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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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AWWWW...play...I am sniffy too. I was thinking about this as well and I thank GOD we had the last three years.

I always believe that the lack of radio support for MOAM was a blessing in disguise. I always believed that several songs in MOAM had radio potential...but didn;t have the push behind from RCA. What do you all think would;ve happened if he got a number hit from MOAM...or several moderate hits...not jsut invisible? I think it would've been even more chaotic. I remember seeing a documentary on the Backstreetboys and how crazy the fans acted around them...specially overseas. There was one time when their bus got surrounded by thousands of fans and they were really terrified. Can you imagine if that happened to Clay on his first or even second year as a professional...I think this would've spooked him.

I saw some pictures of Bo doing a radio concert...he was on a tent and they had a long line of people waiting for autographs...I was wondering if Clay can actually do that...Or would there be so many people that it would be a security risk.

I think Clay and the fans needed this three years where he seemed totally our Clay...If this CD actually lives to the potential of what these "insiders" are saying...then Clay's career will go to the next level and his life will be busier and he will be more popular than ever. I do believe he has the potential of selling even bigger that Kelly internationally. I can see BSB type of response for Clay as well...I'm glad he was able to acclimate himself to this lifestyle before getting plunged into that kind of craziness.

I really can't wait for the next stage...and I will always be proud to say that I was here from the beginning.

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Yeeks, you guys made about a week's worth of FCA posts in an hour.

georgiaclay, I read on CV last night that the woman who normally sings at the Hurricanes games sang the SSB last night. I think Clay only sat in the stands (and not a box - a little surprising, but good.)

Love the new FCA pin, Ansa.

I will learn to live with the bangs, in all their ever-changing and flippity-flopping glory. :P

Sounds like it's time to start recruiting and indoctrinating those overseas Clack gatherers. We can't allow a single song to go by unrecorded.

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botttlecap..I'm with you girl. We have to get them revved up and ready, armed with cameras, recorders, and everything necessary to bring us our clack.

Loved your post Play. Clay deserves his shot at going international and i wish him much luck. I feel very happy to have been here from the start. It's been a great ride. Yeah i've had my wtf moments but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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Couchie, I read your blog through the link you put up at CH, but my work computer won't let me add comments. [Kicks weird filters, trying to prevent me from doing Clay-related stuff at work. What's up with that? ] Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I thought the blue Kenneth Cole dishes were really fab. I might even be willing to eat brussel sprouts off of those plates. I would have to draw the line at the evil that is beets, though. :blink:

I'm trying mightly not to get caught up in the whole "Is today the day" thing. I don't know how successful I'll be. I do think the Hockey pictures are definitely another part of the planned return to the public eye, though. For six month, Clay very successfully stayed out of the mainstream spotlight with no official pictures appearing until the UNICEF school thing [and no papparazzi shots that I know of, even with the whole "mess" deal.] It can't be a coincidence that he just "happened" to be photographed at a high profile sporting event after unveiling the HAIR and his new look on AI5.

Bring it baby - I'm ready as I'll ever be...... :foto:

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I'M ALIVE! Filled with rancor at Microsoft and plotting genocide against every malware creator known to mankind...

playbiller, I admit I felt a twinge when I read calliek's post (and not my usual one) - this has been an amazingly accessible fandom and if the new plans go as they seem to want them to, a lot of that easy accesibility will be GONE. That specialness of being one in a couple of hundred thousand hard core fans will be diluted. sniff I know that doesn't sound special, but it was!

Did y'all see that Indonesian Invisible

? I am trying to keep a straight face at work but dang it's hard...

oh couchie, couchie...that's why I avoid all things natural with my hair...

and Macy's sales....(though I bet I could find plates just like those at the dollar store. But I love the dollar store.)

and beets....

