I mostly read murder mysteries and cookbooks and craft books. In the nicest possible way *g* I am really surprised at all the agonising and tortuous thought processes that are going into whether or not to buy a $10 CD, in various parts of Clayland.
  6. I love HYCA. Also love Broken Wings, the poetry adds a beautiful layer. Heh, why inclusion matters - this is (IMO) is a perfect example: Disabled kids show host draws criticism The host is a woman who was born without one of her hands. They have received complaints, and also it looks like someone has been checking chat rooms. Oh, the horror!!!!!!! To have to explain something to a child instead of waiting until that child gets his opinions and feelings shaped by strangers, like other people's kids at school! And one of the comments on the page - Oh, how DARE a person with a disability appear as just part of life! They should only take jobs where they are hidden away, so as not to offend! Accepting disabilities is a social issue? WTF????? And to force a parent to actually have to shape a child's opinion! Hope Clay ends up with a great name for TBAF- and I honestly had never ever thought that an issue for inclusion would be that parents wanted to shield their children from other children with disabilities, so they wouldn't have to talk about it.
  7. Soooooo.....cool that people who are unhappy with the website are not re-upping? I may join! The original place to hear Clay's psa is MENC Clay PSA I would think it best to give the MENC site the hits.
  8. djs111

    Top Chef

    I think Casey is still pissed she did not win Top Chef, and wanted to put her stamp on Carla's menu, for better or for worse. One board I read at was laughing because Hosea won with Richard's dish - Hosea has never made foam or some of the other stuff at all this season. Hosea was such a jerk about the fois gras and the caviar, trying to hog it, that I just dislike him now. Not that it matters. Oh well, my other restaurant show has quite a way to run, and also Chopped is pretty good, I loved that the underdog won the last episode.
  9. I saw a report on the alcohol thing this morning on BBC news- a British doctor said that now women have to decide, really, if they fear dying from cancer more than dying from heart disease. Alcohol in moderation really does work against heart disease. So not that simple, really. women's health I will continue having my glass of wine, methinks! It is prolly one of the more "natural" things I imbibe! :-) The Atkins diet always works pretty well for me. eta - the thing about that news is that I could find no mention of any other factors contributing to cancer - environmental, genetic, whatever. Just smoking and alcohol. And the risk of some cancers seemed to lessen - British Study So while I am sure that giving up everything except pure water and organic veggies might ensure a longer life, I am not so quick to jump on any bandwagon that I am not predisposed to jump on because it fits with habits or beliefs I already have. I used to live and work in Durham, North Carolina. While I was there, I learned about radon gas; it comes up through the earth or granite or whatever and is v. bad, so bad that you need to get a radon inspection as well as a termite inspection. I only lived there for about a year and a half, but I did keep up with people and events for a few years after I transferred here to Tampa. Four or five women who worked in the building I worked in have died of breast cancer. I will always believe that there are probably unsafe radon levels in that building, and I wonder if that sort of thing gets considered when studies are done. Not disputing anything from this newest study, just saying I don't necessarily take them at face value.
  10. djs111

