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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Okay 2:15 in the morning here and I cannot sleep, so what do I do, get on the computer and check my email. Now I really cannot sleep. GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!!!! GOD did good when he made that man.

I am buying. Was going to buy two copies of CD. Now the ante is up to 4 :P

Tongue is definitely hanging out and I am smutting all over the place. LOL.


This album cover calls for many of these :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::dancingpickle::dancingpickle::dancingpickle:

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This album cover calls for many of these


What the heck do dancing broccoli have to do with.... :blink:

....hmmm... B)

unless, of course, one sees a resemblance to another cylindrical object with a rather....

protuberant head... ;)

yeah....I know...it's late, so the smutting is a bit raunchier....


All I know is that Clay's gonna sell a lot with that album cover.

Might sell some music, too.

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WHA????!!!! :o

Isn't that the exact same pose as the library shot, superimposed over a different background? Must go do research......

ETA: to add a youtube link for a music video shot in the LA house for Rebecca Lynn Howard - definitely the couch and end tables.

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I am so in love....

Not that I'm confessing or anything...but if Wal-Mart has, like, a big poster, and like, I sort of accidentally take one, or like, several, or like all of them...would that be a felony or a misdemeanor?

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I am so in love....

Not that I'm confessing or anything...but if Wal-Mart has, like, a big poster, and like, I sort of accidentally take one, or like, several, or like all of them...would that be a felony or a misdemeanor?

I think, if you have a female lawyer, she'll fight totally to have all charges dropped on you. Make sure you get a female judge too. :P

bottlecap, I sure do believe it is a photoshop. Not that I'm complaining or anything, though -- this cover is STRIKING. First of all, love the cityscape behind him; the bright blue (what IS it with him a blue? Maybe his favorite color is blue instead of orange?) makes the cover pop. More importantly to me, though, is the prominence of his name. Yes, I would say he's proud of this album -- and it also gives another "THAT'S Clay Aiken?" moment for those who see the album for the first time.

*sigh* I'm in love...even if he left the library for a silly cityscape. *sigh*

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I am so in love....

Not that I'm confessing or anything...but if Wal-Mart has, like, a big poster, and like, I sort of accidentally take one, or like, several, or like all of them...would that be a felony or a misdemeanor?

You're safe, KAndre 'coss I'll have snatched all the posterClays before you get a chance to! :P

(Hee! I said ''snatch" ^_^ )

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Well, I just dropped my Walmart rant on the political thread of CH. whinecouldn't they find a store that is more politically correct?

Exclusive content, I hate it when Clay makes me do things I don't want to do.

Now I have to call Walmart and see if they will open late for our Release party, just incase they have a special release CD. Crap.

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I hear ya, playbiller, I generally avoid Walmart because of what I've read about their business practices, but since it's all about Clay, I'll certainly cave if exclusive content is involved.

See, KAndre, if you happen to "liberate" a few posters, it's not stealing, it's "Making a political statement".

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Thanks for the scan, BC. Not enough content for me to buy the magazine, though.

OK, is anyone else tired of insider information, like thinking it is so close, can't we wait a few hours/days to get the scoop? I think it would reduce the stomache churing of the roller coaster if we con't have to count on something and find it is wrong.

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Thanks for the scan, BC. Not enough content for me to buy the magazine, though.

Heh. It is for me. I've bought magazines with LESS Clay content, why stop now? :P

OK, is anyone else tired of insider information, like thinking it is so close, can't we wait a few hours/days to get the scoop? I think it would reduce the stomache churing of the roller coaster if we con't have to count on something and find it is wrong.

*hands playbiller several Tums*

I know what you mean, both about WalMart and the roller coaster ride.

Point number 1: I have a love/hate relationship with WalMart. I read your rant, pb, and totally agree. And yet...I still buy there. Have a niece that works there. I think if I boycotted every store that I didn't agree on a position they take, I'd never be buying anything. I hate that it works that way.

Point number 2: the fandom, IMO, is ALWAYS going to be like that -- having to have any and all information NOW, even if it may turn out wrong later. There's simply no patience in most of the fans. I wish I could change that too, but I can't.

As for the cover possibly not being what was posted earlier...I'll deal. I think there's still something better coming.