And you know what? As soon as the IT department in NY sends me back my fricking AI Clay DVD (they said they were overnighting it. It's been 4 days. Liars. They're KEEPING my DVD! Burning billions of copies. They think I won't notice. HAH!) which was stuck in my stupid dead work computer, I shall finish my reviews of season 2! HA HA! Because I refuse to sit around refreshing my computer constantly for news about boyfriend who probably isn't even thinking about moi...but what if he is? What if he has a sitemeter that tracks my IP from work and home? What if he's just waiting for me to go off somewhere to make a stupendous announcement? Well, Clay, if you're waiting for that....well, that means I'm still special! (or psychotic, but we won't go there.)

I admit I don't understand the discussion about the ClayHair and it's maintenance - frankly, besides the dye job it doesn't look like he does anything at all to it - like he escaped from the salon chair as soon as it was mostly dry and didn't even bother to run his fingers through it. I'm not seeing an extra fancy cut either. And what's wrong with having bangs down to his eyes? It's not quite Veronica Lake (which I'm planning on for my next hair outing), but it's OK.

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I feeling a little snippy this morning about the re-emergence of the trolls in Clay's TWoP thread, and have composed a response to the hatahs. Then, I thought, "Eh, what's the point?" Better to sit this particular little contretemps out, and let the witty posters handle the snide-meisters.

I will however share my little troll-poking post here, 'cause I actually put some thought and junk into it.

“Little guy” and “elfin” are terms that I think are more applicable to someone like Elliot “Mr. Tumnus” Yamim, who is Seacrest-short and fauny looking. 

I personally think Clay’s hockey hairstyle looks heavy and could use some thinning and texturizing, but I’m not his stylist or his momma, so I doubt I get a vote in the matter.  I’m just glad to see the smirking green eyes again. 

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Hey gang! I'm back after spending nine days in Ireland! Don't worry, I'll be writing my travelog very soon...although I'm not sure if it will compare to KAndre's most worthy entry. Anyway...

couchie, I'm sorry, but Clay's timing had NOTHING to do with your everyday blogging (which I read over night, great job). It had to do with the fact that he (and Quiana) waited for MEEEEEEEEEE to come back to the States. *g*

Congratulations Quiana for her new little man. Such a great name too.

playbiller, you're really on to something, especially with this:

Somehow, I think Clay is ready to step it up in some way (international), we lose part of him, as we should. We will haveto work harder for good tickets, but we wanted more for him. If he gets the "more", we lose some of what we have.

I think the key is what I have bolded. I get the feeling that there's going to be some new growing pains in the fandom, and how some will deal with them is going to be very interesting. Someone mentioned that the fandom is quite spoiled...and ITA with this. Even though it's not "personal" (at least to most of us), most have had a "connection" with Clay (IMO). That's going to change. All I know is that I want him to have the moon and the stars...but thinking he's going to win the World Cup and the Triple Crown, not to mention a Pulitzer Prize is stretching things. A bit. *g*

Can I claim to be among the first fans, even if he didn't have me at "Take?" I was more there by the time he uttered "Why" (as in "do you build me up, buttercup").

I admit I don't understand the discussion about the ClayHair and it's maintenance - frankly, besides the dye job it doesn't look like he does anything at all to it - like he escaped from the salon chair as soon as it was mostly dry and didn't even bother to run his fingers through it. I'm not seeing an extra fancy cut either. And what's wrong with having bangs down to his eyes? It's not quite Veronica Lake (which I'm planning on for my next hair outing), but it's OK.

Amen, sister. I'm once again proclaiming my minionship for this statement from you. I do think the haircut probably cost a pretty penny, but it looks very simple and straightforward. I also very much see it as "no muss, no fuss." And while I personally couldn't stand having my hair in my eyes like that, he looks to me as if he's OWNING that hairstyle. I like it.

He looked incredibly happy at the game. Good for him.

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Welcome back Lady from Ireland. I hope you had a wonderful time and can't wait for the Travelogue. Between you and Kandre, that is the only I will be experiencing the world of travel (other than certain concert dates), LOL. Again I hope you had a FABULOUS time. You missed out on the weeks worth of entries in one day (thank you for mentioning that Bottle). It was like a whirlwind on here yesteday, but I am glad that everybody is doing well and expressing their opinions.

