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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Well Bottlecap she is Canadian...I can see understand why she would be on Jaymes radar.

Apaprently CV is comparing a picture of Suzie with a picture of the blond that was Clay;s guest in the broadway play...it could be her.

I actually like the fact that they didn;t go with a well known duet partner...it tells me they don;t feel the need for some additional pr...

It just seems to me that there is more of her rather than our Clay. Hopefully the whole song will feature more of our boy!

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OK, I just listened to Clay's "Without You" and this is my take on it.

BACK OFF HEIFERS! HE'S MINE! I have spiky brass knuckles I took from bottle and I'm not afraid to use them!



Y'all can still buy several dozen of his CDs, though.

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That was my reaction too but someone posted the lyrics and it seem the snipet we heard was taken from the middle of the song and is a very short part of the song...so I suspect there will be more Clay in the song.

OMG Without YOu on Promosquad...what voice...what a voice!!!!!

I am crying ...it is so gorgeous.

oops i forgot...


don;t worry about using EEEE's we bought a whole warehouse full...lots to go around... :D



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Just got back in after a family thing. New freakin' Clack? Downloaded, and am on the second listen. Holy Moly! Wail at me baby, and curl my toes with those low notes!

Can't give any more, indeed. Gah! Thud. Dead.

And if promosquad doesn't load these up into my jukebox, I'm gonna reach right through my DSL cable and go all Clay Aiken Fan on somebody's ass. KAndre, I may need to sign out a cattle prod...

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I am a big, soppy emotional mess right now.

EEEEEEEETTTTTT! It comes on at 7:00PM EST for me, so I would expect to have access to the caps before then.


Also, thank the good Lord & Taylor for free e-mail accounts from lycos.com. A new promosquad account with a different radio station selected, and "Without You" and "1000 Days" (so far) magically appear. EEEEE! "I Want to Know What Love Is" is playing right now!!!! Y'all can have "Without You", I am so "I Want to Know"'s b*tch right now. So happy!!!!!! :D

ETA: The ET screencaps have made the scales fall from my eyes. After dithering around about it since May, I now believe in the power of the NU HAIR. Hallelujah!

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So, how many times do you suppose one can listen to two 1-minute clips in an 8 hour work day?

I have to say that i am most intrigued by the duet. it's clear to me that it's all spliced together from different parts of the song and she was highlighted on purpouse for some reason. but Clay's one little line in the beginning..OH My GOD -- it is amazing and I can't wait to hear the rest. i think he learned so much by touring and I can hear it in these songs.

it's fun to see Clay Nation so giddy.

can't wait for more clack..give it to me..I'm a thirsty woman!!

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Okay, the little 10-second ET promo thing has kilt me dead. Can you image the NU HAIR, the confident smirk, and the hint of a swagger in action? Dead, I tell you. Melted like a popsicle in the 99 degree heat. Gone to join the choir triumphant. RIP. Been nice knowing y'all.


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The heat and the constant Clay curiousity have had me catching up online for the last hour, even though it's 5:30am for me. It's nuts, I know.... :blink:

Anyway, I've seen the commercial for tonight's Entertainment Tonight twice so far this morning. At the tail end, it promises a "Clay Aiken exclusive". It has a couple of the shots we've seen before, along with a very quick glimpse of a mostly unseen person working on Clay's hair. EEEEEEE! Someone was very smart for scheduling Clay's photoshoot in LA where it was easy for ET to cover it. Nothing on the ET site yet, but it's certainly worth keeping an eye on, as I would expect a blurb, or even better, some video to be posted there sometime today.

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The site is back - I am still pissed at my Norton allowingthe virus to write to my hard drive and then asking me if I want to get rid of it. I use AVG at home, so there I am safe. It stops stuff before it gets to my hard drive, although I still use adware to find less well known ones.

