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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. You know, sometimes it's really, really hard to be concerned about Clay's career when your own career had a "come to Jesus" moment -- which is what I had today. I have to find it in me to get myself back on track, and fast. I don't need to be perfect with what I need to do, but I've got to find the strength in myself to just do it. Anyway -- I too think speculation is fine, to a point. However, I've seen way too many times where speculation becomes fact in this fandom. It happens with Clay's career -- "OMG, Clay's leaving RCA!" ad infinatum until it becomes truth. It's happening the same way with Clay's personal life too. The thing is, we don't know, and we will NEVER know, what is going on in Clay Aiken's personal OR professional lives. We can't control it. So, sometimes the speculation IMO becomes counterproductive. If the speculations can stay speculations (the letters "IMO" and "JMO" should be used liberally), I'm pretty good. (BTW, lots of royal "we" there...) justclay, yeah maybe RCA put him in a box with his musical stylings. But, I always add two things to this: 1) we don't know how much Clay himself has put that box around him. To me, he tends to like the ballads, he tends to like music with orchestrations and melodies. So while there probably was a "mandate" (ew, I said that word), he worked with it and made it work best he could. 2) I tend to believe that pretty much ALL record companies put their artists in boxes. They aren't in it for the art, they are in it for the money, and right now, they are literally just throwing things at the walls to see what sticks. I really don't think the music business knows what it is doing, and it may be a good time for Clay to hang back a bit to see what shakes down. Honestly -- I don't know what Clay's career plans are. I almost want him to totally back away from it for a while, just to give some fans the "come to Jesus" moment I mentioned earlier in my job. I love him dearly, am totally overinvested in some ways regarding him, and yet, if he left, I could handle it. (And probably pull my real job back into major focus). I'm not so sure about others, and I sometimes think some cold water would help. Now, do I really think he'll back away? Nope. He's said he's got plans for the year. I believe him. But I'll wait. Patiently. And I'm not going to speculate what him wanting to know about the dates for the Independent tour are. Sorry for the downer post. justclay, in preview I see a new post from you, and I DO agree with it.
  2. Checking in at the reference desk real fast (please don't tell on me!) to suggest that someone point out the FCA timeline to him! LOL!
  3. For Fear: According to the CH archives, this picture of Clay and Diana DeGarmo was taken on October 3, 2006. That's probably about the time of the Martha appearance.
  4. Jerome's gotta be at least six foot six. merrieeee, I don't normally drool over scruffy much either, but that picture? GAH. I think for me it's the addition of the glasses....
  5. For tribeca: I think probably others have pictures of JohnD from his dancing at the JNT2005.
  6. merrieeee, you're NOT the first person I've seen say that comment. Hee. Wait? Do we have a new picture to torture merrieeee with? Maybe we should start posting this one on every page! I think he looks freakin' adorable. Thread title?
  7. I've been reading around today too, and I've seen this mentioned several times. Here's my opinion on that: I don't care. Honestly, I think Clay's gonna have a career. A good career. (Heck, IMO, he's had a pretty good one already...) And I have every confidence in Clay that he'll do what feels best for him in regards to his career. If it takes him more "behind the scenes," so be it. If it keeps him on Broadway, so be it. I've always been one that has felt that he's much more of an entertainer than simply a really great singer, so if the recording thing somewhat goes away, I truly think he'll find another outlet for his creativity -- and his humor. Or not. He'll do what he wants. If that doesn't involve "touring," yes, I'll be incredibly sad. But I'll deal. And I certainly hope he doesn't listen to ME for ideas on his career. I love that mess of a man.
