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Everything posted by djs111

  1. I have watched the AIW clip about eleventy times - makes me cry, he looked so damn happy! And there is a little bit at the end where a band member does a Yes! nod of his head, as Clay leaves the stage behind the orchestra - I am quite pleased with that! Like everyone else, it seems, I was beaming good thoughts with all my might as Clay sang last night - but I gotta say that he did that all on his own. Of course, the other option is to wonder which fans were responsible for the missed note the night before.....
  2. Play said that Clay used the hands thing to quiet the crowd - and it worked! And Daryl Dawkins gave him a great big hug instead of shaking hands. And the mic problem was too much wind noise was being picked up.
  3. OKAY - I have not caught up with this thread, but Playbiller just called - she said the children have started singing Sleigh Ride, and she has not seen anyone she knows yet in the crowd. She will be calling me back, she is saving her battery!
  4. I would have posted earlier, but I was waiting to see if my brain cells would somehow align with Mars and blink out the message that even though all the bitching and kvetching seemed to be about low visibility, it is thought, in some little corners, that getting the EP, and the EP's beatimous cover, and the EP's lovely clips, OFF the Sony site - where, gasp! maybe a few hundred or thousand or so people would have fricking SEEN them..... I need to quote Pogo here - "we have met the enemy, and He is Us "- although I think there is no Us any more! Hey! At least Groucho wasn't the one who alerted Sony to the unseemly display of Clay!
  5. "Oh shit it's a lion - get in the car!" Bwahahaha! My new favorite kittypic! I read that Faith Hill was clowning around and said WHAT???? into the cameras when Carrie won best vocalist last night - and now she is country's answer to kanye west. I am hoping for good things to happen to ms. Pickler, too! Can someone post a close-up of Clay in that shirt and loosened tie on every page, please? I have no content whatsoever, becoss I have been QUITE busy looking for signs. And Portents. I could find both things in one place, but I can't bring myself to sacrifice a chicken. Although very unseemly and sarcastic song parodies all set to "If I Had a Ship, I'd Sail Away" (v. old Kingston Trio song) keep tap-dancing through my head..... Oh, I can recommend Flushed Away as pretty funny, due almost entirely to singing slugs (I won't tell you what I thought they were). AND....at no point did I feel the need to say "singing slugs???!!!! Why wasn't CLAY offered the part of a singing slug????!!!!!! RCA prolly said NO NO NO - Clay cannot be a singing slug!!!!! Damn you Clive Davis!!!!!! Clay as a singing slug would have ruled the universe!!!!!" There was also a preview about a movie Jerry Seinfeld is making, with Eddie Izzard, called "Bee Movie" - it is already my favorite movie!!!!!!! I need a t-shirt that says "I'm covered in Bees!" OK, I will stop now.
  6. These are daughtry's own words.....I have none to add. Although I think maybe the "self-esteem" classes for the latest class of idol-roonies may have worked a bit too well for some of the guys.
  7. Hey! I resemble that! And, ya know, cats big enough to drag me in are BIG BIG cats....just saying that before anyone else does. ANYways, don't think we can ship or un-ship - doubties Clay would spill his looooove status in an interview. Or maybe he fell hard the day after! I sure would love to know how many copies of the EP have already been ordered - I clicked and purchased like a robot. Sorta like I did when Couchie said "buy CD party pins!!!!" - I bought mine from a nice person in San Francisco who was a bit puzzled, but hoped I could attend their party. I was too embarassed to tell her I have a weakness. I hear you can get a "road map to the Stars' apartments" at another board - kinda sad.
  8. Okay - I have it figured out - if Clay uses quotes, it means either the opposite of what he is saying, or else it means he couldn't think of a better term for whatever it is.....you pick which one fits your personal agenda the bestest! I think he is sending us signs with those rings. Does anyone else try and figure out if he has them on the same fingers each time? He might be sending a Morse code cry for help - or maybe just a message to a "friend".... I also think the side he parts his hair on is a sign, and which songs he sings are signs. If he is spotted eating fish, that is DEFINITELY a sign that we have a connection, because I am a Pisces! "Signs, signs, everywhere a sign....." That picture up thread with the killer eyes is, um, killer. Thankyew.
  9. I only go to the OFC for Clay's blogs. And not even then, if someone sends me a copy. I find it difficult to really care about the place, it seems like a noisy zoo or something. Not my cuppa. I do find it terrifically funny that some who hatessssss the CD because it is covers-heavy are now pissed about the promotion. Think it through, folks - if it sells well, he might make - gasp! - another one! And like playbiller says, who knows what those first originals sounded like. Might have been drek.
