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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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AHHHHH some free time at last to write down my impression of the clips...

Bottlecap...I'm sure we can host the mp3...unfortunately it will have to wait till this evening when Couchie can upload it.

Play...EEEEEEEEEEE for seeing Clay !!!!

Now for these clips....overall, I love them!!!

RHW...I love the little groan i his voice. O like the arrangement and his voice is great. I don;t mind this song, I actually like the melody so I think this will be great way to start the CD.

LNM...Oh my, this was a favorite right away. I love the melody and the production. I can hear this in the radio...and Clay had a hand in it...EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

WY...This is just gorgeous...the wailing is intense!!!

EYGA....Very close to pervious version. looking forward to the whole song to see how they changed it up...but I love his voice on it.

Sorry...love this...I think this will be a tear jerker in the concerts.

WISYS...I really love his voice on this...the one that is msot rock ballady, althoguh its very close to the original again.

EID....I like the celtic feel of this song...it sounds very moody...better than Bryan's version

BYLM...I love the drums...and the hard beat ...he is gonna make me forget its a Celine song.

IWTKWLI...AH...this clip is so much better, more clay centric, very rocky

TOA..ok, this is my least favorite although his voice is stellar, its too celine dion like

HYCA...WOW this is sooooo sexy. I am loving it...toe curling..heh

EIH...I LOVE this...it makes me teary eyed it is so romantic and the piano by William Joseph makes it so romantic. I think this will be another favorite.

BW...I love the arrangement so far...another very celtic sounding I do want to hear the rest of the song.

All in all I think this CD will be fantastic. There really wasn;t any WTF moment for me. Beautiful voice and I bet he will just kill us all when we listen to the whole CD.

I will try not to listen to any more whole songs...these clips are a great way to wet the appetite.

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I'm reading the real time reports on The Insider - more photo shoot footage with "lots of bang-blowing", and mentions of the new album. Well alrighty then! Sounds good! Just another four hours for me before it comes on locally, by which time I will have seen all the screencaps and watched a download 6 times. I love the Clay Nation.

playbiller, you're sweet to offer, but I'm not up for travelling to the East Coast the week before Christmas. I'll be happy with good Clack. :D

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Then muski, you may want to skip the next bit: Clay sitting on what was either described a bearskin rug or a fuzzy bed spread.

Shoots of Clay talking while getting his hair done, but THE HAIR again does not speak audibly in The Insider piece. Like that's a big surprise.... :blink:

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Ah, yes, my dear bottle...I have already ventured there....someone on EAYOR suggested that Clay might be naked on said bearskin rug, to which I replied...

And Clay naked on a bearskin rug...nope. Not gonna happen...but dayum...I'll take him just sorta 'chilling' there....maybe another button undone at the neck...maybe the bottom button or two undone and sorta askew so that we see the beginning and promising end of the trail...

That would do me just fine, as I'm oh-so-sure Clay himself would. ;)

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Jus a lil sumpin sumpin for ya:


from starhorse at the CV.

I'm off to watch the clip now.... :D

ETA: Holy Crap - if that's Steeeeeve fluffing Clay's hair, he seems like he was a little rough. :unsure:

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Ok...I'll say here what I said at EAYOR when I saw these screencaps.


Just No.

I'm sorry, but these pictures SCREAM something that I'd just as soon people don't think when they see Clay...






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Maybe it's just me? He looks flaming gay to me...sorry, but he does. And the side pic of just his face? He looks all of 14...too pretty and delicate.

But then...I thought the ET 'exclusive' clips made him look effeminate in most of the shots...That's one reason I was absolutely


by the Library Boy pic...now THAT'S a hot man...

But to me in these screencaps....


Guess it's just me... :blink:

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muski, I think it's maybe the dark eyelashes and liner that make him look effeminate in some of the screencaps. Remember, he is made up for Miranda's cameras and lighting, not for the TV cameras. And I agree that the side shoot with the hair fixin' made him look very young.

What I'd really like to see are more of the shoots of Clay in the glassed-in corner. I love the silhouette stance the clips show.

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Okay, this has to be one of the funniest offerings ever from the LBFCA. Brilliant!