    Top Chef

    Poop! I knew that Carla would not win the very second she let Casey decide on how to cook the beef. I turned off the TV when the judges ate the beef and pronounced it yucky - all I need to do was check TwoP later for the final result. Basically, TwoP said exactly how I felt - F*** Casey. Casey is still pissed that she didn't win. Yes I know Carla should not have listened to Casey, but Casey had an agenda, IMO, and Carla is not the type to say back off. Oh well. I guess Fabio is getting his own show, else why keep him around judging - I know a lot of folks do like him but to me his "charm" is too facile and almost cynical. Bad reality week for me - on Last Restaurant Standing, a father-daughter team got shut down. The daughter is a sweetheart who is also a fabulous cook. The father is a controlling jerk who will never ever admit that he is wrong about anything, his arrogance was astounding. The chef who is the judge actually told them that - that the daughter is wonderful and he hopes she does well, and he told the father that it was obvious his daughter had the dream, but that he was not even trying to help. The father agreed. Asshole. Oh well. Next year!
  11. I can't remember where I heard that, but I know I heard it quite a while ago. Maybe a year or so.
  12. Kareneh, that is so cool - I worked in Arhus for a little while, we sold software to the phone company. Most beautiful award-winning office building, lots of inner gardens and courtyards, and there were vending machines with beer all through the building! Aarhus is not what I would call a tourist destination, though. Copenhagen is awesome, and it is so easy to drive down through Europe from Denmark. I am feeling wistful!
  13. Well, my gmail is back up - at one point gmail told me I had to clear cookies, but I didn't, so there! Anyway, it is nice to see all my mail - if I look in the spam folder, I even see stuff that that is meant to help me stretch my food dollars in this bad economy......an offer to make my meat stick gigantic!!!!!! My free local paper had some nifty tricks to try for electronic gadget problems; one of them is to put a crashed disc drive in the freezer. And I am absolutely going to try this, since two people in my home play WOW all the time, and this may make things faster for them (I am directly connected to FIOS, they are not) I am also v. bad about birthdays, so happy birthday in perpetuity to all!
  14. anyone else having trouble getting into gmail??????? Thanks, Claytonic - now I don't have to be paranoid about having a virus! Gmail doesn't go down all that much, so while it is very bad of me, it is a relief to know others can't get in too. Does anyone here use magicjack? Just curious about it, I am thinking of switching to it when they can port numbers later this year. eta - heeee....still can't get in, I imagine their servers are being hit hard all at once!
  15. Well, I understand completely - bonus tracks detract from the purity of the original recordings. Bwahahahaha! Like I wouldn't want a bonus track of Clay gargling or Clay ordering pizza!! Did Flock of Seagulls have enough of a body of work for a Best of? I must have been drunk working really long hours at the office during those days, all I remember is a keyboard and weird hair and the same song over and over. So, does anyone know if Ah-ha! sang Take on Me live at the Grammys, all those years ago? That always seemed, IMO, to be a harder song to sing live than the SSB. (Yes, that was a segue or a WTF? or a non sequitur. Pbffffttt!) purdy Clay
  16. Wow! Clay, Sinatra, Van Morrison, Billie Holiday, Cheap Trick, Marvin Gaye! The various Bob Dylans look good, too. Here is a message board I found that discusses remastering in excruciating detail. After reading some of it I decided I won't think about it any more, I'll just buy stuff I like. to buy remastered or to not - that is the question!
  17. Goodness, Miz Couchie, you are actually a monument to restrainedanimity. (I have trademarked that word, look for it on a tshirt or mousepad NEAR YOU!!! any day now). Is it possible, or even allowed, to be a Minion AND a Tomato-Mate? I'll sign up, once I understand the consequences.
  18. Yeah, it was nice to see and hear her - although I have absolutely no idea what she is really like, she always seems like such a straightforward no-bs person who would be fun to hang out with. I can see my boobs, but I get a crick in my neck. This was posted at the CH, some interesting stuff - naming names, too....... stuff about the different ways the break with RCA is written about, depending on agenda.. but anyway, this is my favorite headline from that column, CMSU!!!!! http://mjsbigidolblog.com/
  19. Bwah! lilyshine.....although that would have required being more prescient than you! (Hope I spelled that right)
  20. So, anyway, moving on, did everybody watch the Oscars last night? I switched between that and The Sopranos, got derailed for a little bit over a hamburger cooking contest. Yum. I actually went to the web site to see if they had recipes. Yep. Looks as though that new CD will be an "old" CD, but I am still going to buy one. Just because I want one. I don't think the industry will be holding its breath and watching Legacy CD sales.
  21. QUOTE (Clayzorback @ Feb 22 2009, 07:48 PM) * I'm sure that you are smart enough to find them, wherever they are. Hmmmmm......not sure what "acceptance" is in this case - if anyone needs agreement with everything they post, they need to start their own board and mod accordingly. That "run off" thing works both ways. I have better things to do with my time than to read, much less participate in, pointless negative crap. I doubt that any attempt to subvert FCA into that sort of board, all critical and I know something you don't know shit, will be met with anything but laughter. Heeee......even if you think it is witless. I still am puzzled - what exactly is Clay KNOWN to have been "stubborn" about - I think he is eating hamburgers now! I was surprised and happy that Sean Penn won last night. Lilyshine, maybe you should start writing down your dreams every morning!
  22. I think the word "stubborn" is a hot button for me since using it implies that the person applying the stubborn label is right, and the person who is deemed stubborn is wrong. Really all that has happened is that the "stubborn" person didn't do what someone else wanted them to do. Implies some sort of superiority, and I sure don't see that. And flinging that label around when no one knows what really happened, or how Clay feels about how his life and career should go, seems, well, senseless at best. Certainly it is interesting to hear conjecture about what if this or that, but the "stubborn" thing is pretty much illogical.
  23. How you used to be and how Clay used to be doesn't mean that Clay has stubbornly refused to do things with and for his career out of sheer stubbornness. Surely he is the best one to decide how to run his life? I find it odd at best to declare Clay is hampering his career by being stubborn, based on a book written for younger people that might very well have been exaggerated for effect. Plus there's that question of why on earth would any fan know better than Clay what Clay should do with his career? Since this all is subjective AND based on unknowns, it seems kinda creepy to see the "stubbornness" about his career stated as fact and then criticized. "Oh, he once gave up meat for two years, so prolly he stubbornly refused to go to Clive's party or live in Los Angeles or cooperate with scum media, and therefore his career is in the toilet and it is all his fault" seems to be that bizarre storyline. Yes, I did like Scarlett's post full of new possibilities.
  24. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2008-10...172940402_x.htm This was just this last November, I don't know if the doctor has left Australia. Perhaps medical professionals will be thinking twice about emigrating. I never thought eating only vegetables indicated that Clay was so stubborn as to refuse to do some imaginery opportunity that some fans imagine was offered to him. Because they know best for him. Blargh. Stubborn seems to equal "doesn't run his life and career the way I want him to". If only that kept some of us from taking that ball and running with it as if it were not only true, but as if we of course know what he should do. This is why I would never ask for a jury trial if I was innocent.
  25. haha! I was exaggerating for effect. I hope. Haha! again, this is almost like the Sunday Roundtables we used to have elsewhere. Discussion.
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