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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Well, maybe you'd be :dancingpickle: over a hangnail blog, while a whole contingent of expert manicurists would be offering their services in preventing future hangnails; another group of "moms" would offer to kiss it and put a Kernit the Frog bandaid on his boo-boo; speculation would run rampant that the injury would mean yet another delay in the album promo; the shippers would wander what part sweater girl, theater girl, Kristy, et al played in the hangnail scenario (perhaps a sticky zipper on the back of a dress was involved); the trolls would claim it was due to nervous fingernail chewing over the certain failure of the upcoming album and would be busy e-mailing tips into the gossip blogs; the RCA haters would somehow blame Clive; didi46 would tell us what really happened; and Jude would offer the Cluppy's perspective.

Whew - that made me tired just thinking about it! :unsure:

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I guess this is the problem when we all start speculating...I am so very guilty of this.. our expectations are raised when we really have no basis on anything except rumors.

The GMA thing was prime example...I for one do think that its possible this date was under negotiations. Since this is a last minute addition to Taylors schedule I don;t think they were reserving this for him since his schedule was already set...IF there was any truth to the rumor that there are bidding wars on Clay...then its possible that another network won and so they had to fill in this date with another artist...and I can see RCA offering Taylor for that date instead. BUT...we still don;t know if anything here is true. So take this theory with huge amount of salt...

The thing is...we really don;t know what their time line is. We can all speculate based on all kinds of clues...but we will never know until the schedule does come out. So if expectations we raised for this week...that is realy just based on our flimsy info.

All I know for sure here is that we will eventaully know what is what...and the promos will start and the cd will come out when they are ready.

I sure wish it was NOW....sniff

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Playbiller maroon sounds good. I like fall colors.

Clay will appear when he is good and ready. He's already done GMA two years in a row and I tend to think that the same people stick with their favorite morning show. Maybe he needs to reach another audience.

On AI5 with the new hair , he appeared to want to reach a younger group of fans. I wonder what shows that would be other than TRL?

Before AI5 I think we were just as frustrated as now. I'm hoping he comes up with another shocker. This time leave Mike S. home.

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On AI5 with the new hair , he appeared to want to reach a younger group of fans. I wonder what shows that would be other than TRL?

How about High School Musical - The College Years and on to Graduate School?

(Seriously, I have no clue what this High School Musical Show / DVD is all about, but according to the posters at the CV, the teenies are all over it. Also, apparently the male lead has THE HAIR.)

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Hee...having a teen and a preteen...I of course downloaded this Highschool musical...

it is an enjoyable, cheesy musical in the tradition of old fashioned musicals where people start singing and a production number ensues at a dop of a hat. Its a really old fashioned Disney movie complete with very innocent leads that don't even kiss on the lips show. What really made me happy was that there is still an audience for this kind of entertainment among teens nowadays. thats nice to know.

Clay topic....he could certainly play a teacher on a high school musical sequel. The songs are a combination of showtunes-pop-hiphop...

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Man, this has been a seriously stressful couple of week for moi - but I am on my way to Chicago tonight - if I have internet access and time, I'll tell y'all about it (see, Clay - we must keep the minions happy I tell ya!); otherwise y'all get a dissertation upon my return! And I expect frantic IMs from all of y'all in case he burps or something and tells us about it.

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My eleven year old daughter is gah gah for High School Musical---she got the DVD from a friend for her birthday recently. My fourteen year old already had the CD! Of course, the older one enjoys the 'camp' quality of the thing---she's very much into musical productions herself.

Just Sunday I took her and two friends to the movies. On the way home, they played the CD and all three of them knew every single word to every single song!

Oh...and they sounded a heckuva lot better singing them than the people on the CD did! :blink::lol:

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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the birthday wishes.

Fear: Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday. May you get all the birthday wishes that you want, and may you stumble across that red headed/dark headed/nu-hair stranger that is hiding from the MATES.