On topic - Clay. I figure so many people are buyingthe CD from Amazon today, Iwill wait until it sinks a little in the sales department to order it. It will probably be delivered in the second week then, which is also good for sales. I thinkI did that last time. I am losing my interest in the CD parties though, just because they are all set up and ready to go in NJ with one small group arranging it to thier convenience and everything else be damned. 3/4 of the states population is in 3 adjoining counties and the nearest party is a couple of counties away. Why? The party oprganizers don't live there. They did ask me if I would host one, when I objected, but of course all the planning is done. I need to see if anyone is interested, then I might condier organizing one in Bergen county. I have to go check to see how many people are interested.

So this is the real games for us fans. Watching to see how many of us and not just us there are.

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HOLY MOLY! The Entertainment Tonight piece on Clay's album photoshoot was entirely too hot. It looks like the pictures have the potential to be most excellent. According to the voiceover, the CD will have 4 original songs and 10 covers. Can.not.wait.

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From USA Today's Idol Chatter Blog:

Clay: The new album

OK, here's most of the scoop on the upcoming, and much-awaited, third album (if you're counting the 2004 Christmas album, which I guess you should). It's called A Thousand Different Ways, it's coming out Sept. 19 (beating the November Idol rush), and it consists of 14 songs, 10 of them covers of '70s, '80s and '90s.

Here's the track listing, in handy alphabetical order:

A Thousand Days (new song)

Because You Loved Me (Celine Dion)

Broken Wings (Mr. Mister, original artist)

Every Time You Go Away (originally Hall & Oates, hit by Paul Young)

Everything I Do (I Do It for You) (Bryan Adams)

Everything I Have (new song)

Here You Come Again (Dolly Parton)

I Want to Know What Love Is (Foreigner)

Lonely No More (new song, co-written by Clay)

Right Here Waiting (Richard Marx)

Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word (Elton John)

These Open Arms (new song, co-written by Jon Bon Jovi)

When I See You Smile (Bad English)

Without You (originally Badfinger, hit by Nilsson)

Quotes from Clay (from the press release) follow.

Said Clay: "These are songs I heard growing up. I loved them then and I still love them today, but we decided to do them a little differently. They have new arrangements, and we put our own style on some of them."

He expounded further: "This is an album of love songs, but they are about all different kinds of love. Romantic love, friendship, unconditional love. There are a thousand different kinds of love; a thousand different ways to tell someone you love them. And, on top of that, since so many of these songs are covers, it's realistic to say that many of them have been or could be sung a thousand different ways."

Well, it sounds like we should be getting the official press release, and maybe with it, the end of THE SILENCE OF THE HAIR.

I've been contempleting the journey of THE HAIR to date.

THE HAIR, before its big debut, knew it was gonna piss certain people off.


THE HAIR appeared from the back of the stage, sang its heart out and had a heck of a time.


I must admit I was all :omg: , and had my doubts about THE HAIR at first.

Next, THE HAIR made an appearance at the hockey playoffs, and was all smirky and "Yeah, I'm still here. What of it?"


And I was all "Um, whatever, dude." :blink:

Then THE HAIR was spotted hanging out with friends at a concert, looking a little worse for the heat and humidity.


I look at the pictures of THE HAIR and the outfit and think "Dude, you look like you should be bagging my groceries, not making me swoon".

LAX HAIR was all business, and just wanted to get where it was going.


I see the slightly pissed off look and sigh very quietly.

YMCA HAIR shows up, and I seriously consider leaving Clay for Clint.


And then PHOTOSHOOT HAIR hits me.


Its all "I know you want me, baby, but you're gonna have to beg a little harder. I'm gonna make you wait..." And I'm all muttering "Son of ..." under my breath, and trying to get my heart rate back to normal.

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Broken Wings (Mr. Mister, original artist)

Every Time You Go Away (originally Hall & Oates, hit by Paul Young)

Everything I Do (I Do It for You) (Bryan Adams)

I Want to Know What Love Is (Foreigner)

I love these songs. Looking forward to the new ones...hate that Tears Run dry isn't there because damn if it doesn't fit the theme but on on the brighter side we get 3 really new songs.

clay co-wrote a song? Looking forward to hearing that one.

BWAH bottlecap. thanks for the hair diary.

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So bottlecap...where would this hair fit in your Diary...