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I actually subscribed to the freakin' AI Magazine last year - it was pretty cheap. Here's a link - warning: it opens to a cover picture of Constantine, so brace yourself to receive a third rate eyef**k. :blink: One of my co-workers gave me a copy of the last edition of the AI magazine that was free from the Cingular store, so that may be a possibility, too.

The album cover thingie doesn't totally surprise me. Clay looks fantastic in that pose, but to photoshop it into a different room? Seemed a little odd to me. Ah, well, to paraphrase Bonnie Riatt, "Let's give 'em something to talk about; A little mystery to figure out". 'Cause RCA sure wouldn't want to release a single or some more press about the CD or anything.... <_<

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I will add some scrolling aids

Walmart - It is one thing to say that most stores have questionable business ethincs, but to put the toys collected in the store back oin the shelf - 4 separate stores and not only 1 were caught doing that last year, so that probably means it was a business practice. No other chain store has been caught doing it and Walmart has been caught at this 2 years in a row. The fact that they never undercharge for anything, but many of thier large ticket items over charge by quite a bit is also suspect. I am not even getting into my tax dollars supporting their employee health care or any of the other stuff.

CD cover - don't care. It will be up soon enough. I am not completely sure it the picture is photoshpped, this manitor is a little too dark to tell, but it is the same model and clothes and pose - could be, and then again, he couldbe so practiced as being able to duplicate it from room to room - has anyone looked at the folds - yes the real cloth folds - to see if they fell the same?

CD release parties - I am already sick of them, nice pin though.

You can get the AI magazine on the stands near me - Constantine is strating to seem like Justin was, is it just me?

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playbiller, to my eyes, both the pictures of Clay are exactly the same. For instance, check out how the left side of his shirt collar sits inside the suit, the angle of his thumb, and how his bangs part. The brightness is a bit different, but the shadows on his face are the same.

What. I took the afternoon off to get my muffler fixed (an hour trapped in the Midas Muffler waiting room for an hour with a couple of whiny kids -eeekkk), so I have some spare time to spend on important Clay matters. :P

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Bottlecap, I want to seriously thank you for sacrificing your time in energy to bring us this important newsbreak. I know it was a sacrifice but for all your efforts I just know you will be blessed.

go here for Climmel tickets

Clay will be on sept 26.... i clicked on that link so fast!!

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What?!!!!? An actual appearance scheduled? Does RCA know that this slipped out????? HA!


:nana: :nana: :nana:

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Hooray for the Climmel!!!!! Watching Jimmy give Clay guff about the hair is going to be so worth it.

Oh yeah, hope Clay sings too. :blink:

I wanna hear amusing anecdotes about the "cold as mess" Eastern European trip and Clay's adventures with socialized medicine. And, oh yeah, the singing thing would be good too! :P Apologies in advance to whomever the other guest turns out to be - just ask the Nip/Tuck dude how following Clay works out.

Couchie and muskifest, you'll be calling in with lots of details as soon as the taping lets out, right?

So, here's hoping we get another little tidbit today, because Good Lord & Taylor, we wouldn't want any official album promotion to happen or anything..... :glare:

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Weeeellll, I do believe I shall be toddling off to Jimmy Kimmel as well...what is that you say? Have I lost my mind, you ask? Why, I do believe the answer is yes...but I'll be seeing my hot sexy boyfriend LIVE in a month!

Bottle, my darling bottle...you are so reasonable...have some more banana daiquiris...I shall add more on my groovitude in Chit Chat this afternoon (can't say I got it back as my groove is never missing...heh!)

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Hi Ladies,

September is going to be a busy month, first CD release. I have no idea if we are going to have a CD party in Georgia. I know that I WON'T go to Atlanta for a CD release party (I would definitely chance the craziness only for an eyeball to LONG eyeball look at HAIR), because of the above said craziness (traffic), but I would go to CD party in the middle Georgia area if I could find some people that was having one.

But I am getting off track here, and a Kimmel interview to boot. Hopefully, GMA and Diane will be in there somewhere with may be a Primetime Live interview or an hour long interview with Diane (a girl can always hope), not just a 5 minute hi and how are you doing thing!!!. Am I asking to much here LADIES (that includes you Bottle), LOL.

September is going to be a good month!!! Just for clack alone.

Was there any doubt: IN STYLE



EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE purty photo. Did I say that I love the color blue.


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