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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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A heads up for Sunday - the Raleigh News & Observer has a note that a blurb about Clay's new hairstyle will be in Sunday's Parade Magazine - presumably in the very brief Q&A section in the front of the paper. If you're not familiar with Parade: it comes in the Sunday edition of alot of newspapers nationwide. It's pretty celebrity friendly, and the people featured in the Q&A section generally have something to promote. For example: Q: "I haven't seen TV actor X lately - What's he up to?" A:"X has a new movie coming out on XX/XX..." and so on. My hope is that there might be a mention of the new CD, but maybe it will just be a Do you like his hair question.

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A mention in the Parade is a very good thing. It brings back attention to a performer that a) either is getting ready to promote something or c) needs the limelight. I could not do a b because it brought up a big yellow face. I personally feel that the choice for this one is definitely A. That is my final answer.

Thank you again Bottle for bringing over that piece of information. You are so SWEET along with the other people on this board. You all make great "cyber" friends.

And Lady, I am with you, I think that IT IS BEGINNING....... :D

Have a great day.


So hopefully we will be doing this in the NEAR future :trink3: along with this (clack attacks) :foto: and a whole lot of this. :laola0:

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From cece at the Clackhouse - the text of the Parade magazine blurb:

Question: What do you think of Clay Aiken's new hairstyle?

Answer: We think he should lose the bangs. At 27, the 2003 American Idol runner-up has lost his boyish charm and allowed himself to be overstyled. Readers: What do you think? Go to parade.com/pop for our pop culture poll and sweepstakes.

Parade magazine, :bananasign:. PPPFFFTTTT on you. (And yeah, I don't totally dig the NuHAIR either, but still.....)

I'm tired of having to say "It could be worse" about magazine articles. I want to say "Wow. That was fantastic and insightful and I have already licked the ink off all the pictures." :blink:

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Project Runway usually repeats a few times. check your guide..you should be able to find it before next wednesday.

guess I won't be buying a sunday paper but I guess I can respond to their question on the website. heee.... I haven't done that in a while!

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Thank you for what? to whom?

I don't hang out at the OFC, and never in the dear Clay section - so I am clueless.

Well, one more day of thunderstorms - Fear is driving her way up here and will end in a whoo ha of really bad weather, so I have to wait and see if she has problems. So far, she has not told me where she is going, so I have to google and see if I can find it. I did help her get a cat sitter, but have had no luck in fining a dog sitter. I also have to bring my laptop to meet her, since she will be out of touch this week. We will be looking for wireless service - heh. This is probably not the best Clay time to be out of communication.

I have also subscribed to cable internet at the beach, so no more stealing other people's wifi. A little more laundry and I can head back down there - no lawn mowing for me this week, too much rain. But I do have to weed - tomorrow.

I was watching the MTv ET and see that Justing T is on the cover of GQ - I am still pissed about what they said about Clay = posers!


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Wow you guy have been talking...my computer was strange yesterday it kept saying there was no new posts...and here you all are!!! My cache must've been screwy...

1KD clack...I loved it even if the productiona nd recrding was very crude. I can hear a lot of improvement in Clay;s interpretation of the MOAM recordings. Makes me think ATDW will be SOOOOOOO much better...

The mystery behind it...I guess the woman that made the montage ahd this file for four months and she got it from lime wire...I doubt very much this was a deliberate leak...probably a studio tech had it in their HD and got uploaded to limewire by mistake.

Parade mag...don;t know what to think of it...its not really very positive...but not bad either IMO...hope it is the start of some real PR...

will this be the week of the press release?

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I met Ethel waiting for GMA, we had a good talk.

I think that they are now shooting for more than 1000. The numbers are all screwed up, etc. I think one person should have been counting them or have people go back and adjust their numbers.

Was looking at Amazon and just flicked to AI stuff and see that the season 5 CD is now selling for a bargain price, so I thought I would accumulate all the prices.