Again, I feel a sadness (mainly for ourselves) when Clay goes "big-time" as they say in my part of the world, because we will be losing our connection to him. He will still be available to us (hopefully) but not to the extent that we are a custom to, since we have been spoiled (good spoilage) over the last three years. :em0900:

Oh well, let me take by "drool bib" and go look at some more pictures of him (and those green eyes, which you can see a hint of) at the hockey game.

Ya'll have a good day, I will check in tonight when I get home from work.


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Wheee people are here - What fun!

So my news, which some probably already read, is that some jerk read the CH, and tracked me down to a board they could join just to send me a PM that I barely started reading before I trashed it - haters are weird folk. Like I care what they think, I am just amazed at how hard they work to be a hater.

Years ago, I would only use that term - hatrer - in a racial, ethinic, religious or sex pref way - who knew we would be using it in a musical way?!?!

I gave up on TWOP a year ago - apparently I could post anywhere, including disagreeing with Miss Allie in supporting a TAR team she hated and not get banned or warned, but one post in the AI thread for any contestant would cause me to be banned. I decided that they must be tracking URLs for banned Clay fans and just do whack a fan. I truely and seriously have started hating the mod there, the man is a onesided idjut. I used to post on a different generic board that was pretty funny like TWOP, but it was not much into idol, a riot on TAR though. I should look for that board. I realize that almost no one I recommend to TVClubhouse can follow their boards because of the quick thread archiving. Drives Fear crazy, but they have great Project Runway information, especially since a lot of posters are from NYC and have "connections"

On to Clay - to "talk about" Is today the day? Well, I don't care, I can't fix my laptop, I give up, I can't seem to figure out how to get it to load in safe mode, so I can't seem to restore from the disks. The login password no longer works (was I drunk when I set up this computer? Why have a login password?) - SO I will have to wait for Fear to call me with any news.

I am just going to read the stuff I am printing out today (Motley fool) and work on a better birthday present and fix my photo albums for the first time ever - See Clay!!! I have a life!

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You are KIDDING me - someone with no life (love or otherwise) whatsoever followed you to a board, and joined that board just so they could send you evil PMs? OK, where are my stalkers!?!??! Shoot, I thought I had a rep in this fandom!

ldyjocelyn, you now must add to the travelogue! Were there live mysterious animals running your plate like Clay claims? Was it really green? Did you find any Pierce Brosnan lookalikes and bring one home for me as a travel present?

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You are KIDDING me - someone with no life (love or otherwise) whatsoever followed you to a board, and joined that board just so they could send you evil PMs?  OK, where are my stalkers!?!??!  Shoot, I thought I had a rep in this fandom! 

I imagine you do, and the psychostalkers are rightly scared of you and your legions of stiletto-heeled minions. :ph34r:

ldyjocelyn, you now must add to the travelogue! Were there live mysterious animals running your plate like Clay claims?  Was it really green?  Did you find any Pierce Brosnan lookalikes and bring one home for me as a travel present?

I think I involuntarily squeed there a little bit thinking about ole Pierce. I forgot about the pale-skinned, light-eyed, dark-haired Irish types. They're not all red-haired River Dancers are they? And ldyj, I hope no old men hit you with their canes and that your keys didn't get sent to Dubai or anything. ;)

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Ah, now you are talking about the Black Irish from the Moorish invasion. I had a friend with long black straight hair and crystal blue eyes - she was also a Wiccan. She offered to put curses on people for me, where is she when I need her - off to another part of the country, long lost. Anyway, she used to do Tarot as well, and she was doing the usual stuffreading for people , you will have this, this will happen to you..... So she comes and offers to do mine. The first card she turns up is death - she blinks a little and tells me not to worry, that is not the worst card in the deck. Then she turns over the hanging man. She did not say anything, dealt out the rest of the cards. When she was done - she looked at me and said "you have had a hard life" - I laughed because my life has been and is blessed and easy. She then picked up her cards and told me she did not want to tell me my future. That did sort of damage our relationship.