  8. clayzy, I'll have to go through my photobucket account, because I know I have it there. There's a picture of Clay, promo picture for the JNT 2004, where it looks almost as if Clay has a Fauxhawk. Many (OK, most) fans HATED the picture. I just laughed. Hee. ETA: found it. I'll just post a link, since so many want to avoid it, LOL: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y249/ldyj...uxhawk_1024.jpg Speaking of pictures... Found on Openly Clay, and it's supposedly from RHT. Anyone know where it came from? Looks as if it's from 2007 -- maybe Gala time? Beard, long hair, rings -- but also glasses. *fans self*
  9. 10 Facebook Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know The biggest revelation in this article, for me, was the friends list (the first one there). I like that option a lot. Anyway, I think that's the article luckiest is talking about. couchie, I've gotten sucked into the Facebook thing, and it's really fun. But -- you have to pick and choose which things you want to do with it. I just have fun with it, for the most part. (But my library is also looking at setting up a Library "fan page" so students can come to it for information about our library...) couchie, that wasn't a dream, but we all know Clay's definition of "soon." *g* And that board you mentioned is "Openly Clay."
  10. Combine these two posts and you've got me (except for the "rooster hair," because that made me laugh and laugh, hee). I didn't mind John, and he seemed (possibly seems, current tense -- who knows?) like a good friend. But at the same time, whom Clay sleeps with is no matter to me (curiosity aside -- is that bad of me?). This message brought to you by "(" and ")". *g*
  11. liney, can you hook up your computer with PowerPoint on it to a projector? Because I'm pretty sure there's a way to make a PPT loop as you are asking within PowerPoint. OK, off to try and get tickets to see Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home Companion live....
  12. playbill.com Broadway Bears Raises Over $150,000 for BC/EFA; Spamalot Bear Is King
  13. From mustbeme at CV: This looks like an "ambush" video to me, but I love the way Ruben handles it. Answers that are short, sweet, and to the point...good for Ruben. ____ playbill.com Broadway Bears Raises Over $150,000 for BC/EFA; Spamalot Bear Is King
  14. Gulp. I remember him looking good that night, but wow.... Gulp.
  15. Totally off topic (as if Leonard Cohen isn't kinda sorta off topic, hee) -- this is for KAndre:
  16. Scarlett, I haven't downloaded yet, but I certainly don't remember a clack down when I was taking clack. Matter of fact, I had a "security" person standing next to me the entire concert. He even said "nice camera!" LOL! So I don't know what happened during the Motown medley for you not to have the entire thing.... And I'm pretty sure the vaults already have the Pip picking clip. I think that was the one clip you immediately did after the show. He was so freakin' close to me, and that new hubby was so cute.
  17. I liked that the Mom and Son came in first, and I LOVED that Phil signed to the son. That was cool! I also liked the stuntmen brothers -- they seem like they could be really a team to beat. Hubby and I always try to decide who would do the challenges. We couldn't decide on who would do the bungee -- hubby is definitely afraid of heights, but I would have been really nervous too. Anyone who was fighting, I want out now! Hee.
  18. NEW SEASON! Well, that commercial cutaway doesn't bode well for the couple from Virginia. He sounds like he's going to be someone to "love to hate." I like almost all the rest of the couples so far, though. We'll see. Give me another couple of episodes to see if I can find a couple I REALLY like. HOLY CRAP! That's some bungee jump!
  19. Are we going to meet in the Amazing Race thread? We'll start on this page!
  20. The BAF website has this up: Golfing for Inclusion 2009 Summary I'm on the laptop though, and can't get the pictures to show up. Anyone else having that problem? As for the topic du jour at the moment...I see claytonic's point, in that I do tend to think that ignoring is really the best policy, and that posting on a public board sometimes doesn't help. Having said that -- I'm a fan of venting, and have done that over here several times throughout my years here. And I totally agree with couchie that much of this crazy fandom needed to see the light of day in order to exactly point out how crazy it was, without making it go much further. Sometimes I envy the people who are fairly new in this fandom -- IMO they may not have to ever experience some of the "gates" this fandom has experienced for weeks at a time. OTOH, people tend to learn from "history" and I think that's where some of us who have been here from the beginning tend to get our experiences. As for the "support" boards (and I believe there are more than just one) -- to me it's just wallowing. It's nice that they've got their own place, but I don't see it helping them in the long run. IMO it's just adding to their anger and continuing to perpetrate it in their lives (not to mention when they go elsewhere to make their point). Shoot...it seems like it's time for a few pretty pictures... YAY couchie!
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