OMG! bottle! I just wrote this on EAYOR about that Broads' skit! :blink:

OH.MY.GOD. That is, by far, the most hilarious Broads' sketch EVAH!

Oh, PLEASE, PLEASE, Clay! Read this and have someone videotape you while you do and then put in on the OFC so that we can download it and watch it whenever we're feeling blue!

:blink: Hey, CG! We got another brain sharer here! :lol::unsure::lol:

Hey, I changed my avie again...whaddya think? Hot, huh? Lipbite, eyefornication AND smirk....just put that proverbial fork in me...cuz...

youknow.... :P

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ATDW clips

I put up kellyKellyK's clips of all the songs strung together.

thanks for the slap in the head Play...and the gentle poke KAndre... but I ain't begging to get back in the FCC...heee. Actually my boyfriend cheered me up quite nicely with his blog and then his little clips. I'm most looking forward to Broken wings, because you loved me, Here you come agaIN, the duet, and all the new songs.

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Maybe it's just me? He looks flaming gay to me...sorry, but he does. And the side pic of just his face? He looks all of 14...too pretty and delicate.

But then...I thought the ET 'exclusive' clips made him look effeminate in most of the shots...That's one reason I was absolutely


by the Library Boy pic...now THAT'S a hot man...

But to me in these screencaps....


Guess it's just me... :blink:

Its not just you, but then again, we share a brain! :lol:

And now I see we need to split it 3 ways! Is there enough to go around???

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bottle...nah...you're not either of those brain/wit things you mentioned. Or at least not one of them.

couchie Can't join whatever car you're in right now. Totally. I do like the duet (from this clip, that is) and I'm STILL hoping Broken Wings lets him break out more than he did in this clip. Do NOT like his 'coming again' and you KNOW I never thought I'd be saying THAT! :o

I am shocked, however, that I'm looking forward to hearing the whole Because You Loved Me...the little I heard actually sounds promising. But the one I'm MOST eager to get all of (besides the singer, of course) is Lonely No More.

The one that I wish would mysteriously disappear from all copies of the actual CD is Everything I Do I Do For You...what was he thinking? :blink:

I love my avie.

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I love my avie.

Wouldn't you love to know who brought out that smirk and what they said to Clay? It looks just the slightest bit wicked to me.

Maybe it was just "Pizza Hot Pockets all around when this set-up is done!", although I like to think it was something provocative Miranda said. ;)

Off to see what new discoveries the Clay Nation has made overnight.

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Alrighty, then.

Another Christmas appearance by shaggy man Clay...AGAIN in the Northeast.

yeah, i'm bitter. <_<

Don't be bitter - yet. Are there any small symphonies out there looking for a guest singer?

If not, you know there is always an air mattress with your name on it here in the east! Any conferences of business trips scheduled around that time???

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Tough to tell about what the Christmas schedule will be; so far all the dates ferreted out are within one week's time - from Saturday, 12/9 to Friday, 12/15. What that means - I dunno. And it's not only the west coasters that are getting antsy, the Raleigh people want the traditional hometown holiday gig, too.

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And it's not only the west coasters that are getting antsy, the Raleigh people want the traditional hometown holiday gig, too.

True...but we all know that it's all about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :lol: Hey, I can always rationalize a trip to North Carolina around the holidays. I'm from there originally and could take my mom back to visit cousins and such.... B) Got a great Clay friend in Clayton (who wishes it was the other way around, of course), right outside Raleigh and even have a future conference being held in Charlotte that I could drum up some urgent business to discuss with my contacts there....hee!

Broke my pledge and listened again to the clips as I did errands on my lunch break.

I'm liking them better. His voice really is uniquely incredible.

I love him.

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Hee. I am an extremely bad Clay fan. The just-discovered Grand Rapids, Michigan symphony date is three hours away from me, and I'm not even considering it. I've lived in the midwest all my life, but I hate to even think about the prospect of driving in snow.

I'm afraid a Christmas concert, especially if it's half symphony-only, might have to actually be in my city for me to consider it. How about it, Clay? The local symphony has a beautiful venue, and you sold out the local amphitheater for the JBT....

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