K'Andre, your reputation precedes you and I believe the haters fear you and your many minions. Plus, you probably don't post on different general boards under the same name. I think the haters are just really frustrated that there is such joy on the boards from just a hint of Clay - EEE Just imagine what they will be like when we get someting substantial. As it is, I see some fangirliness coming back to people who seemed to be gone.

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Oh no, I post EVERYWHERE as KAndre - I have a limited memory for user names - though I admit I don't do a lot of posting in a lot of places.

Ah yes, the Black Irish - those are some pretty, pretty people...play, I am quite willing to curse people for you. On the tarot thing - hmmm, I've always paid just enough attention to the esoteric arts to find flattering things about me (I like being a Leo), but I always thought that both Death and the Hanging Man were just related to knowledge and change - not bad stuff per se. Ah well. Hmmm, I love the Internet - I just did a tarot reading at www.facade.com for me asking if Clay would become the next superstar - and I got:

The Creative Process spread is designed specifically to peer into the nature of a project or creative undertaking, and shine a spotlight on the evolution of its parts. The Cat People Tarot paints a picture of faraway lands trod by mystical archetypes and their feline companions. This deck is a perfect tool for dreamers and idealists, and is a great choice for divining the nature of human imagination. If you would like your own copy of the Cat People Tarot, you can buy it now!

The significator, not shown, is the card you have chosen to embody the project and the focus of the reading. Queen of Pentacles: Prosperity and well-being. Wealth. Abundance. Luxury. Opulence. Extreme comfort. Generosity. Security. Liberty. Magnificence. Grace. Dignity. A rich person who is generous and charitable. A noble soul.

The card in the middle represents the creative force behind the project, be it a person, organization, or other entity. Two of Wands (Dominion), when reversed: Sadness. Trouble. Restraint caused by others. Loss of faith. Unexpected surprise.

The card on the top represents imagination - the prophetic image that stems from the creative force of the previous card to initiate the project. This is the poetry or voice of the undertaking. Four of Cups (Luxury): Wariness. Aversion. Disgust. Disappointment. Unhappiness. Bitter experience. Stationary period in one's life. 

The card on the left represents emotion - the feelings aroused by or surrounding the ideation of the project that takes place in the previous card. This is the music or scent of the undertaking. The Chariot, when reversed: To be unsuccessful. Defeat. Failure. At the last minute to lose something otherwise within grasp. Sudden collapse of plans. Vanquishment.

The card on the bottom represents thought - the analytical process of organizing the project and capturing the emotional content of the previous card. This is the science or vision of the undertaking. Ten of Swords (Ruin): Ruin. Pain. Affliction. Sadness. Mental anguish. Desolation. Tears. Misfortune. Trouble. Disappointment.

The card on the right represents manifestation - the real work involved in completing the project, and the form it will take upon culmination. This is the painting or touch of the undertaking. Ace of Pentacles: Perfection. Attainment. Prosperity. Felicity. Great wealth. riches. Bliss. Ecstasy. Gold. Valuable coins or artifacts. Treasures. The combination of material and spiritual prosperity.

Again, hmmm. I like the way it ends - though maybe I should use Clay as the significator instead of me....nah.

I had been watching "Ali" the other night and thought to myself "ah, that's why the haters don't bother me that much". I remember how Ali was really hated...but those who loved him really loved him...I really just can't grant the stooges of the fandom any importance.

What Motley Fool stuff are you printing out? My favorite is their stuff about buying a car - their first piece of advice "Don't do it". Heh.

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ldyjocelyn, you now must add to the travelogue! Were there live mysterious animals running your plate like Clay claims?  Was it really green?  Did you find any Pierce Brosnan lookalikes and bring one home for me as a travel present?

