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I just want to add that it is not like this one incident was the issue for me, because at the time, and afterwards, people did say they did not see her as being intrusive (the way I did). She always seemed to grab my attention, in an irritating way, and pretty much did that every single week. When she got thwarted she was not a pretty sight. Plus she was almost business-like or on automatic pilot when she grabbed the spotlight.

Kimbermeeeee sort of reminds me of one of my nieces - actually my niece looked almost identical to Kimmeeee - my niece was used to getting anything she wanted because of her looks, and she got kind of ugly when she didn't get her way. Any time she got in trouble or didn't get what she wanted she blamed it on people being jealous of her looks.

I remember Kimmmeeeee saying petty things about Clay, but that was just icing on the cake. Sometimes when I say I don't care for someone because of what they say about Clay, I get made fun of for defending Clay. Actually, it is not so much defending Clay (or his family or acquaintances or business associates), but seeing the true character of someone peek out, it is not pretty. I just had not paid attention before.

I do think Kimberme's mom seemed a scary stage mom, though, and perhaps she was raised to act that way and did not possess the ability to see why she should act differently when she got old enough to think about it. Or maybe this is what it is really like behind the scenes in entertainment and we just happened to get a glimpse. Like a motel bar version of All About Eve :-)

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If Kim were close with Charles, would she have been smiling when he was voted off? She just started to cry after Clay held her and she was flailing her arms around while he held her, not holding him back. I can't remember, maybe I taped it at the time, but I saw a better version of this and not only does Clay grab her and pull her to him by the back of her belt when she starts out again after Charles escorted her to the side, but before the pull, most guys look at each other in a way that indicated they were thinking of what to do. Who knew the gold had, I used to tape shows to watch later because I was in a property dispute with two different businesses and had to be in town court each Tuesday and Wednesday night, in case I had to testify. Won one and lost one. Wonder if I still have the tapes?

It is funny, Clay had an interesting relationship to Trenyce, who was good buddy to KimC. She was very supportive until the tour and the massive fan reaction for Clay. The worst thing I heard her say is that Clay and Ruben got extra help on the show and the others did not - help as in more time with Byrd and Orland - vocal coach and arranger, but never anything personal like Kim C. The tour was where Clay had to get a body guard and have separate meet and greets from the others because of the fans being rude to others, like passing before everyone and ignoring them untilthey got to Clay, themn walking away before having Ruben sign anything, and pretty manipulative to get into the M&Gs. Then there was the screaming during the show and leaving during others performances.

Kim was mostly comments like he was a diva and had to have his own way.....After the show when rumors started, she jumped in on Clay not liking girls because he did not fall all over her. At the beginning of the show, Kimberme had a thing going on with the guy who was supposed to become the hot sexy male contestant JD Adams (not voted in in his group despite undeserved praise), their relationship fizzled shortly after she ws voted on the show and he was not.

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If Kim were close with Charles, would she have been smiling when he was voted off? She just started to cry after Clay held her and she was flailing her arms around while he held her, not holding him back. I can't remember, maybe I taped it at the time, but I saw a better version of this and not only does Clay grab her and pull her to him by the back of her belt when she starts out again after Charles escorted her to the side, but before the pull, most guys look at each other in a way that indicated they were thinking of what to do. Who knew the gold had, I used to tape shows to watch later because I was in a property dispute with two different businesses and had to be in town court each Tuesday and Wednesday night, in case I had to testify. Won one and lost one. Wonder if I still have the tapes?

It is funny, Clay had an interesting relationship to Trenyce, who was good buddy to KimC. She was very supportive until the tour and the massive fan reaction for Clay. The worst thing I heard her say is that Clay and Ruben got extra help on the show and the others did not - help as in more time with Byrd and Orland - vocal coach and arranger, but never anything personal like Kim C. The tour was where Clay had to get a body guard and have separate meet and greets from the others because of the fans being rude to others, like passing before everyone and ignoring them untilthey got to Clay, themn walking away before having Ruben sign anything, and pretty manipulative to get into the M&Gs. Then there was the screaming during the show and leaving during others performances.

Kim was mostly comments like he was a diva and had to have his own way.....After the show when rumors started, she jumped in on Clay not liking girls because he did not fall all over her. At the beginning of the show, Kimberme had a thing going on with the guy who was supposed to become the hot sexy male contestant JD Adams (not voted in in his group despite undeserved praise), their relationship fizzled shortly after she ws voted on the show and he was not.

WOW this is all news to me. I am stunned that Trenyce would say that, I noticed that she and Clay seemed close, they were part of the same group waiting to be told if they were in the Top 32.

You're right, Kimbermeee should have been crying when his name was announced, not happily dancing and trying to steal the limelight when he was doing his last performance.

Well I will be watching Kimbermeee with different eyes and ears now. Her loss, HUGE loss....from what I know of Clay now .... the definition of "loyal friend" can be summed up in two words "CLAY AIKEN". He has shown such incredible loyalty to the people he loves and who stood by him. e.g. Quiana and a bunch of others who were important to him long before American Idol was even a concept.

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Claytonic, I think it is not so much a case of even bothering to dislike Kimberme now. Even worse in her eyes, probably, I don't think about her at all unless she is right in front of me. Not me in particular *g*, but I don't think she came out of AI with the fan base she thought she would have.

I think that rankled quite a few of the contestants, at that time it was not apparent that most of the screams and support would only last until the next season.

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Well, season 2 was early on, it has changed about season 4 where more opportunities presented themselves to non-winners. I think Clay being a success had a lot to do with that. I remember LaToya London saying after top 4 perfromance in season 3 that she had made it far enough and she would be successful now, so people believed her and voted her off - anyone see her lately? Actually she is in a toruing company for Chicago out west some where, and her album sold about 20K. Diana DiGarmo, after the seaon 3 finale, was on Leno and said she was fine with being number 2, look at Clay Aiken, then she had to work very very hard to get any success, she is being bullied on a country singing reality show right now.

Kim was a child star who was pushed by her Mom, after she was voted off, her mother was bragging on line that Kim had a lot of offers, was going to start working on her album with Randy and what's her name the famous song writer (some people were jealous Clay did not get this - HA!), She said that there would be tours and Kim would have great parties in her mansion. And her fans waited for that album, first a pop album, then a rock album when Kelly started going rock, now a country album (amybe influenced by Carrie?). Right now she hasa cut on an album you get free if you buy two quarts of ice cream. Kim is successful enough to have a regular job, but it is in AI related stuff only. She got a small 5 minute movie role in a horror movie where she was hacked to death. She makes enough that she bought a small house, but mansions are not there yet. She is down to 3 posters on her wesite. I think it didn't work out quite as planned. If she was voted off 7th last year, she would have had her album out already.

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