I guess I will add my dancing nana's.

:nana: :nanas::dance2::nanalove:

Love ya'll all


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Thanks for the birthday wishes, although I haven't had a birthday in many years.

Georgiaclay I hope you had a fantastic birthday, if you still have them.

My husband and my nextdoor neighbor made me a yummy coconut cake from two fresh coconuts and poured the coconut milk over the cake. That was good!

Thanks to playbiller for the two cds you sent for Mr. Fear to give me.

It seems to me from reading various and sundry boards that Clay's July appearances will not be on tv. What could these be? Was Clay nominated for the Noble Peace Prize? Will he be speaking at the UN about world peace? I'm gonna go with a benefit appearance for some high profile charity.

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I'm gonna go with a benefit appearance for some high profile charity.

OMG...FearofH20...when I read this, I immediately thought of Mar del Lago--The Donald! Remember last year when Clay and he met on the Insider and he said he wanted to hire Clay to sing there?!??!?

Maybe Trump is hosting some big gala for charity there and invited Clay to sing! :blink:

OOOOOHHHH!!!! :P fun to think about...



:00003653: :04: :partygirl::Pogo0: :fest33:

and since this is a fancy occasion, my banana got dressed up for ya! :dancingnana:

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Hey, the beach house is closed in the winter, it would be a long ride from my house to AC! JNT at Trump's Casino? - the people there are party people, not holiday people - they thinkit is OK to gamble their childrens future away on the nickle slots!

I read Reny's post and it seemedto be musing. I am assuming what ever Clay does will get TV coverage, evenitf it is only The Insider. Somewhere he will appear on my TV.

I discount the people who think he will join Kelly on stage in Raleigh - I guess it is just another way to sell tickets to a venue that is hurting for sales by starting a rumor Clay might be there. As I recall, Clay sat in the audience for Kimberley in Raleigh and I think he was closer to her. It would just FIRE UP those fan wars, too. Nope, I don't think he is going to be there.

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I'm going to correct myself. I looked it up...it's

Mar-a-Lago....not Mar del Lago <_<


I want an excuse to go there. Clay would be a good excuse. Hmmm...you know, we're thinking about having a conference somewhere in Floriday next summer. ;) I think I need to go do some site visits, don't you? :P

Off now to watch my younger daughter pitch the first game of her team's softball tournament this weekend! Yeay! :laola0:

Y'all have a great weekend!

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I hope your daughter wins her tourniment or at least has fun playing. What kind of tourniment is it?? Softball, soccer, spitting in the wind contest??? Again, I hope she has fun and watch out for the sun or is it sunny in San Fran?? I have never been out there. I live such a lonely life (LOL).

Hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend. I survived yet another dreaded birthday. I really hate birthdays :) Just another year older and deeper in debt :)

Here is hoping for that redheaded/brown headed/nu haired stranger to pay us a visit and give us some news; hint hint TC.

Here are some dancing nanas for your daughter to root her on!!!!



I think the last group of nanas is on some kind of speed.

I needed to have actually read the softball part, sorry it is late and there are still fireworks going off in my little pea brain.


Edited by georgiaclay
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Musicfest, I am way too lazy and sleepy to edit Mar a Lago? I don't even know if its right now.

So I think I'll probably be up all night trying to think of an acronym for the new cd. But I'm even too tired to see what the prize is. Well I think I'll probabaly have a premonition and get it right this time. I was pretty close for the last contest. I had staiken claytatoes. (steak and potatoes. Get it?) I think the winner was baiken, tomato and clettuce or something like that.

Hope those going away or maybe even gone already have a great fourth.

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Well the OFC has a new contest up...go check it out. The best part is that they said that the album title had been chosen. WHOO HOO. That's a step forward. Oh and the winner of the album get's Clay's new album. LOL....

have a great holiday everyone. I'll be in and out...going gambling tomorrow... maybe I'll win enough for my Clayventures next year.

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