I am loving the tracklist...some WTF moments...

but I bet TRD and BFM will be sang in concert and will come out in his next CD.

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Holy Hell, how am I supposed to get any work done?

And that picture is a total shout out to me, as a librarian! First he releases the album right after my birthday, and then he has a picture taken in the library. He loves me. He really does.

As far as the track list goes, I'm excited. This is going to be great. I'm fascinated by Here You Go Again recast as a ballad...that should be very interesting. My most favorite is going to be Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word -- my favorite EJ song evah!

I'm sure this track list has pissed off more than a few fans. But I can't be pissed...it's Clay, it's that incredibly voice, and it's that sexy man. I'm there.

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This picture right here? 44.jpg

Is to personally punish me for looking at the tracklist published this morning, and screaming "WTF were you thinking, dude! Does Clive now have your rumored titanium ones in a jar on his deck?!" In other words, I was less than pleased with some of the song choices when I left the house this morning. (Celine and Dolly - really?) Anyway, after some retail therapy, a good lunch, and a couple of copies of USA Today later, I was back on a more even keel about the whole thing, as I really do like most of the covers on the list.

Then I come home from the mall, log on, do a Yahoo search for "Clay Aiken", click on the Press Release, and get punched in the stomach with the above image. Holy Moly! "I know what you want, you needy b*tch, and you can look but not touch." Keep looking at me like that, dude, and you can sing "The Wheels on the Bus" and I'll still buy my requisite 8 copies.

I don't know if I want to go searching around for reactions or not while I'm still formulating my own opinion. On the other hand, I'm weak and addicted to the boards, so off I go.

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I will admit my first reaction at seeing Celine, Dolly and Bryan was...this is going to make some people's head explode!!!

BUT you know what...when you take these songs and take the original artist out of the equation...I totally love them. I didn't know what Here You Come Again was but when i heard it again I totally love that song and am very curious about how they were able to update that. The Celine song I always loved despite the singer. There is nothing here that I really would consider a dreck musically.

I think a lot of the reactions from the boards come from the anxieties we had aout this CD and all the discussion and speculating and people going ...it has to be A to make it to radio...of its B it will be a flop...etc. BUT really...do we know what will actually appeal to the public anymore?

This may not be the original concept Clay and Jaymes had...but I do believe the song choices and the production had a lot of Clay in it. I will reserve judgement on them since I haven't heard what he did with them.

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Well, I predict massive unrest in the fandom today - the cause? I would lay it squarely at the people who have been pushing "rocker" Clay, the same people who said that covers on a sophmore album would doom Clay twith a death knell that caused a major uproar earlier this year. Yes, the many experts out there. Clay fans really need to fly by the cuff and learn to ignore experts. This need to know, or at least to make up and pretend to know, is the least fun part of the fandom for me.

Personally, I have no problem with the play list. I don't think I know most of those songs (probably popular when I had something else going on in my life). I do know the Dolly song and feel that is a bit of an issue purely because it was used in an advertisement and overplayed. On the other hand, I can see where that might be one of Clay's favorite songs, kind of in the golden girls/country singer vein. I still think this will be a real hit in Asia, just from the picture on the cover of that album, that I have yet to see, but the hairdo will sell it.

ETA - My comments about Asia were statede poorly and sounded insulting. I was expecting that his voice is appealing already because of the fans he has in Korea and other Asian countires and the look is popular there as well and would add to it. My apologies to all Asian fans.

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Hi everyone, its me, its me that great big G. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.......

Did everyone miss me??????????? Just got home from being in the hospital since Saturday for that blasted anemia.

So four 1/2 days (two spent days in the e.r., because there were no beds for the sick), CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis, three procedures (upper and lower endoscopies and a PICC line), one bag of iron and two blood transfusions, so they thought that I was well enough to come home and I get back to all of THISSSS... when I am so doped up that I probably will have to reread my email at least a few times and will leave the snooping until tomorrow. Thank God for Demerol and Phenergan. Such wonderful sweet drugs.

I can't think straight right now, just wanted to check in.


:schwirr: :clown_4::nanaonacid::dancingnana:

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