MOAM - 13.98 on sale for 12.99 Club 9.99

MCWL - 18.98 on sale for 14.99 Club 9.99

No singles available

DVD - 14.98 on sale for 12.99

American Idol Compilations

Season 1 - $13.98 club price 9.99

Season 2 - $13.98 club price 9.99

Season 3 - $13.98 on sale for $11.98 Club price 9.49

Season 4 - $18.98 on sale for $14.99 Club price 9.99

Season 5 - $18.98 on sale for $ 9.48 Club price 6.75

Holiday complation

- $13.98 club price 10.99


NA - Clay, Kelly, Fantasia, Diana, Carrie

Hicks - $3.49 on sale for $2.99

Kat - $3.49 on sale for $2.99

Bo - $3.98

Ruben - $4.49


Thankful - $18.98 on sale for $10.97 Club price 8.49

Breakaway - $18.98 on sale for $11.88 Club price 7.99

Guarini - available at club only - 9.99


MOAM - 13.98 on sale for 12.99 Club 9.99

MCWL - 18.98 on sale for 14.99 Club 9.99

No singles available

DVD - 14.98 on sale for 12.99


Soulful - $13.98 on sale for $8.99 Club price 7.19

Angel - $13.98 Club price 9.99


Free y - $13.98 on sale for $8.99


Blue Skies - $13.98

Carrie underwood

Some hearts - $18.98 on sale for $11.88 Club price 7.99


The real Thing - 18.98 on sale for 13.99 Club price 7.99

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playbiller, I hope you and Fear have a good visit, and that her travels go okay. I see from the radar map that the East Coast has a big green blob of rain sitting over it. The weather locally has been just beautiful, so I spent the morning doing yard work and the afternoon recuperating (i.e. sitting on my arse and surfing, with a brief break for a nap).

Thanks for the Amazon numbers. I double-check for Clay stuff whenever I go over there, just in case. I know when the CD gets posted for purchase the news will speed around the Clay Nation at warp speed, but I like to check for myself once in a while, too. I think I signed up to get an e-mail notification when anything new related to Clay gets posted at the Amazon, so it will be interesting to see it that works. I'm looking forward to getting all thoise reminder emails, hopefully soon: Amazon, Ticketmaster, maybe RCA (HA!), the OFC (HA! HA!), and most reliable of all, the Clay Nation News.

I am continuing to have my doubts about the 9/19 date. If we don't get the press release this week, I'd think it would have to be October. :blink: I just don't know if I can actually handle moving abruptly from a state of continually waiting (which now just seems.... normal), to *BAM* It's Here! :em0300: I know I should have been burning stuff and cleaning up my hard drive in anticipation, but I keep putting it off. I'm excusing that by telling myself I work better under the pressure of a specific deadline. <_<

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weather was pretty bad today, I don't know how they made the trip, but I can see I won't be visiting much this week becaue I don't have a dog sitter - I forgot to get the bordatella treatment, so no one will accept her and I believe they are staying in a hotel - i.e. no way to visit when you have a dog with you.

I can't even drop by for a short visit, the shortest distance is 2 hours away and Holly really hates the trailer. No one in the trailer park will take her out either. Most people are only there for a weekend and my one daily neighbor may weigh less than me, but they are way much less fit.

OK, lets put up our wish for a Monday PR release! come on Clay, surely it is good enough for you now!

I just dread the fall idol glut because the publicity will be overwhelmingly annoying. I would like to see Clay get out there first. I don't count Mario V because, I just never got him.

The thing about the amazon numbers is that I am wondering if maybe the label has a special relationship - now Taylor, Kat and the AI5 compilation CDs are on sale on mot online sites, but the other CDs vary in price from place to place and Amaon seems to be cheapest. so I wonder if they get a special deal and if they have a larger share of the market (Borders = Amazon) - then their use as a weather vane could be evaluated better.

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I'm getting a virus notice when i try to access the site...will put in trouble ticket. If you're having a problem, email me at admin@findingclayaiken.com to let me know.

ETA: got the problem fixed and will be upgrading the site. FYI just in case you can't access in the next day or so. I'll try to get everything done before I leave for my clayless vacation.

speaking of Clay..the boy blogged and I just love him. bad bootleg copy of ATD indeed. Just too cute for words.

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Lurved the 7/24 blog in a thousand different ways...... Well, in several different ways, anyway.

For one thing, Clay blogged at a relatively decent hour for us EST types. Yeah, I'm normally thinking about heading to bed at 10:30, but staying up to 11:30 to analyze and speculate won't kill me. It's the signing back on at 2:00am to catch up again before morning that will likely do me in. :o

Clay talks about a 12 hour photo shoot with a really cool female photographer. (Hey, we haven't heard from skatejoy or buzztechie in a really long time. You don't think... :unsure: ) :foto:

The LA location sounds really cool, and if even Clay, who never wants to admit that he's hawtness personified, acknowledges that they got great, romantic pictures for the new album, I might as well make my funeral arrangements now. Cause of death? Spontaneous human combustion. :27:

ETA: And the press release? Will have one of the new pictures attached to it. I'm feeling woozy just contemplating it.

txflwrgrl, long-time no see! Had any visions about costume choices for the new tour?