To answer your questions in order:

1) Sadly, most of our food was prearranged by the touring company, so we didn't have a LOT of choice. The thing my husband and I fell in love with for food was lunch -- cream of vegetable soup and brown bread. Now, since the word "vegetable" was there, I'm sure Clay didn't eat a lot of it. *g* I personally didn't see any food moving on my plate. The best dinner we had was one we had on our own -- Guinness casserole (basically a glorified beef stew, but it was SOOOOO good). Again, my guess is that with the "g" word there, Clay probably avoided it. Finally, we did not eat at that wonderful Scottish restaurant called McDonald's, but some of the students we were with did. No one complained.

2) Yes, it was incredibly green, and oh so very pretty. Loved that country side.

Oh wait, were you talking about the food?

3) Pierce...yum. But no, no good looking men that were flexible enough to fit in my suitcase. Sowwy.

And ldyj, I hope no old men hit you with their canes and that your keys didn't get sent to Dubai or anything.

No keys sent to Dubai, but I kept looking for that old man while we were running through Dublin Airport. I would have beat him up for Clay if I'd seen him. *g*

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KAndre, I used to think I was pretty intelligent, but I couldn't make heads nor tails out of that tarot reading you posted, other than the words "Buy it now", which I suppose was the point, eh? ;)

ldyjocelyn, BWAH! Clay Fans: threatening old men internationally.


I'm enjoying the fact that pace of posting on the board has picked back up again. I was afraid the other day that I was going to have to write about my vivid Taylor Hicks dream just to fill some space.... B)

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Well, bottle, I only pay attention to stuff that interests me like "gold", "great wealth" and "riches".

They put beer in a lot of stuff over there, don't they?

No Hicksian dreams, thank you very much.

Green eyes. Let's dream of green eyes....

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OMG...lots of posts...you would think Clay burped or something...*g*

wow so many things to comment on...

Play...I used to go to TVclubhouse for Big Brother. that was my guilty pleasure before AI. I actually skipped watching AI1 because it coincided with my most favorite Big brother season of all...season 3. I actually joined in but didn;t post much. That was the time I wasn't into the net...

and black irish...that is my favorite character description when I used to read harlequin romances...My favorite series of all was about some Irish witches...and yes I imagined all the men looked like Pierce Brosnan.

sorry about the haters hounding you. I am glad I don't post all over. I know my post about my kids reaction to AI5 Clay was placed in some unpleasant toads blog...but I didn't let it bother me...

Kandre I was wondering where you are cos you seem awfully quiet of late. I totally agree with you on the hair...and Makeup discussion. It was amusing at first but then it got tedious and madenning at the end. All I know is I love the hair and was so glad to see that he had it on a casual basis. It certainly does not look complicated to me too...

hee I have to admit that tarot read out was all greek to me...but whats this about cat people...Clay hates cats...but yeah...like reading about all the riches and so on....

ldyjocelyn...WELCOME BACK...looking forward to your travelogue...I always wanted to go to Ireland...it just seems to romantic...see previous paragraph about favorite harlequin stories...hee

Georgiaclay...yeah it will probably be a little sad. But I think Clay will always have a special fondness for his early fans. It will never be the same IMO.

Bottlecap...ITA...elfin and dimunitive...brings elliott to mind. TWOP is just a frustrating place to be for Clay fans. I do think its because we gave them such a headache in the beginning. I remember how much of a drain on their badnwidth the whole PROC thread was before we got kicked out. We truly dominated the place at one time and I think that was resented by a lot of the mods.

so are there other people interested in Big Brother all stars? Cos I would love to start a discussion on it just like AI.