  10. Hey, there are lots of us just waiting in the FCC car, playbiller - come on in, I'll buy the first round! We have jiuce and water and, um, other stuff. (In best Jeremy Irons voice) - You have no idea! In fact, one time Corabeth and I smutted extravagantly at the CH - about french fries and mayonnaise and ketchup. I could likely keep that one going for quite a while! And I wrote a smutty precis of Solitaire, and shocked someone or two. I guess I usually am just crabby, though! Promotion - someone at the CH had presale numbers for CD parties in Denver just recently - Madonna - 300 (or 200?) pre-sales, Christina - 24. Heh. 24. This is why I think all the rooty-tooty promotion is becoming like a celebrity goodie-bag - they don't need the stuff, and it doesn't really help them out.
  11. Someone at the CH just pointed out that Aguilera's website was NOT updated and running until the day her CD was released. I really honestly don't get some of the the general unhappiness on some boards - there is still a month. Radio was prolly never going to be a factor. And any radio play was gonna certainly be accompanied by tabloid talk, IMO. Excuse the expression - but why would RCA shoot their wad now? Personally, I don't care squat about any other CD until I can buy it. And really, if JustinT had all kinds of promotion besides looking his Schmoo-bald-round-smug self on a couple of magazine covers, all I can remember is that he trashed Taylor (man, I have to grit my teeth to be annoyed at that) and talk about coked up sex. And funny how that coke statement is always repeated in the followup stories about his affection for Taylor's success. Hmmmm...maybe he is being sneaky there - I am sure he would LOVE to have that recognition factor. Like I was told when I was a kid, I don't borrow trouble. It has to track me down and find me. Also, I don't think either Clay or JustinT have either the gravitas or the scruffiness to really be cover boys at this point in time. Can't explain it better than that, sorry. As always, I am in the FCC car! Ansa, sorry about the doctor - we had a bad experience too - the doctor salted her report with gratuitous personal social extrapolations which had nothing to do with any genetic workup. I was pissed, the reports are being edited, and maybe I am not the only one who complained, because the woman has been removed from the program.
  12. Maybe now that Aguilera is well and truly launched, they will ramp up for Clay. And I really think they are wanting to add a bunch of stuff all at once. I will be practicing my mad HDD skilz today, watching Xtina's sales as they are counted - DO NOT PANIC!!!!! DO NOT EXTRAPOLATE!!!!! - haha! easy to do when it is not Clay! I missed Federline, YAY! - I would much rather look at dead bodies on CSI.
  13. JustinT's CD is dropping a week or two before Clay's, and all I have really seen about him is that hilariously stupid interview in Fashion Rocks - and his CD has been lower than Clay's on the Amazon bestseller list this whole time. (Yeah, I know that list doesn't represent a lot, but still.) I watched about 10 or 15 randomly placed minutes of that Teen Choice thing last night. Yikes! I caught the introduction of Pauler and some interchangeably mass-produced cute guy as presenters, and I could swear the camera zeroed in on Corey's face, or else a lookalike. I don't think Jessica Simpson is capable of "acting" that stupid. And I read where she won breakout role for Dukes of Hazzard - or was it her butt cheeks that won? I cannot imagine Clay on that show at this point - maybe after years of success, as a favor granted, but not right now. I am wondering if the dissatisfaction with appearance announcements has more to do with the desire to make travel arrangements than with P.R. shortcomings.....I really think the P.R. will be more aimed at the general public, and not fans. This is because I have never paid attention to anyone else's appearances, and have still managed to buy a CD when I see it.
  14. Am I really really bad to be enjoying the crap out of JustinT's stoopid remarks about Taylor? I can just hear a conversation between the respective publicists - "I'll have JT issue a statement saying Taylor CAN TOO carry a song in a bucket, and he is darn sure he is not queer!!!!" "NOOOOOO!!!!! Stop using the words 'Taylor' and 'bucket' and 'queer'!!!!!!" "But, but - this Taylor talk distracts people from the coked up talk!!!!" "AAAIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!" Heee - this is like a no-win, no-spin situation. And I even have a copy of Fashion Rocks magazine, for some reason they sent it along with my Domino magazine.
  15. Well, y'all have come up with some really good names.....all I can think of is Delayed Gratification Satisfies Longest Clay Takes His Time Happy birthday to Fear!!!!!! I apologise for missed birthday greetings. For no reason I can think of, I tend to forget about those, even mine...I almost forgot my son's birthday this year. And I am a pisces....have we ever done a survey on this?
  16. Heeee!!! Ask playbiller....I am like this most of the time!!!!! If you called and woke me up at three in the morning, I would try to be funny. And snarky...... Now, off to work!!!!!