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That had to be the greatest blog by Clay ever. Total snark! I loved how he teased us about so many different things. He just knows us so well. He gives us a hint about the photo shoot, but no pictures for us to devour, but he let us know he did wear striped socks! He knew we wanted to know about the socks. ha!

And him listening to the bad boot-legged copy of ATD. We can't get away with anything! :lol:

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I know, I love how he wanted to really communicate with us. He wants to let us know he pays attention to what is happeing around the fandom.

I wonder what his reaction was when he heard that bootleg copy and read people's reaction.

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I think has had to learn to take anything said by his fans with a grain of salt and a very thick skin. I do believe that this is the most critical fan group ever - every one has an opinion <--- see an opinion.

I think I will go pick p my cable modem and get lunch and head for the beach untl this settles down.

And yes, I am keeping Fear updated, woke her with the news of the blog, showed her mee2's picture (no internet servic near her, though). Called her with tour info - she has friends that want to go to a Christmas concert, but are not interested in a pop concert.

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I think has had to learn to take anything said by his fans with a grain of salt and a very thick skin. I do believe that this is the most critical fan group ever - every one has an opinion <--- see an opinion.

Express and opinion? Shy, retiring little me? HA! :P

And yes, I am keeping Fear updated, woke her with the news of the blog, showed her mee2's picture (no internet servic near her, though). Called her with tour info - swhe has friends that want to go to a Christmas concert, but are not interested in a pop concert.

Did you tell her about the picture from the Finley YMCA from last week? This hair I can seriously appreciate - it looks so soft and shiny.

[CRAP - that opinion just slipped right out of me!]



(Taken by of karebear65 of the CV, who said Clay was visiting the Y to check out the summer camp program for TBAF. She said some of the kids didn't recognize Clay because of the NU HAIR, and he told them he was Clay's twin brother Clint. :D Too funny!)

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I think has had to learn to take anything said by his fans with a grain of salt and a very thick sin. I do believe that this is the most critical fan group ever - every one has an opinion <--- see an opinion.

I think I will go pick p my cable modem and get lunch and head for the beach untl this settles down.

And yes, I am keeping Fear updated, woke her with the news of the blog, showed her mee2's picture (no internet servic near her, though). Called her with tour info - swhe has friends that want to go to a Christmas concert, but are not interested in a pop concert.

What do you mean by" called her with tour info"? Is there tour info for this new CD someplace? This is getting very exciting! I'm also confused about your reference to heading to the beach until "this settles down". Am I just completely missing things?

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Not to be confusing, I am on my permanent vacation at the beach. So. I was logging off the inernet and going to the beach (to swim).

There is just one rumored tour location in Pennsylvania - but people are checking it out.

I think that people are anxious because the venue put the tickets on sale already, and the tour has not been announced.

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we did an upgrade of the board so it appears things are different. They don't understand the words "wait until i back up before you do anything." sheesh. FCA was hacked...don't know why somebody felt the need to come into our little corner of the world. But there doesn't appear to be any permanent damage.

Now as for Clay possibly touring all I can do is EEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeee since I didn't think he would until 2007.

Now, for people expecting a press release every single day...please explain to me why you are torturing yourselves. The one thing I've learned since this whole crazy thing began is that Clay isn't following the pop star handbook - doesn't appear to own one actually.

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Love that picture so much, and Bottle you are so right, love the hair. It looks so soft, lucious, gleaming, managable, just want to run my fingers through it (oh right, got off on the topic at hand). I had to add it as my new avatar.

Hope to hear some news soon. Can't wait to see the "socks".


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YAY we are back to almost normal...heh

we had to get an upgrade that will hopefully give us better security in the future. We lost all our old setting and took a bit of time to get it back to the way it used to look. I am still not very comfortable with the options with Invision boards...if there is anybody here who is familiar with it and could give us a hand please pm me...

So the new pictures are cute. The YMCA picture is so...sweet!!! Teacher Clay!!!oops its his twin Clint!

update on the lone tour date we have. This was confirmed

post from CH:

I called the Williamsport Community Arts Center, the rumor is true, by becoming a member for $65, I was able to order tickets before August 14th, when they officially go on sale. Unfortunately, the first ten rows, what they call the Purple Section, is reserved for previous members. Tickets are $50 each. Phone is: 570-326-1971

The venue said as far as they now it is a Christmas show.

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I just wanted to post that whatever happened that prompted the upgrade to the gallery is great. The reason why, it loads VERY quickly! It used to take some time to load, even on cable internet. I would have hated to be on dialup......but now it's' really fast!

I've got an off-topic invision free board, but it's different than this....so I don't think I'd be able to give you any help....some of the terminology may be similar though.



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