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Well, I started at Jokers update for Big brother 1 and Bunny's recaps drew me to TVclubhouse. I only made it to season 3 on Big brother, but I remember the people staying up all night to take turns postingon the live feeds. I especially remember the vegtable baseball game that was never shown oTV, It seems that TV makes big brother boring. The stories about Africa were never shown either. I would have lved live feeds on over nights, that would have been so cool. My computer was on dial up and was so old, it could not handle it. I was just getting divorced (midlife crisis mishandled - my Mom called it when he got the red Corvette) and I sat on the computer at night trying to connect with the world. I wasn't working because I had a then undiagnosed disease (turned out to be mono combined with a severe allergic reaction to the vitamins that the doctor thought would relieve all my problems resulting in me basically passing out 20 hours or so a day- idjut doctor). The live feed reports also allowed me to see the way taht reality TV is manipulated.

As much as the PROC used bandwidth, it also helped support that site - I know I donated a lot of money to the banner fund and gifts for Shack. We kept to ourselbves and did not bother anyone, unlike some people who come around and just make trouble.

Anyway, TVclubhouse had the best spoilers for Project Runway, where Bastable went to the NYfashion show and reported on the outfits and contestants before it showed on TV.

I am not sure I participate in a BB thread, Boogy Mike pretty much finished my interest off. I am willing to put money that he or his friends will be on that show, since at least 2 or 3 of the players are regulars at his bar every show.

Hey, is Clay going to blog again soon?

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oh gosh...there was a time when I stayed up all night during BB3 watching the live feed. After I discovered Clay and the boards...I was never that interested in the live feeds anymore but still followed the program. It is just frustrating when you see how the editing can really build up or breakdown a character. It used to frustrate me so much. Here in Quebec they have a French show that is a combination of big brother and AI. Never watched it cos its all in French but I always wondered how the AI2 mansion was really like...specially interested in the pantsing episode... :D

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Did y'all see that Indonesian Invisible
?  I am trying to keep a straight face at work but dang it's hard...

I know it's about 12 hours late but OMG THUD GAH DEAD! I am leaving the Clay Nation to go track down Delon and become a groupie for life. Did you see how he was rockin' that sash?!!!?

Honestly, between that rendition of Invisible and the Finnish Disco Dance tape on Jemock's blog, [which is pants-wettingly funny in its dead-seriousness], I'm completely snorted out today. ^_^

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I am not sure I participate in a BB thread, Boogy Mike pretty much finished my interest off. I am willing to put money that he or his friends will be on that show, since at least 2 or 3 of the players are regulars at his bar every show.

This is the only season I have watched and I was really into. Oooh I hated mike boogie as well...and that little group..forgot what they called themselves. how they thought they were going to run the game when they didn't have a majority was beyond me. Anyway, if i understand correctly and they have to be voted back in I don't see how they'll make it. iirc most folks were happy to see their arrogant butts gone. i would love to see evil Dr. Will though. I rooted for him big time and was happy he won. but i wonder how crazy ass Nicole is doing since her therapy which I hope she received!

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I have never watched one episode of BB. I have heard all about it, but it just never caught my fancy. May be I will have to sneak in an episode or two. Don't know. If it comes on during the week, I can't. Have to work until 9:00 every night. I know, too much information LOL.

Bottle, I watched the Delon clip twice. That "boy" needs instruction from the master of Invisible. Was it just me or did that song really drag when he was singing it?? I am so used to the "red-brown-blond highted HAIR" wonder man. Dang, he really has me spoiled.

I also watched the "disco practice" tape thingy. I was rolling on the floor with laughter. It was to funny and they were trying so hard to be serious. Don't you just love Eastern Europe T.V.

Ya'll have a safe weekend.


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Ordering for the FCA2006 pin is now open....

Price is 3.25 per pin


1-3 pins = $1.00

4-6 pins = $1.50

7-9 pins = $1.75

10-12 pins = $2.00

no limit per order

this is not a limited edition...

we will keep the ordering open till supply last

order link


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Yeah! More pins with a hawt picture on them! I may have had an unsuccessful shoe shopping expedition this morning, but the frustration was offset by a fabulous lunch and now some new pins.

Clay content? Ummm, he's cute! Thanks Ansa and Couchie.

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