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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Just chatted with couchie -- she's still sicker than a dog. I recommended Nyquil, as it got me through my latest bout of the creeping crud. Anyway, she had taken her Mom to the doctor's office for a regular appointment -- but as they were finishing, her Mom spaced out in front of her and the doctor, and they ended up taking her to the emergency room once again! It sounds as if she is having more tests. So, keep couchie and her mom in your thoughts....
  2. I'm going to the touring company of Spamalot this Friday night. While I'm a bit bummed that I'm not going to see Richard Chamberlin (Chicago is the city immediately AFTER our stop), I'm pleased because I'm getting to see Jonathan Hadary again. I really enjoyed his take on King Arthur, thought him a bit more "regal." Not to say I didn't like Siberry -- he fit the Monty Python spirit a bit better. I'll come back over the weekend with a report.
  3. Clack Unlimited has the string quartet album here. I remember downloading it way back when, but laughed through most of it. It's really silly, IMO. And I too like string quartet music!
  4. *hands out Kleenex to the sickies* *hands out surgical masks and hand sanitizer to the rest of FCA* jmh, I totally agree with your post earlier. Yes, I admitted earlier that I watch "What Not to Wear" -- doesn't mean I believe everything they say though! Hee. As far as color combinations -- the thing is, they change every darn season. One year brown and blue don't go together at all; the next year they do. Who decides this anyway? Oh well.... Other than that...'nuthin'. It was a long day at work!
  5. SmartyPantsSuz from CV has posted her yearly "My Favorite Things" montage: I think there's something in my eye now....
  6. Lordy, I wish you could videotape that dream and show it to us--I would love to see that! I had the same thought! BWAH! djs, how can they sell Orville Reddenbacher popcorn if some of the younger folks don't know who he is? *g* *goes back to fantasizing about removing that bowtie slowly from Clay* ETA:
  7. :pickme: But you probably figured that, didn't you? Wait, you promised to share! I'm part of the sisterhood of the traveling green sweater! Oh yeah. Is it my week with the sweater yet? *pets green sweater longingly*
  8. From cgirl at the CH regarding the inauguration: Fear, I saw some of the press conference with Shrub today. Blargh.
  9. tribeca, love your avatar. And that's sweet with your donations, and your nieces as well. I actually think Orville! Redenbacher! Clay! is all kinds of hawt. Although I hadn't considered the Les Nessman connection....hmmm. As long as Clay doesn't think turkeys fly, we'll be fine.
  10. Just got an email from Aron Hall at the BAF: Link to auction items I'd LOVE to have the Proud of Your Boy sheet music....
  11. Awww, I love me some Professor Aiken. Loud ties and all. I'm not one to normally say things about the hair, but that hair looks perfect to me. Nice color, nice cut. Heidi, I never notice the sideburns either. I'm usually too busy looking at his grin.
  12. Curtain call should be finished now. It's amazing how this show has touched us all.
  13. Nope. Won't happen. I'm glued to the boards all night tonight. *g* I've always loved "Professor Aiken." Wonder if he's wearing tweed suit? Or would that be "tReed" suit? ICG indeed. From the article via merrieeee above: The man's been stylish for years....it's just that many of us thought "old man sweaters" were out. Who knew? [tm King Arthur]
  14. Songs I listen to over and over again: On MOAM -- Perfect Day, hands down. Second on that list would be Invisible. On ATDW -- HYCA, EIH, and BW, all three together, in repeat. A gazillion times. One that moved up on the list for me a LOT after the tour in 2007 was BYLM. On OMWH -- WIDL, TRM, WOTW, and ALAWH, again all four together, in repeat. I also do a lot of OMWH the song. Christmas/holiday music: AIW and WAYDNYE. I think I forgot to say "congrats on the good class grades" to annabear! I hope everyone tonight at Spam has a fantastic time, even if it will be bittersweet. *sob* EEEEEEEEEEE for Clay sighting there!
  15. Well...I personally think eyeboinks, especially those done by Clay Aiken, can NEVER be overdone. Lotus, we've never seen these two videos in their entirety. The only one shot at that time that saw the light of day before this was WY. However, I've gotta believe that there were a bunch of these done, because they used footage for the one minute ATDW commercial. Airbrushed, natural, fan shot pictures, professional photo shoots -- heck, it's still Clay. *frantically cleans rose-colored glasses*
  16. cindi, to answer your questions: 1) According to Reed's MySpace (and yes, I went there to check ), he's 26. I've also read 27 -- so maybe he had a birthday? 2) George W. Bush, right before Christmas 2008, visited Iraq. During a press conference, an Iraqi reporter threw not one, but two shoes at him. This is ultimate sign of disrespect in Iraq.
  17. From the CH: Youtube may take them down, so maybe somebody can grab it? The next one is Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word. She's sending it soon.... GUH. And I'm not even all that fond of that particular song!
  18. I'm in, just for the sake of I like the idea of grinding with Clay. *g* And if you won't let me sing, I'll play handbells.
  19. anna, going through the archives here, this is the only one I can find that was publicly posted: Did you poke your eye out?
  20. annabear, the pictures I linked to in my photobucket are from clayaikenpix. Sob. I miss that site.
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