  17. Nope. I think maybe a person in the Clicque office will send everyone an email that says not until July 1, and then Clay himself will direct the cleaning crew to actually start up the re-up process at 12:02 am June 28, and only send a notice to 1 person at a time, until 20 have actually responded. The faithful and bizarrely trusting-because-why-else-be up-and-refreshing fans will get the new CD, the new Aiken-for-you iPod loaded up with not only the new CD, everything Clay has ever sung in the last five years, but includes, just for us, the "unreleased Jaymes tracks", plus 5 of the limited-to-the-first-20-people Sign Up Again With Clay pins for each of us, complete with pre-formatted eBay sales templates. Also included will be a full-size Flat Clay, autographed by The Man, of course - there will be a list of possible poses on the sign-up sheet. I will be getting the Clay Sitting on the Bathroom Floor pose, because the standing Flat Clays are so much more noticeable to my family. Choice of jammies or tux with unbuttoned shirt. There will be a complete, custom-made Paul Smith Clay Aiken tshirt collection, with Clay's actual signature embroidered in thread he personally picks out on each and every one. Yes, orange does too go with everything. There will be two front row tickets for 10 concerts of the lucky fans' choice. Three M&G's, with a special wristband that ensures that the wearer will get a hug, a peck on the cheek, and some conversation.....but does not specify with who. A DVD tour of Clay's new house. A picture of Raleigh. Four pairs of striped socks. A used bucket hat. And Clay will call each of the lucky first 20 people personally, RIGHT THEN, and congratulate us. He will even send each of us a recording of the conversation: Clay - Congratulations! And welcome back! Winner - EEEEEEEEE!!!!! Is this really Clay???? EEEEE!!!!!!!! It could happen!
  18. From the interview: OMG. And some think Clay is conceited or arrogant. The Soul Patrol can have Thud, as far as I am concerned.....I wonder how long it will take Hicks to declare the S.P. not his style....actually, the name makes me think of grannies all decked out like the Mod Squad, with tshirts that say "We heart you TAY-TAY", and rainbow-colored afro wigs, and clunky running shoes. I myself am a granny, so don't throw anything! I am going to obsessively check the OFC starting at midnight Tuesday. I did get my Clicque sale order all complete and almost in a timely fashion! Musikfest, that is a wonderful story....congratulations!!!!!
  19. Waves to playbiller.... I just think it funny that Taylor is also dissing his voters, because they voted for his "dancing with the devil" stuff, not his "vision". Sounded like a horse's ass to me. Oh, well, sales will tell. And prolly somewhere deep inside a Tay-Tay fanboard, someone is saying the Clay fans are scared that Taylor will eclipse Clay and that is why some are calling him a jerk. Business as usual. Went into ticketbitch today looking for baseball and dixie chicks tix - no, not at the same event - and decided to wait and see if I needed the money for Clay tix. I am dreading June 28 - I want to be at my keyboard in case we can re-up, and I have to work. And Wed. is the busiest day. So someone or two will have to email me so I can do whatever the Aiken requests, if indeed there is an announcement. I can do anything at work except read the CH - people come into the room all the time, behind me, to see how things are going. And they don't mean Clay. I love hearing the rumors that make me happy. To be honest, I am dreading real news a bit, because I hate when people complain about stuff like that. They should just commit board suicide and go straight to Sucks. Or the Tay-Tay board. I keep thinking if I say Tay-Tay enough it won't make me feel bilious. Not working.
  20. Dang. I was feeling all enlightened and such, having been touched by all the don't hate Kat becoss she is pretty posts. I had already stated that I would vote for her. But the thought of upsetting the TBE as a bonus is making me grin. And everyone gets a record deal anyway, it looks like. Been a looooong time since I voted; good practice for MTV this summer, I guess!!!
  21. Well, drop in the bucket and all that, but I believe I will vote for Kat next week - because I feel none of the guys is Idol material....and I forgot how annoying it is to see MrSubliminalMan comments about whoever wins (or doesn't!) in Clay threads for months, until it is realised that whoever was gonna leave to be a fan of whoever has already done so. I am not looking forward to seeing those moves that would embarrass Joe Cocker being associated with the AI franchise. I don't think either finalist gives good interview, either. I wish I had not watched at all, I guess!
  22. I think they want a guy to win so much that I would be astonished if Kat wasn't gone tonight. Sorry about the Taylor stuff, Bottlecap - being a Scott/Kellie/Wendy fan, I feel your pain. But I cain't help mahself!!!!!!!! This must be what it is like to not "get" Clay at all...... (waves to Playbiller...) I am not gonna watch until the last 5 minutes, because I don't care about any of them, I just want to see what happens. Hey, at least this year I found a Kellie I can like!
  23. I really really tried to like Taylor. Sorta. But he looks so deliberately studied - I'll look down here, soulful look there - he even pauses between poses....and it was ALL karaoke. All of it. He reminds me of Robert deNiro and Jay Leno's love child....he is ACTING! (tm Jon Lovitz) - I know Clay does, too, but Clay is about a million times smoother than Taylor - and worse, I can see that Taylor is convinced he is smoooooth. Kat - SOTR not bad, whassup with the floor thing again, Elliot a bit tentative and goaty - I can't bring myself to care who wins, this is sooooooo just a reality show this year.
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