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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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I broke down and submitted my entries today. I got out some posterboard, scissors a ruler and pencil. I made 26 one inch squares and labeled them with magic marker. The consonants went in one bag and the vowels in another.

I pulled one square from the vowel bag and wrote it down and then pulled one from the consonant bag, wrote it down and replaced the square back in the bag before pulling the next square. Etc. etc.

I think the advantage to entering earlier was that you would be the first to have the opportunity to win. I entered one earlier before the hints, so I really could only enter six more guesses. Now that some are making spreadsheets the odds of winning are less for me but i did have my guess in earlier so if any should be correct I would have time in my favor.

Wow didn't mean to make this a thesis.

I really really like Clay's hair. He looks comfortable with it and it definitely has opened a lot of peoples eyes. I love reading various blogs with new fans who didn't notice his voice until he changed his hair. Whatever it takes is OK with me. Having two sons I can tell you that hair is very important to them. My youngest, who was a musician, had tricolor hair, a mohawk, dredlocks, blond spikes, black spikes and most recently a buzz cut. My oldest grew his hair long and at the age of 37 has not yet cut it and recently dyed it black from his normal light brown.

And now for my next lecture I will talk about the mating habits of butterflies.

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I don't think you wrote very much, you should see my dissertation on Beavors on the proper uses of We vs. I. - Yes, anouther fangirly is trying to make like we all share her story. Unfortunately her story is about falling out of love with Clay because he has not done anything new. Sorry, not my story.

I thought it was a random drawing when I first read the rules - but it says the first in - oh well. If Clay stopped giving clues, I might have had a better chance.

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Eh, just blowing off steam. :spit: I've gotten over myself and will stop whining any minute now. :) (And as a Canadian, you are being very gracious, Ansa. At least I got to enter.)

I was going to post a little note in Clay's blog about how I was tired of the teasing and that I was leaving him for Justin Timberlake. But having listened to Justin's new single at his website (send your thank you's to 43dudleyvillas for posting that link), I couldn't do it with a straight face. :P Ouch!

And Fear, I love butterflies! :13: Thesis away.....

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Oh MY GOD...it seems very easy to learn this song it only has a handful of word...and he sounds like the moose calls hunters do round these parts...

Fear...I liked your strategy....all I do is type anything...

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A more user friendly version of the Cluben at the Kelly Concert pictures was posted here, at mr-aiken.com. This site seems to have taken over from Clay Photos.com, so it looks like it has a bunch of older stuff, too.

Can't wait to see new concert pictures taken by the primo photographers from the Clay Nation.

:foto: [Waves to skatejoy and buzztechie] :foto:

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I did not have a problem accessing the pictures at Zuma. Maybe it is my browser (netscape).

I brought the photos over to the Ruben thread at Idolforums because I am sure many of his fans might have missed this appearance and it was news to a few.

And now a word from GWB. I guess I have to get up and go to my doctor now (new perscription not a visit).

Guess it is time to get that guess in soon. Heh.

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Bottle, loved the hamster/g. pig/and "the Aiken" photos. You are so right, hair coloring, party hat, frisky demeanor, four legs of some kind, why they could have been separated at birth!!!, but the real burning question here is "where is everyone?" Must be summertime and everybody is out playing in the heat, humidity, sand and surf.

Hopefully the "puppetmaster" will come out and play with his "puppets" for another round of clues. Still brain dead with no clues. I swear the "pea brain" is atrophing and shriveling up to the size of diamond dust.

Hope to hear from everyone soon, quite soon, and the new saying "almost". LOL That is my mantra, almost there, almost there, just around the bend, I can see it, darn lost in the darkness again. I am so brain dead. I need a life or may a concert or cellcert or both.

G :D

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Welll, I don't see the resembleance with Clay and the Hamster - for one, the hamster is all muscle and for the second thing, it spends all it's time running on a wheel and I can't see Clay finding time to do that, his life is filled with running forward. Now if you found a duck, the feet might match....no, that wouldn't work, the whole water thing is there. maybe a redheaded penguin - no, that won't work, that darn water thing again. sigh.

I think they have a winner, so Clay does not have to prod anymore. I really think he would have kept droping hints until he found what he wanted.

So has anyone else figured out how to enter this contest? I was reading the rules to try and figure out what to put in the heading of the e-mail (decided to put the acronym list) and got completely confused at all the vbad punctuation, conflicting rules and lack of real information.

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So has anyone else figured out how to enter this contest? I was reading the rules to try and figure out what to put in the heading of the e-mail (decided to put the acronym list) and got completely confused at all the vbad punctuation, conflicting rules and lack of real information.

I put "New Album Name Acronym Contest" in the subject line of the e-mail I sent.

I was looking at my randomly-generated entries (made before the vowel three not-a-vowels hint) and see the only one of the six guesses I sent that matches that description starts with an "I". The spreadsheet gurus* seemed to have determined the correct entry should start with an "A". Oh well.

