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Fingers crossed for a date near me!

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Had a grea t time at the Gala. Playbiller was sick so I went with mumm fums. It was a two hour drive each way, but we made it safely and easily. We got in at 5:30. At six there was an open bar for an hour. Recognized so many faces but not names. At seven we went in to eat. Salad and rolls and then chicken, broccoli and something white and mashed with textures. They also had coffee and cake. I don't eat sugar so passed up the salad dressing and cake. During dinner , Nick, Faye, Diane and Clay's uncle came around to each table. Mumm fums and I each got a hug from Clay. He looked great in a business suit. Beautiful skin. He was very slender. 

A woman in charge of NC Public Safety read a proclamation from Gov Roy Cooper proclaiming the day NIP day in NC. I was excited since I love Roy Cooper and NIP.

Clay's voice was fantastic. He is getting better than ever. I forgot what a great album MOAM is. The band was great as usual. 

Time went by so fast and before I knew it we were heading out to go home. To pay for your parking they have machines on each floor. We were at the bottom of the parking area and the machine did not work. We both tried several times. Finally I told Mum fums lers go up a level and try that machine.  So we took the escalator up a level. As we were getting off I saw a good looking teenager with longish air rushing out followed by a handsome man in a stylish suit and a woman. It was Clay and , I guess his son and didnt even see who the woman was. Clay said Thanks for coming and they were gone. 

I got home at 1:30 and was totally pooped on Sunday.



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I assume the woman was Jaymes.  She was seated next to Parker at the dinner.

This may be my favorite "Gala" that I have been at.   He looked great and his voice was wonderful on all songs.  You can never get enough Clay!!

My concert will not be to January.  Can not wait. 

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Impossible Dream is sang so well.  Have watched it a couple of times.  Clay's voice is just beautiful.  He is looking good.  

Got home from NC late Sunday night so yesterday had to grocery shop and do laundry.  Today did some work for the cpr classes I have to run on the 21st and now I am going to play euchre.  I know it is a Michigan thing. 

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Happy 20th anniversary to this album!  Gosh, that brings back memories of the release parties.  I drove up to a Chicago suburb, my introduction to Red Robin restaurants.  They let us stay to watch the Jay Leno interview with Clay, and then we all walked to the record store near the restaurant.  That place stayed open just for us.  The person I stayed with and I had neither listened to any of the clips, so on our drive back to her place (about 45-50 minutes) was just enough time for us to listen to the album for the first time.  The next morning, I drove back home and listened to it 2-3 times more.  It was an amazing time to be a Clay fan.

It still is today.  Love you Clay!


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