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It's the Pickle! Doing Unchained Melody. What the hell has she done to her hair? Is she trying to fake a brain? Foster gave us a heads up - this is dull and passionless. Hmph. I've heard better. Let me go play it.

I don't know - I really thought Kat was terrible, and Elliot was the best I've heard him.

Paris is doing "The Way We Were" - I wonder if she will try and do Gladys Knight's version. Why yes she is. Right down to the laugh. And she even has the Gladys flip of the seventies! But Gladys sounds twenty times better.

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WOW...that was the worse Unchained melody ever done in the show...even that guy on season 2 that Simon said sounded like a waiter...sounded better.

I really think its time for her to go!!!! Sorry DJs...

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No, Paris, NOO NO NO NO No sob Don't sing The way we were - I hate, abhor, loathe that song.

OOOOH, the split screen of something or other

Ah, the Gladys Knight version, thanks - I didn't want to wander around listeningto music tryingto figure out who she was this time.. Just once I would like to see a Paris version of something. The girl can sing, but never as herself.

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GOd she was annoying...and its like either the key was too low and she was getting pitchy or she was giving total power. Not mid point for her...

that bobbing head.....she is totally like a bobble head doll...

WOW Simon was really pissed he got cut off the last time...I think it was totally disrespectful. They only have 6 singers...don;t know why they had to cut him off like that.

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Next week, two songs each - do we think thay can handle that? will we ever get another group song out of them? Just reminds me how spoiled we were when we watched Ai starting with season 2. There was no halfway home special either - lazy bones.

Of course all the working with the guests could be eating an hour or so out of thier week.

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I have a yearning to see Ruben's disembodied singing head & pyramids & other things be used as a background, with no sound.

For Taylor.

Because when I finally go, I want to be laughing.

Taylor seems to be channeling Michael MacDonald, in rehearsal.

Too high and strained.

Both of them.

eta - that wasn't v. great.

So far Elliot did best.

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YUCK...Taylor sounded better in rehearsal...started off truly tentative and pitchy...

he really does not have a good voice ...totally pitchy.

One of his worse performance...

he really can't handle the soft moments...YUCK YUCK ...I like that song but he murdered it for me.

glad the judges were honest here...but I bet lots of people will see conspiracy...on this perfromance...he was just BAAAAAAAAAD.

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My god, they should never use that camera angle on Taylor - he has no jaw! He just doesn't sound good to me. And is way too spastic. And stares into the camera weirdly.

So far, the only one I've like tonight is Elliott.

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I like the guitar player with Chris. Not too fond of Chris though - machine gun vibrato in full effect.

I don't know if I can explain this, but he seems to be singing "around" some notes. INstead of actually singing them.

Please get that white jacket that buckles in the back for Paula.

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Chris admits to learning something from Foster and Bocelli.

I'll be damned. He is singing more from his diaphragm. Still a little goaty, and a little too growly for this song.

My rankings:






The Pickle.

and if there is any justice in this world - the Pickle will be dumped in vinegar and sent home to Vlasic.

Paula is like, totally, drunk.

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Ok do they want to save Chris?

I think so...special staging and those guitars?

Lets see what the judges say...I am a little mixed on this...he didn;t do well on the soft parts...

OK...truly manipulation time...they needed to build up Chris...

I did like the ending but the beginning was bad.

So the ones getting propped bu were Chris and Elliott...

Taylor just really did a lousy job tonight.

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my rankings tonight...

Kat...I really liked the way she played around with this song so it can fit her vocals...it was not Whitney...but it was Kat...

Chris...I don't think he started well...but he ended very powerfully

Elliott...I liked him in parts...but there were times when he would look down like he was tentative and he totally lost power in the end...I thought Simon was pretty cagey in what he said...In parts it was like a master class...so he does acknowledge that he wasn't consistent.

Paris...too low and song too old

Taylor...totally murdered that song. Thats a very lovely song and I totally didn;t hear that on his version

Kellie...wow that was just boring and painful.

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Well, I had to unexpectedly help with some math homework, so I missed the show in real time.  I'm watching the tape now, because I have to be able to inflict my opinions on my coworkers tomorrow.  You guys get a break from me this week.  B)

Awww...want to hear your opinion...its not too late!!!

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Hrrrmmmpppffff! <_<

As a dutiful mother of an elementary school kid, I am taking part in the "Turn Off Television" week. Which means, of course, I did NOT see AI last night, nor will I see the results show tonight.

Your comments are cracking me up. Thank you.

The only thing I can say about Pickle singin UM...is she must have some huge balls hiding under those down home bluejeans... :blink: I might even fast forward that one when I watch the tape of this show next week!

Ah...AI2---those were the days.

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