*A great thing about this fandom I've found - No matter how far gone you think you are, there is always somebody who seems more nuts than you. YMMV, of course. I'm sure none of the spreadsheet gurus are posting pictures of cinnamon-furred guinea pigs with party hats on.... :P

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Win or lose it was kind of fun playing with Clay. It was a lot more personal knowing that he, supposedly, was reviewing the entries. I felt like he invited the guesses of those who were not eligible to enter also. I hope you took some stabs at it Ansa.

I think the probability of winning of those who were ineligible is not that much different from most of us who did enter. Zilch to nothing.

The fan club is quite close to reaching 12,000 members. With the release of the new single, I would not be surprised to see it reach that quickly. I wonder if we will always be charter members?

Bottlecap, I loved your hamster with the party hat. We always seemed to have a hamster or two around the house. Sometimes we would find their desicated little bodies behind the sofa. Thankfully they were not wearing party hats.

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Hello, women....checking in during the big conference I'm managing in Denver....hellacious day---busy and stressful...but I think it worked okay!

Nnow I'm exhausted beyond exhausted and little tipsy from the free wine in the concierge lounge..

going to bed, gotta be downstairs again at 7 am... :blink:

later! ;)

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I have no Clay content, so I'll rant about Justin Timberlake. I've had his truly awful "SexyBlech" :kotz0: song twice already on promosquad in the last two days. Apparently, I was not quite clear enough the first time around in expressing how much I hated the song. Despite that, I'm sure it will be a big hit, and I can't understand why it's even getting tested on promosquad. Fortunately, the radio stations I normally listen to (NPR, alt rock, or Hot AC at work) won't play his crap and I can hopefully pretty much avoid it in the future. Yeeks!

C'mon Clay! I'm like Rapunzel, trapped in a tower by a scary moat of bad music. Rescue me! :unsure:

muskifest, is that your wine bottle over in the corner? Geez. :juul:

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A picture of Clay and Aaron (aka Jerome Jr., one of Clay's security guys) from AI5 night (via the Clayboard, et al)



Dayum.... Being manhandled by security for attempting to, ummm, get a warm handshake from Clay (shall we say) doesn't seem like it would be such a bad thing... B)

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Clay wrote a very brief blog to note that there is a winner of the NANA contest, who woud be receiving a phone call "very soon". (Is that in Clay time, or normal people time? B) ) He also threatens us with a "follow-up contest". :glare: Oh, joy. Hee.

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People are speculating that the blog meant the contest was ending - according to the rules, as long as he does not reveal the acronym, people can still enter. He has to wait until the day is done in postal terms to end the contest, since the winner will be picked randomly rom the correct entries (this is in the real rules, versus the simplified english rules which contradict it and say the first person wins)

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People are speculating that the blog meant the contest was ending - according to the rules, as long as he does not reveal the acronym, people can still enter. He has to wait until the day is done in postal terms to end the contest, since the winner will be picked randomly rom the correct entries (this is in the real rules, versus the simplified english rules which contradict it and say the first person wins)

This is what I think too. I think he means there is at least one winner. He probably will reveal the answer tonight or tomorrow but the winner will be revealed at a later date. I wonder how many people got it.

I love it that he is playing with us.

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I never hear Clay songs at the grocery store or whatnot, and I'm always I little jealous when I read about someone else who does. Today, I finally heard "I Will Carry You" on the muzak when I was having lunch at Red Lobster with my mom and sister.


I know it means nothing in the big picture, but I was at a bit of a low ebb in my fandom because of the lack of official news, which I have found particularly frustrating lately. It was great to get that thrill again from hearing the opening chords of a song I recognized and have come to love.

On a side note, my mom remembered and brought up the fact that Clay had been on the Top 10 list on ET a couple of weeks ago, which I thought was pretty cool. She even commented that he was number 5 on the list. She wanted to know if Clay was still wearing his hair like he did on AI5, which she apparently didn't like, but recognized as probably being an expensive style. Eh, I can't really hold the HAIR hate against her and I paid for her lunch anyway. :P

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Speaking of Moms...my Mother lives in WV and I live in MD. the week of 7/4 my brother and she came to family get together one of my cousins hels. My Mom is the last remaining sister from 5 sisters and she is 84 and I am no spring chicken either.

She also had the opportunity to visit 2 grandchildren and 2 great-grandsons..ages 3 and 1. After a couple of days of visiting she and my brother came to visit with DH and myself.

She knows all about my feelings/reasons for liking Clay. Her Christmas presents the past 2 years have included a lot of Clay..she enjoyed his book and MDYK CD.

Anyway when we reached the family room and she saw some of my pin collection...the first words out of her mouth were "How do you like his new hair style?"

I had no idea she had even watched the show!!! :lol:

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This is appropos of nothing, but I found a little something to assist KAndre is her quest for World Domination, while still wearing fabulous shoes:



Scary and beautiful at the same time. Required concertwear at Clay's next casino concert, I think. They would certainly be helpful in kicking your way through the merchandise line.

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Hallelujah! The conference is over and I'm on my way to the airport! GOD. I'm running on adrenalin fumes and am afraid I feel the crash coming...just want to collapse....

Guess I picked a good week to be away from the boards...not a damned thing going on, is there?


Later, women! ;)

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